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DACA illegal aliens surged Hispanic vote, flipping GOP counties blue


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.

The illegals may not have voted, but they did get out the latino vote among those who could legally vote. And eventually those illegals will vote too, the Dems will see to that.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.

The illegals may not have voted, but they did get out the latino vote among those who could legally vote. And eventually those illegals will vote too, the Dems will see to that.
Let me know when they change the laws so illegals can vote.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.
The elite in your party aren't inviting them in by the tens of thousands out of the kindness of their hearts.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.

The illegals may not have voted, but they did get out the latino vote among those who could legally vote. And eventually those illegals will vote too, the Dems will see to that.
The Dems will help them achieve citizenship, and then they will vote.
It would be stupid to pretend that for every illegal immigrant here there aren't at least five citizens who are related/know this person and of course it matters in the voting booth. Of course it does.
It's time Congress got to work and did something positive for the folks that are here and at the same time take steps to stop more from coming illegally.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.
The elite in your party aren't inviting them in by the tens of thousands out of the kindness of their hearts.
I dont think they care what the reasons are. They want to be safe and with their family members.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.
The elite in your party aren't inviting them in by the tens of thousands out of the kindness of their hearts.
No, the elites of both parties/no party are inviting them in to work for peanuts and they'll put in office anyone who will take their cash contributions and make sure the laws don't make it impossible for illegals to get here. They are needed in some people's work force!
Funny. So far the only election fraud that’s been uncovered are Republicans. And I think some will be going to prison. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
MW is the kind of person that the Russian trolls target.
not just her.... the real Russian enablers are sites like infowars, gateway pundit, briebart, true pundit, even Fox, who push the initially Russian created propaganda on to people like Mind Wars, en mass. :eek:
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.

The illegals may not have voted, but they did get out the latino vote among those who could legally vote. And eventually those illegals will vote too, the Dems will see to that.
The Dems will help them achieve citizenship, and then they will vote.
It would be stupid to pretend that for every illegal immigrant here there aren't at least five citizens who are related/know this person and of course it matters in the voting booth. Of course it does.
It's time Congress got to work and did something positive for the folks that are here and at the same time take steps to stop more from coming illegally.

Oh no! People who cannot vote are urging those who can to vote??!!

Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.

The illegals may not have voted, but they did get out the latino vote among those who could legally vote. And eventually those illegals will vote too, the Dems will see to that.
The Dems will help them achieve citizenship, and then they will vote.
It would be stupid to pretend that for every illegal immigrant here there aren't at least five citizens who are related/know this person and of course it matters in the voting booth. Of course it does.
It's time Congress got to work and did something positive for the folks that are here and at the same time take steps to stop more from coming illegally.

Agreed, I just think that a wall/fence/barrier/whatever you want to call it should be one of those steps. Obviously not all along that 2000 mile border, there are some natural barriers (mountains, deserts) where you don't need it. But there are some places where it does make sense and is effective:

Robust fencing made an enormous difference in stopping illegal crossings in Yuma, Arizona. The area had only about 5 miles of fencing in the mid-2000s, then saw the extent of its fencing increase tenfold. Illegal crossings plummeted.

Yuma got that additional fencing thanks to the passage of the Secure Fence Act in 2006 on a bipartisan basis, prior to the Democratic Party becoming unsettled by the prospect of putting physical barriers in the way of illegal entrants.

The wall isn’t the most important immigration enforcement measure. Requiring employers to verify the legal status of their employees would be much more consequential. But the wall has taken on great symbolic significance.

Congressional Democrats Oppose Wall & Any Immigration Enforcement | National Review

Senators like Schumer, Obama, and Clinton must've thought a border impediment? wasn't ineffective or immoral in 2006, so what changed? Aside from the political angle that is. In concert with other measures such as E-Verify, drones, more border agents with better equipment, etc., a wall sends a clear message to migrants: it ain't going to be easy to get in and it ain't going to be easy to find work even if you do make it. A symbolic significance indeed, you're not going to get 100% deterrence or security, but you can minimize the problem quite a bit.
Illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program helped surge the Hispanic vote in the midterm elections, which resulted in historically GOP counties turning blue for Democrats.
DACA Illegal Aliens Surged Hispanic Vote, Flipping GOP Counties Blue

Let them in, let them in . oh are you not so proud of your pathetic selves as you allow them in and they sooner or later will sicken your children or grandchildren...............
Prove those illegals voted.
The elite in your party aren't inviting them in by the tens of thousands out of the kindness of their hearts.
No, the elites of both parties/no party are inviting them in to work for peanuts and they'll put in office anyone who will take their cash contributions and make sure the laws don't make it impossible for illegals to get here. They are needed in some people's work force!

I could be wrong OL, but I don't see this as a cost of labor issue cuz I'm sure the unions don't like the inflow of illegals that undercut their leverage. Are there a bunch of rich people and big corps contributing big money to the Dems for Open Borders? Doubt it, they got other concerns IMHO, such as AGW. I believe this is a voting issue, the Dems want more latino voters now and more illegal voters down the road when they finally become citizens.
the article is so so so poorly written with no journalistic standards or basics...

the contention is NOT that theses DREAMERS were illegally voting as the headline and most of the article tried to imply, but that they got the LEGAL Hispanic American CITIZENS who were registered to vote, to actually get off their butts, and go out, to vote, by calling them and reminding them, to go out and vote!

As I have mentioned many many times before in various posts, Hispanic citizens are the least likely people to go out and vote.. statistics show this, election after election, a very low percentage of legally registered Hispanic voters, actually show up at the polls to vote.

And I have even mentioned that it is bull crud that Dems support illegal immigration because they want their votes, and then I usually also point out that illegals can not vote and that we do not even need their votes....

all the Dems needed was for LEGAL HISPANIC American citizens to go out and vote, and we would win in every future election as long as the Republican party continues to ignore these citizens!!! imo....

The article then goes in to a side bar about naturalized American citizens then being able to bring their parents here blah blah blah blah.... and them voting, but doesn't mention that it takes at minimum, those entering on legal VISAs to immigrate here, have to wait 5 years before applying for citizenship, and once they get it, it takes a few years living here as a citizen before applying for their parents to be able to come, and then once the parents get here, another 5 years for them to have a clean record and show that they supported themselves without government assistance before they could apply for citizenship, if they even wanted to. None of these people are going through all of this process just because they want to vote..... and give Democrats a win.... it is the least of their concerns.... proven by Hispanic American citizens not showing up to the polls to vote, unless dragged, kicked, and pulled there...

Chain migration is not a bad thing, it is a stabilizing thing for all Americans to have a close knit family around...

My father married overseas, an Italian girl (she spoke fluent English)... a half year or so later when his overseas tour was up he got Stationed back to the USA... a few years later, after my sister and I were born, mom became an American citizen, and a few years after that, my Italian grandparents, who were very very rich, richer than my American born grandparents...that's for certain, got a Visa to emigrate here.... I think I was about 3 years old when they arrived, and from that point onward, I had grandparents, loving, wonderful, caring, hard working grandparents, that were anxious and excited and proud to some day become American citizens, of which they both did, 5 years after they got here.... I had them for 40 years before they passed onward and am grateful for every darn minute, I had them.

I don't think they ever voted? Maybe, eventually, my grandfather did... cuz he was able to somewhat speak English but I don't know for a fact that he ever did..I dunno,

my grandmother...well... not so much on the speaking English front, but not for the lack of trying....never had a problem getting a job or grocery shopping in NYC, even without speaking our language... her boss and the lady who worked next to her, spoke Italian and English...

I think they felt America was a wonderful place and the Americans who understood politics were doing a fine job with our nation and voting, and they didn't want to mess anything up by voting themselves! :lol:

My point is, there is nothing wrong with chain migration, limited to immediate family of the naturalized citizen, and having to qualify before accepted... you have to be able to show you will provide for yourselves and not need govt assistance, and have a USA sponsor sworn to take care of you, if you fall in to a bad way, and can not provide for yourself... get shots, clean bil of health, all before being accepted and coming here...

My grandparents being here, actually had the money to help my parents and us kids... my dad was simply an enlisted man.... didn't make much at all in the Air Force... not in the beginning of his service... it wasn't until taking courses/classes, many promotions later, and a tour in Viet Nam with combat pay, that we as a family, actually had some money... my Italian grandparents were pillars that my parents relied on, for a decade at least...!!!

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