DACA is nothing more than a back door to amnesty for illegals that will be repeated.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
With each generation of new illegals brought here as children. It's will become worse than the anchor babies problem.
If made law this will set a precident that WILL be repeated every ten to 15 years.
I hope when it comes up it is defeated and at the very least these illegals should NEVER be given citizenship.
Indeed. Bad enough we would let them stay.. but citizenship? REALLY?
Of course, what else do you expect from Washington? Repub or dem. Obama or trump.
Its all the same. Just minor details are different. Mostly rhetoric.
Would you accept the DACA deal. Wall. End chain migration, end the lottery? I would but only for the DACA who paid the $500.00 and signed up. The rest are sol. Oh, and not a promise for a wall an actual wall.
Would you accept the DACA deal. Wall. End chain migration, end the lottery? I would but only for the DACA who paid the $500.00 and signed up. The rest are sol. Oh, and not a promise for a wall an actual wall.
But what about the 50%(or whatever) of illegals that dont come through the border? The wall, chain migration or the lottery wont stop that.
We must cut off incentive.
Fuck all illegals
If we did that, we wouldnt need a wall. Of course, actually FIXING the problem wont ever be an option. It is Washington.. They love them some band-aids. Not actual solutions
Huge heroin bust this week, half of those arrested in the sting were illegals. Slam the door shut on Mexico and lets process some quality immigrants into our country.
Mexico is not our friend. How do you think the El Salvadoran MS 13 gang got here? Yep! Mexico opened their border and let them pass through.
Trump should veto any agreement on DACA. Because any agreement would be a WIn-Win for the Open Borders Globalists. He should instead do everything in his power to secure the border and end Illegal Immigration once and for all. That's what the People really want. The agreement they're negotiating right now, doesn't accomplish that in any way, shape, or form. Trump shouldn't agree to anything they're discussing at this point. Period, end of story.
That's why we have to stop DACA unless we get the RAISE act i.e. reduced LEGAL immigration, MANDATORY e-verify(so employers will STOP hiring illegals), NO chain migration, & the WALL!!

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