Dad Accused of Child Abuse for Hitting Girl With Pizza

Hardley, and she also provoked the situation, it's not like he beat her and that is what that charge is designed for. This was probabably some dick head cop that thinks his shit dont stink who made this arrest.

I guarantee when it hits court it will either be dismissed or plead down to a ticketable misdemenor like disooderly conduct or criminal mischief(Wich I think is a funny charge itself.).

Hmm ... you do realize that children mimic their parents behavior ... perhaps he was usually like that and she was just being like him ... thus the provocation was a mirror of his own behavior. When the court case finishes we'll see, there are too many unknowns at this point, like the history of the family.

I am not saying your wrong, but seriously this is laughable, a Felony for throwing food? What has our society come to, people are afraid to even spank their kids for fear of the kid dialing 911 to say their abused, and I have actually seen that happen first hand.
A true story from the past.
When I was 16, my twin brother smarted off to our mom. Dad slapped him upside the head for it and told him to watch his mouth. Brother shoved dad and told him not to hit him again. Dad looked at him and said "you wanna fight like a man?", then dad nailed him in the chest. It knocked him halfway across the living room and onto his back. Dad jumped on him and started choking him. "You wanna fight like a man, be ready to get your ass whupped by a man", dad said. Mom got my dad to stop after my brother turned blue and probably just seconds before he passed out. This was before 911 existed, so my brother called the police to report child abuse.
You know what the police told him?
"You are 16, you're not a child, quit wasting our time and suck it up".

Dad was just proving that nobody was going to treat his wife like shit and get away with it. My brother crossed the line and was dealt with. In today's nanny state, dad would probably spend the night in jail for that.
Hmm ... you do realize that children mimic their parents behavior ... perhaps he was usually like that and she was just being like him ... thus the provocation was a mirror of his own behavior. When the court case finishes we'll see, there are too many unknowns at this point, like the history of the family.

I am not saying your wrong, but seriously this is laughable, a Felony for throwing food? What has our society come to, people are afraid to even spank their kids for fear of the kid dialing 911 to say their abused, and I have actually seen that happen first hand.
A true story from the past.
When I was 16, my twin brother smarted off to our mom. Dad slapped him upside the head for it and told him to watch his mouth. Brother shoved dad and told him not to hit him again. Dad looked at him and said "you wanna fight like a man?", then dad nailed him in the chest. It knocked him halfway across the living room and onto his back. Dad jumped on him and started choking him. "You wanna fight like a man, be ready to get your ass whupped by a man", dad said. Mom got my dad to stop after my brother turned blue and probably just seconds before he passed out. This was before 911 existed, so my brother called the police to report child abuse.
You know what the police told him?
"You are 16, you're not a child, quit wasting our time and suck it up".

Dad was just proving that nobody was going to treat his wife like shit and get away with it. My brother crossed the line and was dealt with. In today's nanny state, dad would probably spend the night in jail for that.

In today's society you dad would probably doing a 15-20 for attempted murder :( Unfortunately our Government and the ACLU wants to dictate how parents raise their kids.
years ago my 11 year old threatened that he was going to call and report me for child abuse. What did I do? I smacked him for telling me to shut up. (it wasn't a hard smack either) What was my response?

I handed him the phone and said "After you call give me the phone because I want to report Parent Abuse" LOL End of that. Same kid a year before got mad because I took away something of his for punishment. He got all mad and said "I'm going to run away". Oh boy wrong thing to say to me....I ran down the steps to retrieve a suitcase, entered his room, started to pack the suitcase" END OF THAT too.

Im inlove! :lol:
LOL, I'm too old!
years ago my 11 year old threatened that he was going to call and report me for child abuse. What did I do? I smacked him for telling me to shut up. (it wasn't a hard smack either) What was my response?

I handed him the phone and said "After you call give me the phone because I want to report Parent Abuse" LOL End of that. Same kid a year before got mad because I took away something of his for punishment. He got all mad and said "I'm going to run away". Oh boy wrong thing to say to me....I ran down the steps to retrieve a suitcase, entered his room, started to pack the suitcase" END OF THAT too.

Im inlove! :lol:
LOL, I'm too old!

No way, women are like wine, they only get better with age :D
Give it up, you two. Together you are almost 130 years old. Too many wrinkles.
ahhh things i beat the kid hand...wooden spoon....hard right...(dont fucking lie to me)...things i have thrown at him....anything i could get my hands on....he told me to fuck off once....he didnt realize his father could hear him...father cleared the distance between them...put son up on wall and ask him..."what did you say to my wife"....son is terrified of father...loves him and father loves him...but their is no doubt when push comes to shove...father is gonna take him down...son is physically stronger but hubby can put the fear in him...

me...well...he kinda afraid of me...o hell....i have to threaten to call his father and then i just get mocked till his father is on the phone....

grown sons are an odd lot...he fusses with me....but then wont let anyone else say boo to me....
That guy is definitely an asshole, although in the grand scheme of things a single incident of bad words and flying pizza probably shouldn't be a felony. I wonder how much more there is to this story.

Felony? You want felonies?

I got ya' felonies right here:

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
the man used racist and sexist terms
If they were true racist and sexist slurs (not what the PC libs think of racism and sexism), and he was using them against her, I don't blame her one bit for firing back.

Hell, if my dad or mom spoke against me in a vulgar manner...I wouldn't give a second thought at firing back with some "direct words" of my own.

I wouldn't call the cops over some angry words and a piece of pizza though, lol...
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years ago my 11 year old threatened that he was going to call and report me for child abuse. What did I do? I smacked him for telling me to shut up. (it wasn't a hard smack either) What was my response?

I handed him the phone and said "After you call give me the phone because I want to report Parent Abuse" LOL End of that. Same kid a year before got mad because I took away something of his for punishment. He got all mad and said "I'm going to run away". Oh boy wrong thing to say to me....I ran down the steps to retrieve a suitcase, entered his room, started to pack the suitcase" END OF THAT too.
my cousin said the same thing to my aunt, she told him she would dial the number for him.
My brother told my mom he was running away which he did often, my mom finally told him one night this time she was running away. He didn't like that but he stopped threatening to run away.
Hmm ... you do realize that children mimic their parents behavior ... perhaps he was usually like that and she was just being like him ... thus the provocation was a mirror of his own behavior. When the court case finishes we'll see, there are too many unknowns at this point, like the history of the family.

I am not saying your wrong, but seriously this is laughable, a Felony for throwing food? What has our society come to, people are afraid to even spank their kids for fear of the kid dialing 911 to say their abused, and I have actually seen that happen first hand.
A true story from the past.
When I was 16, my twin brother smarted off to our mom. Dad slapped him upside the head for it and told him to watch his mouth. Brother shoved dad and told him not to hit him again. Dad looked at him and said "you wanna fight like a man?", then dad nailed him in the chest. It knocked him halfway across the living room and onto his back. Dad jumped on him and started choking him. "You wanna fight like a man, be ready to get your ass whupped by a man", dad said. Mom got my dad to stop after my brother turned blue and probably just seconds before he passed out. This was before 911 existed, so my brother called the police to report child abuse.
You know what the police told him?
"You are 16, you're not a child, quit wasting our time and suck it up".

Dad was just proving that nobody was going to treat his wife like shit and get away with it. My brother crossed the line and was dealt with. In today's nanny state, dad would probably spend the night in jail for that.
Your Dad did the right thing.

If we had more Fathers like him.

Less kids would be in jail for immature stupid acts.

Because they would have to shape up and face the harsh realities of life.
I am not saying your wrong, but seriously this is laughable, a Felony for throwing food? What has our society come to, people are afraid to even spank their kids for fear of the kid dialing 911 to say their abused, and I have actually seen that happen first hand.
A true story from the past.
When I was 16, my twin brother smarted off to our mom. Dad slapped him upside the head for it and told him to watch his mouth. Brother shoved dad and told him not to hit him again. Dad looked at him and said "you wanna fight like a man?", then dad nailed him in the chest. It knocked him halfway across the living room and onto his back. Dad jumped on him and started choking him. "You wanna fight like a man, be ready to get your ass whupped by a man", dad said. Mom got my dad to stop after my brother turned blue and probably just seconds before he passed out. This was before 911 existed, so my brother called the police to report child abuse.
You know what the police told him?
"You are 16, you're not a child, quit wasting our time and suck it up".

Dad was just proving that nobody was going to treat his wife like shit and get away with it. My brother crossed the line and was dealt with. In today's nanny state, dad would probably spend the night in jail for that.
Your Dad did the right thing.

If we had more Fathers like him.

Less kids would be in jail for immature stupid acts.

Because they would have to shape up and face the harsh realities of life.

We'd just have more dead kids instead.
A true story from the past.
When I was 16, my twin brother smarted off to our mom. Dad slapped him upside the head for it and told him to watch his mouth. Brother shoved dad and told him not to hit him again. Dad looked at him and said "you wanna fight like a man?", then dad nailed him in the chest. It knocked him halfway across the living room and onto his back. Dad jumped on him and started choking him. "You wanna fight like a man, be ready to get your ass whupped by a man", dad said. Mom got my dad to stop after my brother turned blue and probably just seconds before he passed out. This was before 911 existed, so my brother called the police to report child abuse.
You know what the police told him?
"You are 16, you're not a child, quit wasting our time and suck it up".

Dad was just proving that nobody was going to treat his wife like shit and get away with it. My brother crossed the line and was dealt with. In today's nanny state, dad would probably spend the night in jail for that.
Your Dad did the right thing.

If we had more Fathers like him.

Less kids would be in jail for immature stupid acts.

Because they would have to shape up and face the harsh realities of life.

We'd just have more dead kids instead.

My dad didn't kill him.

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