Dad of a fallen Marine perseveres against protests at military funerals

Aug 18, 2008
Dad of a fallen Marine perseveres against protests at military funerals

"By Gordon Lubold Gordon Lubold – Tue Mar 30, 8:09 pm ET

Washington – A father of a Marine killed in Iraq says he won't pay the legal fees of a protest group who picketed at his son's funeral in 2006 – at least not until he hears from the US Supreme Court on the matter.
Albert Snyder, whose son, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, was killed in Iraq, learned Friday that a federal appeals court is requiring him to pay more than $16,000 in legal fees to the Westboro Baptist Church, a Christian fundamentalist group that demonstrates during military funerals to gain attention for its antigovernment, antihomosexual message. The group rallied at Matthew Snyder’s funeral in March 2006 in Westminster, Md., chanting antigay slogans and carrying signs such as “Thank God for dead soldiers,” says Albert Snyder’s attorney, Sean Summers. ... "

They're people who want to stand on their "RIGHTS"; simultaneously rejecting the sustaining responsibility inherent in that right...

They FEEL ENTITLED to SPEAK... without regard to the rights of anyone else.

What's that tell ya?
No way this kind of stupidity can stand. this is not a free speech issue, this is jerks deliberately engaging in emotional sadism.
I agree. Watched O'Reilly last night and the lawyers said this was 100% wrong. Judges only charge the plaintiff (occasionally) for frivolous suits. This man WON and then lost on appeal. It was not frivolous. O'Reilly put the faces of the three justices on the screen to shame them. I imagine they are getting some heat today.
For once I completely agree with O'Reilly.

These people are beneath contempt.

Honestly, if this was one of my family members, I would be hard pressed not to head on home a grab my rifle and shoot every one of these religious nutbags dead on the spot.
For once I completely agree with O'Reilly.

These people are beneath contempt.

Honestly, if this was one of my family members, I would be hard pressed not to head on home a grab my rifle and shoot every one of these religious nutbags dead on the spot.

I'm not terribly religious, but I'd like to believe there's a special circle of hell waiting for them.
I'd be a fervent supporter Hutaree if they'd chuck a grenade into Westboro Baptist Church.
I'd be a fervent supporter Hutaree if they'd chuck a grenade into Westboro Baptist Church.

LOL, if only we could get the crazy-assed extreme religious cults to start a turf war and kill each other off.
I agree. Watched O'Reilly last night and the lawyers said this was 100% wrong. Judges only charge the plaintiff (occasionally) for frivolous suits. This man WON and then lost on appeal. It was not frivolous. O'Reilly put the faces of the three justices on the screen to shame them. I imagine they are getting some heat today.

Mr. O doesn't like librul stupid judges too much.
I believe it was O rielly (I don't know one talking head from most others) who just had Dennis Miller on and they vowed to team up for social injustice and help this family out, or something like that, I only caught part of it as I went past the living room.
No way this kind of stupidity can stand. this is not a free speech issue, this is jerks deliberately engaging in emotional sadism.

Indeed that is despicable, human filth! Lowest form of vermin :evil:

There is a special place in hell for this kind of vermin
I'd be a fervent supporter Hutaree if they'd chuck a grenade into Westboro Baptist Church.

LOL, if only we could get the crazy-assed extreme religious cults to start a turf war and kill each other off.

Too bad they'd rather kill you crazy-assed extremist progressive socialist morons.

Well I wouldn't expect anything less from you anarchist, conspiracy theorist, Jesus freaks.

Perhaps we should have the inner city gangs and the religious nut-bag terrorist fight it out then. Now to figure out how to get a turf war started between groups in such different habitats.
But in all seriousness, and I never thought I'd say this:

Good fucking work Bill O'Reilly!
Looks like loser pays is okay with liberals on a selective basis.

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