DADT Vote - Live!!!

Stand by for a reinstatement of the draft, because I can easily imagine a mass migration out of the service, if this continues.

That would be the best thing to happen to the American people, because those who wage wars seldom fight them, and when the Senator puts his own daughter in the chamber for fodder, he might gain an appreciation for peace over profits.:clap2:
Now the discrimination lawsuit fun begins.

I've always thought the Navy SEALS were awesome. Now I guess eventually some will be "fabulous". WTF.

:lol: Scary..
More like PISSED-OFF about book-sales........


What's the matter, Fox News didn't buy here into the bestseller list?
Radical Gay Agenda - 1
U.S. Military/America - 0


Equal rights for fellow patriots like us-1
Ignorant, likely closeted bigots like you-0

So, if I don't support your radical gay agenda I'm a closeted bigot?

Sounds like your just a ignoramus with an agenda that trumps everything, even common sense. FYI genius... the military is not the place for social experimentation. And.. if it is such a great idea that will bolster the armed forces, why haven't the Army, Navy, Marines, etc. been clamoring for this?

No one has any real reason to hate/fear us, but someone who yes, is closeted, or hating themselves, of confused bout what they might be, so they take it out on open and proud ones like us.

It's bout time our military caught up to other free, noble nations like Israel, who's been allowing this same thing for a while now, they have no problems either.

There's nothing radical bout equal civil rights, our patriotism is just as good as yours, dare I say better, as your bigotry puts a damper on yours.
Stand by for a reinstatement of the draft, because I can easily imagine a mass migration out of the service, if this continues.

Yeah, they said that in a number of the countries that lifted their ban. Their homophobic sour grapes eaters said the same exact thing, that people would get out in droves if "forced" to serve with honestly serving gays and lesbians. Care to venture a guess to what REALLY happened?

In the recent Pentagon survey, only 7% said that DADT would be the #1 issue in their consideration to re-enlist. Sounds like those 7% aren't really there to serve their country and SHOULD get out anyway.
They already had the opportunity. Without causing problems.

They did not have an equal opportunity to serve. They could not speak of their chosen partner, their partner could not bid them farewell or welcome their return, they could not have their loved one visit in a military hospital, their loved ones could not receive any benefits

My heart pumps purple piss for them. It still isn't the time, and certainly not by a lame duck congress. Watch for the problems. If the military doesn't place a gag order on them.
.....While they're still protecting OUR Country (the same way YOU supposedly did)!!!

That's some gratitude ya' got, there.

They did not have an equal opportunity to serve. They could not speak of their chosen partner, their partner could not bid them farewell or welcome their return, they could not have their loved one visit in a military hospital, their loved ones could not receive any benefits

My heart pumps purple piss for them. It still isn't the time, and certainly not by a lame duck congress. Watch for the problems. If the military doesn't place a gag order on them.

I think it will be a non issue. Most troops just don't care and those that do will get an attitude change.

Many gays will continue to keep their sexuality to themselves. I think the majority who come out in the open will be women
....And, now, we can FINALLY thin-the-Ranks, of those who don't DESERVE to be ambassadors for the U.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stand by for a reinstatement of the draft, because I can easily imagine a mass migration out of the service, if this continues.

Yeah, they said that in a number of the countries that lifted their ban. Their homophobic sour grapes eaters said the same exact thing, that people would get out in droves if "forced" to serve with honestly serving gays and lesbians. Care to venture a guess to what REALLY happened?

In the recent Pentagon survey, only 7% said that DADT would be the #1 issue in their consideration to re-enlist. Sounds like those 7% aren't really there to serve their country and SHOULD get out anyway.

The Pentagon survey is so flawed that it shouldn't be referenced by either side of this issue.
They did not have an equal opportunity to serve. They could not speak of their chosen partner, their partner could not bid them farewell or welcome their return, they could not have their loved one visit in a military hospital, their loved ones could not receive any benefits

My heart pumps purple piss for them. It still isn't the time, and certainly not by a lame duck congress. Watch for the problems. If the military doesn't place a gag order on them.
.....While they're still protecting OUR Country (the same way YOU supposedly did)!!!

That's some gratitude ya' got, there.


Supposedly? Fuck you dumbass.
They did not have an equal opportunity to serve. They could not speak of their chosen partner, their partner could not bid them farewell or welcome their return, they could not have their loved one visit in a military hospital, their loved ones could not receive any benefits

My heart pumps purple piss for them. It still isn't the time, and certainly not by a lame duck congress. Watch for the problems. If the military doesn't place a gag order on them.

And you can bet that they will. With an active WAR going on? This is a HUGE distraction...the thing here is to minimize the damage to thier ranks by this issue. (That should have never BEEN an issue to begin with).
Rest easy.

You don't have to hold hands, while jumpin'-into the tarpits with John McCain.....


"Today I stand before you having completed what I consider the work I was assigned to do," he said. The remark summarized completion of the integration challenge he and 1,500 of his fellow Tuskegee Airmen received from their commander, Col. Benjamin Davis Jr., who eventually became the U.S. military's first African-American general officer.

The veteran related how his first military duty there immediately challenged his composure as well as his resourcefulness. Ordered by his first sergeant to mow the headquarters lawn -- without a lawn mower or any hand-held implements -- Mr. Richardson responded with unique resolve.

"I found an old rotting wood barrel with the metal rings falling off," he said. "I took one ring and used a large coral rock to sharpen one edge long enough and wrapped a towel around part of it to make a sling to cut that grass."

Mr. Richardson, who retired in 1979 and resides with his wife, Helen, has since moved on to become a deacon in his Catholic church and a highly respected civic leader and businessman. In April he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller for his pioneering service as a Tuskegee Airman."
What I really like about the new bikes is the direct drive or rubber chain, and that awesome wide rear tire. Hi-Tech is really doing wonders.
What amazes me is these young-"cowboys" who're bringin'-back the "hangers"! :eusa_eh:


How do they figure on bracing themselves.....when they're headed towards a car that's pulled-out-in-front-of-them?????


(....And, they're really gonna enjoy their back-problems....after sittin' directly-on rigid-frames, again.
Stand by for a reinstatement of the draft, because I can easily imagine a mass migration out of the service, if this continues.

Yeah, they said that in a number of the countries that lifted their ban. Their homophobic sour grapes eaters said the same exact thing, that people would get out in droves if "forced" to serve with honestly serving gays and lesbians. Care to venture a guess to what REALLY happened?

In the recent Pentagon survey, only 7% said that DADT would be the #1 issue in their consideration to re-enlist. Sounds like those 7% aren't really there to serve their country and SHOULD get out anyway.

The Pentagon survey is so flawed that it shouldn't be referenced by either side of this issue.

Echoing the Grampy McCain talking point? :lol:

I was against the survey from the get-go. This issue has been surveyed and studied to death and all the reports are the same; Allowing gays and lesbians to serve honestly will NOT be detrimental to military order, discipline, morale or unit cohesion.

This latest survey just shows that the military attitude pretty much mirrors America's attitude about allowing gays to serve without the constant fear of discharge.

DADT is repealed and soon gays and lesbians will be serving under the same rules and regulations that heterosexuals serve under and they will all do it with the professionalism we expect from our US military.
My heart pumps purple piss for them. It still isn't the time, and certainly not by a lame duck congress. Watch for the problems. If the military doesn't place a gag order on them.

And you can bet that they will. With an active WAR going on? This is a HUGE distraction...the thing here is to minimize the damage to thier ranks by this issue. (That should have never BEEN an issue to begin with).

Nothing could be a bigger distraction than retards cutting their pay & starving their families at home, or being told by Rummy to just get by with what you have.......... Don't you think you have embarked on shallow thinking here? According to "who" says it is a distraction? That is about the stupidest thing I have ever heard, so I doubt you came up with it, but you heard that ignorant BS somewhere.
When I think about the whole distraction-trip, it reminds me o' those teeny-bopper chickies who're gettin' busted in Jr./High Schools, for wearing revealing-clothing & distracting the young-dudes.

If some (supposedly) straight-dude, in the military, is distracted by some Gay-trooper.....what's that say, about the straight-dude??????


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