Daily Cop Shot Thread: Arkansas this time...cop ambushed with shotgun

Bucs 10 minutes ago:

"Hmm let's see if any cops have been shot today. (click click click) YES one in Arkansas alright!!!" *fap fap fap*
Bucs 10 minutes ago:

"Hmm let's see if any cops have been shot today. (click click click) YES one in Arkansas alright!!!" *fap fap fap*

Well....officer.com and policeone.com are 2 of the most popular websites for police news and they're in my daily 20 or so websites I glance at.

If a cop is getting shot almost every 9 hours the last 3 days....they report it.
You guys better start a #Blue_Lives_Matter. Someone is not getting the message.

And guns and suicide, here we go again...

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