Daily Kos Says Cruz Has a Chance to Win it All


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I normally do no more than scan the headlines of this purely leftist website. But this was one of their headlines I simply could not pass up. The way they are whining and worrying and demanding that “Democrats get their act together” indicates to me that they're terrified of a conservative replacing out ultra-leftist in the White House.

Read the article @ Don t laugh Why Ted Cruz could win GOP primary and possibly win it all
I normally do no more than scan the headlines of this purely leftist website. But this was one of their headlines I simply could not pass up. The way they are whining and worrying and demanding that “Democrats get their act together” indicates to me that they're terrified of a conservative replacing out ultra-leftist in the White House.

Read the article @ Don t laugh Why Ted Cruz could win GOP primary and possibly win it all

I am willing to predict that we are not going to see a President Cruz.
I don't find it likely that he'll get far. I don't even think the Koch's are supporting him very much.
Of course he has a chance to win it all; however, I just don't believe it is a very large chance.
Cruz is driving the GOP Clown Car

He will not win a single primary....not even in Texas
The article writes that "both a Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush presidency was considered comedy"

which is pretty false. Bush 43 had the nomination locked down by late 1998, all of Reagan's challengers had support in the single digits except HW Bush, who was a trivial competitor and Reagan won against easily.

Anyone could see Bush and Reagan coming and there wasn't much surprise when they won their primaries. That part of the article I don't really buy.
Cruz is driving the GOP Clown Car

He will not win a single primary....not even in Texas

This will especially be true if Huckabee gets into the race. He will pretty much take Cruz's base, but also is very unlikely to take the nomination.
Cruz is driving the GOP Clown Car

He will not win a single primary....not even in Texas

This will especially be true if Huckabee gets into the race. He will pretty much take Cruz's base, but also is very unlikely to take the nomination.

Also, Rick Perry would split his base in Texas and open up the way for Jeb Bush to take Texas
I normally do no more than scan the headlines of this purely leftist website. But this was one of their headlines I simply could not pass up. The way they are whining and worrying and demanding that “Democrats get their act together” indicates to me that they're terrified of a conservative replacing out ultra-leftist in the White House.

Read the article @ Don t laugh Why Ted Cruz could win GOP primary and possibly win it all

Obama an ultra leftist? Too funny. Anyway, go Cruz go.
As more and more credible GOP candidates enter the race, Cruz will fade away
Poor Longknife doesn't understand Kos is a collection of diaries by individuals, not some pronouncement of official liberal dogma from on high. The diary he referenced was written by _one_ person, yet Longknife strangely said "they are whining ...". I'm not sure who he thinks the "they" are, given that the comments were universally critical of the diary.

His attitude does, however, display how conservatives in general have difficultly grasping the concept of individualism. Herd beasts can't imagine that others aren't like themselves.
Poor Longknife doesn't understand Kos is a collection of diaries by individuals, not some pronouncement of official liberal dogma from on high. The diary he referenced was written by _one_ person, yet Longknife strangely said "they are whining ...". I'm not sure who he thinks the "they" are, given that the comments were universally critical of the diary.

His attitude does, however, display how conservatives in general have difficultly grasping the concept of individualism. Herd beasts can't imagine that others aren't like themselves.
At his age, it whisks by him like a cool breeze on a summer day, that reminds you how nice it is before the heat returns.....what were we discussing???
Poor Longknife doesn't understand Kos is a collection of diaries by individuals, not some pronouncement of official liberal dogma from on high. The diary he referenced was written by _one_ person, yet Longknife strangely said "they are whining ...". I'm not sure who he thinks the "they" are, given that the comments were universally critical of the diary.

His attitude does, however, display how conservatives in general have difficultly grasping the concept of individualism. Herd beasts can't imagine that others aren't like themselves.

Do you get that your gross generalization of conservatives is just another example of "herd beast" thinking?
I can see him winning the nomination since its JUST republicans voting but I can't see him winning it all. I think the final candidates for the republicans will come down to Cruz,Paul and Walker. I think Fiorina will stay in longer as well but in the end I don't think she will have the support...I think republicans have gone neocon for 2 races now and it ain't done them any good...maybe a firecracker like Cruz is what they will decide on. We shall see.
Cruz is driving the GOP Clown Car

He will not win a single primary....not even in Texas

Seriously, rw? You don't think he'll even win Texas? Have you visited Texas lately? I was there last month. It's "OPEN CARRY NATION". I know my brother and sister-in-law have already made contributions to his campaign. They absolutely adore him.

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