Daisy's in trouble

Daisy is a lucky cat - I hope she has quite a bit of mileage left after this.
Hope everything turns out well for Daisy!

When our cat, Shadow, had a uti and we needed to get a pill into him it was a nightmare. Nothing worked. He'd find it in any food we gave him and wouldn't eat it. My daughter came up with a brilliant idea. We had a small animal syringe (ask the vet for one if you don't have one) -- no needle, just the syringe and the plunger. We crushed the pill up very well, mixed in some water, sucked it up into the syringe, then someone would firmly hold the cat by his scruff and pry his jaws open (same as if giving him a pill) but then I'd put the syringe into his mouth (as far as I could) and quickly squirt the liquid pill down his throat. 9 times out of 10 it worked. The 10th time required lots of band-aids.

Most likely this will be our history as well. No front claws, advantage owner!
Daisy is a lucky cat - I hope she has quite a bit of mileage left after this.

I can never remember this stuff. Pretty sure she turned 14 in April. Barring cancer, I'd say she has 5-6 years left. Had a very LARGE black cat make it to 17 with only three legs.
Glad to hear Daisy is going in the right direction.... Prayer works!

Thanks for the update.... We're still praying for her, and for you to keep having the faith to give her a great chance at life. Props to you.

People who love their animals are the best!

I have a dog that nearly died from the bad dog food a few years back. His liver and kidneys had failed and the vet told me to take him home and love and enjoy him for a day or so. He said there really was no hope, but I told him money was'nt an issue... can you give me anything to help. He then gave me some meds and said it might help, but dont get your hopes up.
I took him home and did exactly what the prescript called for, and also loved on him and stayed with him for hours at a time.... when I took him back in a week.... his liver and kidneys were working, and they were amazed at his turn around. They call him Miracle Max, and he is still going strong 4 yrs later. He is 12 yrs old and I love him so much.
So yes... prayer (and some good old TLC) works wonders.

Tell Daisy we are pulling for her.


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Daisy is a lucky cat - I hope she has quite a bit of mileage left after this.

I can never remember this stuff. Pretty sure she turned 14 in April. Barring cancer, I'd say she has 5-6 years left. Had a very LARGE black cat make it to 17 with only three legs.

Our family cat, Kiki Lou, died last summer about 2 months before his 22 birthday.

Daisy has a lot of years left in her!

The one I posted the pic of in bones thread (who has to get 'fixed' this week) is the kitty my daughter picked out at the shelter to heal our heartbreak of Kiki Lou's passing.

We still miss our Kiki Lou, but this kitten, and her other cat, "Big Ktten" (who is almost 8 years old) keep us entertained and happy!

Good Luck to you and Daisy~!
Daisy is home. Owner had to figure out antibiotics in the AM. They gave me two small syrenges w/o needles. Let the real fun begin.
The second half of the thyroid. First part came out May of 2008. Anybody have experience in figuring out how to get a cat to take a pill once a day forever?

Depends on the cat but, we've tried various methods - a pill popper gun or the pill crushed in some stinky fishy food - a tiny amount - then more after it's consumed with no pill in it. If pills can be given that way it's better - less stress on the cat.

I hope she's doing ok - 14 is getting up there - good luck! :)
The medicine is already in liquid form. Woot Woot!

:woohoo: - you're already ahead of the pack..err claws :)

I much prefer giving liquid meds to cats!

No front claws on this cat. The doseage looks really small too, so that will help. First couple of days she has an antibiotic and the thyroid medicine, so she'll be prepared for the second one.
The medicine is already in liquid form. Woot Woot!

:woohoo: - you're already ahead of the pack..err claws :)

I much prefer giving liquid meds to cats!

No front claws on this cat. The doseage looks really small too, so that will help. First couple of days she has an antibiotic and the thyroid medicine, so she'll be prepared for the second one.

Watch the thyroid meds, they made my baby very sick.

*hugs* really glad to hear she came home alright.
Okay, so when we took Daisy in for her tests on Friday, no luck getting her into the cat carrier. She jumped off my lap about 30 minutes ago. I decide to go looking for her. I check the home ofice and guess who is sitting in the carrier voluntarily?

That is funny!

I so miss my cats...we lost our last one (after years of multiple cats) at age 18 two years ago...I've hesitated getting another due to my current mix of dogs. My old cats would not run from dogs - indeed, my old maestro (Clyde) would attack them for inappropriate behavior....if I corrected a dog, Clyde was right after me correcting it too. He was quite a character - showed up on my grandmother's doorstep (she fed strays) - marched in - took over - beat up the other cats - and made himself persona non grata. She offered him to me and flew him from Salt Lake City ... he was a very self contained individual.

I miss him...maybe I should think about a cat again....
Big Fitz...I wanted to say, your avatar is such a striking cat :)

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