Dallas Ebola Patient Vomited Outside Apartment

"Patient’s Soiled Home Left Untended as Officials Sought to Contain Ebola in Dallas

More than a week after a Liberian man fell ill with Ebola and four days after he was placed in isolation at a hospital in Dallas, the apartment where he was staying with four other people had not been cleaned and the sheets and dirty towels he used while sick remained in the home, health officials acknowledged on Thursday afternoon."

We are all doomed. The authorities do not know what they are doing. Thanks Ebama I better make out my will now.

oh there is more

A worker power washes the sidewalk in front of the apartment unit at The Ivy Apartments where a man diagnosed with the Ebola virus was staying in Dallas, Texas October 2, 2014. Up to 100 people may have had direct or indirect contact with the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, and four people have been quarantined in a Dallas apartment, health officials said on Thursday. REUTERS/Mike Stone


not one piece of protective gear while cleaning up this guys vomit

Ebola patient s family quarantined as officials search for possible exposures Fox News

No protective gear. The man wants to take a chance with his own life that is one thing. He exposes himself and is taking a chance with everyone's life.
He no doubt was coached by a CDC professional, who told him that ebola is really hard to get.
Fuck.....but then the head of the CDC said he would stop Obola in its tracks. No reason not to be confident.

Is there?
Oh no worries there mate. I'm sure the jet-set manicured aristocrats nestled in their cushy CDC jobs with zero experience in the field of actual epidemics will have this one corraled in a jiffy.

What the CDC needs are ranchers who have lost entire herds to one sick animal. That's who needs to be running the CDC. Men with calloused hands who have buried 300 head of cattle in a mass grave in one day. They'll steer you right. Talk to them about black leg, brucellosis and coccidiosis. I lost nearly a whole chicken coop of my best poults to lay that year from one infected hen this "friend" of mine traded me to coccidiosis one week.

Disease spreads mainly through the vector of ignorance and lack of hypervigilant protocol. I let my guard down one day and trusted that this hen with ruffled looking feathers [in hindsight I should've known...*sigh*] coming from "a friend" was a healthy and good addition to my flock. I lost several goats to it too before I figured out what was happening.
Problem is the cdc knew from the first case that arrived on our soil there were problems with dot law in handling the waste. The facilities themselves found a work around to be able to dispose of it-not the cdc. Unfortunately, most hospitals don't have the same equipment the facility had. It has now been 2 months since the first arrival, yet the cdc still had not developed a working protocal.

These guys are paid big bucks to make contigency plans for epidemics, and we are told they must handle certain infectious disease outbreaks, singular or multiple, and yet they had not done so- even 2 months later when presented with the problem once again.
Why are they being paid? Seems to me, how to deal with the waste would have been a first priority, and not an after thought. All infectious disease epidemics would require removal of waste from multiple venues not just research centers.
Problem is the cdc knew from the first case that arrived on our soil there were problems with dot law in handling the waste. The facilities themselves found a work around to be able to dispose of it-not the cdc. Unfortunately, most hospitals don't have the same equipment the facility had. It has now been 2 months since the first arrival, yet the cdc still had not developed a working protocal.

These guys are paid big bucks to make contigency plans for epidemics, and we are told they must handle certain infectious disease outbreaks, singular or multiple, and yet they had not done so- even 2 months later when presented with the problem once again.
Why are they being paid? Seems to me, how to deal with the waste would have been a first priority, and not an after thought. All infectious disease epidemics would require removal of waste from multiple venues not just research centers.
I have suggested a good idea for a protocol that answer all your concerns here: Ebola Containment In The Us Your Thoughts Ideas US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Seems the Judge is going to contain and move the items himself, according too the cdc call in.
Said permits have still not been issued for other than actually cleaning up the hazardous waste within the apartment itself.

Looks like the truth is stranger than satire.

"four years ago, the administration of President Barack Obama moved with virtually no fanfare to abandon a comprehensive set of regulations which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had called essential to preventing international travelers from spreading deadly diseases inside the United States."

In 2010 Obama Admin Scrapped CDC Ebola Quarantine Rules The Daily Caller

The US is not prepared for Ebola because of Ebama. The healthcare system cannot handle what is coming into the US.
Watch them change stance on the mode of transmission next..as it become more obvious to more and more people that hell yes it's airborne.

Thanks, CDC.
Hmm CrusaderFrank, formerly screaming end of days, is now saying thank god it wasn't airborne.

Who to believe?

Looks like the truth is stranger than satire.

"four years ago, the administration of President Barack Obama moved with virtually no fanfare to abandon a comprehensive set of regulations which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had called essential to preventing international travelers from spreading deadly diseases inside the United States."

In 2010 Obama Admin Scrapped CDC Ebola Quarantine Rules The Daily Caller

The US is not prepared for Ebola because of Ebama. The healthcare system cannot handle what is coming into the US.
Actually, here is a more informative and better article on what the CDC did, and WHY they changed it...

Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations - USATODAY.com

Looks like the truth is stranger than satire.

"four years ago, the administration of President Barack Obama moved with virtually no fanfare to abandon a comprehensive set of regulations which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had called essential to preventing international travelers from spreading deadly diseases inside the United States."

In 2010 Obama Admin Scrapped CDC Ebola Quarantine Rules The Daily Caller

The US is not prepared for Ebola because of Ebama. The healthcare system cannot handle what is coming into the US.
Actually, here is a more informative and better article on what the CDC did, and WHY they changed it...

Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations - USATODAY.com

The proposed regulations would have "given the federal government additional powers to detain sick airline passengers and those exposed to certain diseases. They also would have expanded requirements for airlines to report ill passengers to the CDC and mandated that airlines collect and maintain contact information for fliers in case they later needed to be traced as part of an investigation into an outbreak."

This should have been in place, if not then similar regulations. Obama dropped the ball, he is a disgrace.

Looks like the truth is stranger than satire.

"four years ago, the administration of President Barack Obama moved with virtually no fanfare to abandon a comprehensive set of regulations which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had called essential to preventing international travelers from spreading deadly diseases inside the United States."

In 2010 Obama Admin Scrapped CDC Ebola Quarantine Rules The Daily Caller

The US is not prepared for Ebola because of Ebama. The healthcare system cannot handle what is coming into the US.
Actually, here is a more informative and better article on what the CDC did, and WHY they changed it...

Obama administration scraps quarantine regulations - USATODAY.com

Did you read it?

It's moronic. It assumes people have a RIGHT to board a plane infected with a Level IV pathogen.

It's insane. It's downright stupid

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