Dallas Ebola Patient Vomited Outside Apartment

everything you want to know about his exposure
I would like to know more aboit the victim. How does he make a living....what prompted him to fly to Dallas...where does he get his money?

what prompted him to fly to Dallas.

because he wanted to get to America so he could be saved
So he's a libtard?

maybe why you ask that
I find it absolutely appalling the way the government is withholding information from the public.

- What flight was this person on?
- What country is he from?

The coy obfuscation by the CDC Director when asked if the Ebola patient is a U.S. citizen is insulting.

Apparently, United Airlines did the right thing and released this shitball's flight itinerary. Other people have suggested checking the guy's facebook page for more personal information. Single, 40-something Liberian living in Ghana, was issued a visa to visit his sister (bets she's not a citizen), cradled some dying relative infected with Ebola just days prior to boarding his flight to come over and share the joy.
I would like to know more aboit the victim. How does he make a living....what prompted him to fly to Dallas...where does he get his money?
"Who is Thomas Eric Duncan?

He is a 42-year-old Liberian citizen, said a friend who knows him well but asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of his case.

Duncan's Facebook page indicates that he's from the Liberian capital of Monrovia, where he attended E. Jonathan Goodridge High School.

Why did he come to the United States?

To visit family and friends, according to the friend, who noted this was Duncan's first trip to America. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Thomas Frieden has said that Duncan was "staying with family members who live in this country."

Stanley Gaye, a Liberian community leader in Dallas, said Duncan was in Dallas visiting his girlfriend."


So this Liberian ladies man came to the US for a booty call and brought hell on earth with him.
Watch them change stance on the mode of transmission next..as it become more obvious to more and more people that hell yes it's airborne.

Thanks, CDC.
Define "airborne"?
Ebola - Possibly transmitted through droplets but not exactly airborne - FluTrackers
Seems that bodily fluids can, and are, ejected short distances in "droplet" form. Guess that makes it airborne. Oh, wait...not airborne, that's "close contact". Where's my bullshit flag.

You mean like sneezing on a commercial airliner?
come on @CrusaderFrank AKA Frank1400PennsylvaniaAve :uhoh3: grasping at straws

I sure hope so, I really do.

In Africa, they're ruthless about dealing with Ebola. They don't allow any person from a village with an outbreak to enter an uninfected village. They post archers along the roads and have no qualms about shooting people on site.

We let Patient Zero loose for days before he was quarantined and now there could be hundreds of people unknowingly carrying the virus
There is only one adequate way to protect ourselves from Ebola. We should never have allowed any flights out where ebola is an epidemic. Now we're screwed. There is nothing, that can change the situation.
Watch them change stance on the mode of transmission next..as it become more obvious to more and more people that hell yes it's airborne.

Thanks, CDC.
Define "airborne"?
Ebola - Possibly transmitted through droplets but not exactly airborne - FluTrackers
Seems that bodily fluids can, and are, ejected short distances in "droplet" form. Guess that makes it airborne. Oh, wait...not airborne, that's "close contact". Where's my bullshit flag.

You mean like sneezing on a commercial airliner?

Per the UN:

"Mr Banbury told the Telegraph that aid workers were fighting a race against time amid fears it will begin to mutate.

"He said: 'The longer it moves around in human hosts in the virulent melting pot that is West Africa, the more chances increase that it could mutate."

He also admitted the international community had been late to respond to what was the worst disaster he had ever witnessed."

"He said: 'In a career working in these kinds of situations, wars, natural disasters – I have never seen anything as serious or dangerous or high risk as this one.'

UN Ebola chief raises nightmare that virus could become airborne Daily Mail Online
"Michael Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, said experts are loathe to discuss their concerns in public, for fear of whipping up hysteria. "

"The second possibility is one that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private: that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air.'

"Dr Osterholm warned viruses similar to Ebola are notorious for replicating and reinventing themselves."

UN Ebola chief raises nightmare that virus could become airborne Daily Mail Online
"In 2012, Canadian researchers found the virus could be passed via the respiratory system between pigs and monkeys - both of which have similar lungs to humans.
"It was the same virus as that which is responsible for the current death toll in West Africa."

UN Ebola chief raises nightmare that virus could become airborne Daily Mail Online
Yeah, this is the information that had valervi rolling in the aisles, holding her sides cuz it was so funny that people were afraid that sneezing pigs were able to infect monkeys.

"Patient’s Soiled Home Left Untended as Officials Sought to Contain Ebola in Dallas

More than a week after a Liberian man fell ill with Ebola and four days after he was placed in isolation at a hospital in Dallas, the apartment where he was staying with four other people had not been cleaned and the sheets and dirty towels he used while sick remained in the home, health officials acknowledged on Thursday afternoon."

We are all doomed. The authorities do not know what they are doing. Thanks Ebama I better make out my will now.

everything you want to know about his exposure
I would like to know more aboit the victim. How does he make a living....what prompted him to fly to Dallas...where does he get his money?

what prompted him to fly to Dallas.

because he wanted to get to America so he could be saved
He came because he wanted to knock off a slice with his American girlfreind.
He came because he knew that he had ebola, and he didn't want to die in a ditch.
The man is a real asshole, who violated quarantine and infected others : Liberia to Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola to United States - NBC News
MONROVIA, Liberia — Liberian authorities say they plan to prosecute the man infected with Ebola who brought the disease to the United States, saying he lied on his airport health questionnaire.

With an Ebola crisis raging in West Africa, passengers leaving Liberia are being screened for fever and are asked if they have had contact with anyone infected. On the questionnaire obtained by The Associated Press, Thomas Eric Duncan answered 'no' to those questions. Neighbors say Duncan had helped a sick pregnant woman who later died of the disease. Her illness at the time was believed to be pregnancy-related.
Never thought I would say this, but I wouldn't shed a tear if he dies of Ebola. Hope that he goes to prison in Liberia if he lives, as here he would probably get off and live it up while his victims suffer the consequences.
He came because he knew that he had ebola, and he didn't want to die in a ditch.
So he returned to the US, without telling anyone he was in a disease zone till he got sick himself. Then spread the disease to other people, who could potentially die, and at the very least will be stuck with big medical bills.

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