Dallas Ebola Patient Vomited Outside Apartment

But wait, according to the CDC he wasn't sick! He wasn't showing any symptoms, they know because..well, they just know.
He came because he knew that he had ebola, and he didn't want to die in a ditch.
So he returned to the US, without telling anyone he was in a disease zone till he got sick himself. Then spread the disease to other people, who could potentially die, and at the very least will be stuck with big medical bills.

Liberians are watching people die in the street from this disease. They are being turned away from hospitals, and the kill rate is at 90 percent. You bet he knew. Liberians also are not the uneducated idiot dolts ravi seems to think they are...they watch the news, they read the paper...and they know that in America people can survive. At the very least, they aren't turned away from hospitals. Yet. Though of course, they aren't keeping the people this guy has infected in the hospital. They're WAITING until they're infectious before they bring them in.

Another really clever move on the CDC's part.
If you think he's the only one doing that, you're sadly naive.
I am sure there are plenty doing that, but they still deserve to be punished for it. Quarantine measures are in a place for a good reason, to stop more people being infected - if you break quarantine and infect others, then you deserve to be held accountable for your actions.
They aren't going to quarrantine. The CDC and our current admin are of the opinion there are too many people in the world. Once it gets rolling,t hey aren't even going to test for it. They'll just send people home.

That's what they did with H1N1. To "avoid a panic" they quit testing people, and stop diagnosing people, and just treat the symptoms...if necessary.
He came because he knew that he had ebola, and he didn't want to die in a ditch.
So he returned to the US, without telling anyone he was in a disease zone till he got sick himself. Then spread the disease to other people, who could potentially die, and at the very least will be stuck with big medical bills.

Liberians are watching people die in the street from this disease. They are being turned away from hospitals, and the kill rate is at 90 percent. You bet he knew. Liberians also are not the uneducated idiot dolts ravi seems to think they are...they watch the news, they read the paper...and they know that in America people can survive. At the very least, they aren't turned away from hospitals. Yet. Though of course, they aren't keeping the people this guy has infected in the hospital. They're WAITING until they're infectious before they bring them in.

Another really clever move on the CDC's part.
And most Liberians are staying in quarantine, and suffering and dying. While this guy walks to an airport, then lies on a form to get out the country. No words that can describe it really.
"Texas health officials have ordered four family members who had contact with the Dallas Ebola patient to stay home and not have visitors to prevent the potential spread of disease. The order, hand delivered to Thomas Eric Duncan's relatives Wednesday night by Texas Department of Health Services officials, legally requires the family to comply until at least Oct. 19, when the incubation period has passed and the family is no longer at risk of having the disease. The order also requires the family to be available to provide blood samples and agree to any testing required by public health officials."

Ebola Patient s Family Ordered to Stay Home for Two Weeks - NBC News

So the officials "hand" delivered the order to stay home. Were they exposed to the virus and how many more have those officials come in contact with.

I didn't read the article yet, but how do they know or enforce that people stay home when they are ordered to? I guess it probably isn't the case, but I'll ask anyway, ankle bracelets? Other methods?
If you think he's the only one doing that, you're sadly naive.
I am sure there are plenty doing that, but they still deserve to be punished for it. Quarantine measures are in a place for a good reason, to stop more people being infected - if you break quarantine and infect others, then you deserve to be held accountable for your actions.

Isn't it kind of futile to penalize people for not staying in quarantine... the damage is done? In other words, what good does it do at that point?
If they put him in prison while he's still shedding virus, we'll be able to open up our prisons so we can lodge all the wife beaters, child molesters and other low life democrats that are walking around free due to overcrowding!
Shocked and outraged! How could they just leave and tell the people to stay there? Like they were going to listen! Also 3 or 4 other people came and went from the apartment. No accountability at all. Those people should had been shacked up at the cdc in one of those trailers from New Orleans. And the cdc is saying dont panic we got this under control. Incompetence across the board fire all those people get somebody that knows what the heck they are doing. I hope no one else is infected but I have no confidence in the cdc or the government with this problem, heck I wouldn't trust them with a runny nose outbreak.
But wait, according to the CDC, there's no reason to worry! People hardly ever get ebola! It's no big deal!
If you think he's the only one doing that, you're sadly naive.
I am sure there are plenty doing that, but they still deserve to be punished for it. Quarantine measures are in a place for a good reason, to stop more people being infected - if you break quarantine and infect others, then you deserve to be held accountable for your actions.

Isn't it kind of futile to penalize people for not staying in quarantine... the damage is done? In other words, what good does it do at that point?
He broke Liberian law lying on a form, and arrived in the US on a visa from Liberia. When his visa expires it is expected that he will face charges when returned to Liberia.

What good it does is upholding Liberian law, and making sure that those that violate quarantine for selfish reasons that endanger the lives and safety of others are held accountable for their actions.
This admin doesn't return immigrants to their own countries to face prosecution.
This admin doesn't return immigrants to their own countries to face prosecution.
He is on a non-immigration visa, or otherwise a visiting visa. He is not an immigrant. But if the Obama administration lets him stay, it wouldn't surprise me. Ultimately this is another blunder. Obama would sure like this to go away, just like the Secret Service blunder.
The president and his immigration agencies have the authority and the responsibility to deny admission to any alien that has (or cannot establish to the government's satisfaction that he or she doesn't have) a communicable disease of public health significance, such as ebola. In the midst of this severe outbreak, the government should be setting up more robust screening protocols. Reportedly, travelers to the United States are simply being questioned about their contact with infected people and are checked for a fever. In contrast, three African countries (Namibia, Kenya, and Zambia)have banned travelers from the countries that are experiencing the outbreak (Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea).

In July, a member of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson suggesting that we bar entry to any foreign travelers who have visited the three Ebola-stricken countries within 90 days of seeking entry to the United States.

But, as with the threat from terrorism and from foreign criminal cartels, the Obama administration seems reluctant to use immigration controls even to protect the homeland.
Dallas Ebola Patient Was Another Visa Mistake Center for Immigration Studies
"Patient’s Soiled Home Left Untended as Officials Sought to Contain Ebola in Dallas

More than a week after a Liberian man fell ill with Ebola and four days after he was placed in isolation at a hospital in Dallas, the apartment where he was staying with four other people had not been cleaned and the sheets and dirty towels he used while sick remained in the home, health officials acknowledged on Thursday afternoon."

We are all doomed. The authorities do not know what they are doing. Thanks Ebama I better make out my will now.

oh there is more

A worker power washes the sidewalk in front of the apartment unit at The Ivy Apartments where a man diagnosed with the Ebola virus was staying in Dallas, Texas October 2, 2014. Up to 100 people may have had direct or indirect contact with the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, and four people have been quarantined in a Dallas apartment, health officials said on Thursday. REUTERS/Mike Stone


not one piece of protective gear while cleaning up this guys vomit

Ebola patient s family quarantined as officials search for possible exposures Fox News

The man is a real asshole, who violated quarantine and infected others : Liberia to Prosecute Man Who Brought Ebola to United States - NBC News
MONROVIA, Liberia — Liberian authorities say they plan to prosecute the man infected with Ebola who brought the disease to the United States, saying he lied on his airport health questionnaire.

With an Ebola crisis raging in West Africa, passengers leaving Liberia are being screened for fever and are asked if they have had contact with anyone infected. On the questionnaire obtained by The Associated Press, Thomas Eric Duncan answered 'no' to those questions. Neighbors say Duncan had helped a sick pregnant woman who later died of the disease. Her illness at the time was believed to be pregnancy-related.
Never thought I would say this, but I wouldn't shed a tear if he dies of Ebola. Hope that he goes to prison in Liberia if he lives, as here he would probably get off and live it up while his victims suffer the consequences.

his family he was visiting are assholes as well

they are now under armed guard because of violating the quarantine

Four members of a family the U.S. Ebola patient was staying with were confined to their Texas home under armed guard Thursday as the circle of people possibly exposed to the virus widened, while Liberian authorities said they would prosecute the man for allegedly lying on an airport questionnaire.

The unusual confinement order was imposed after the family failed to comply with a request not to leave their apartment, according to Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

Family That Hosted Ebola Patient Confined to Home - ABC News
If you think he's the only one doing that, you're sadly naive.
I am sure there are plenty doing that, but they still deserve to be punished for it. Quarantine measures are in a place for a good reason, to stop more people being infected - if you break quarantine and infect others, then you deserve to be held accountable for your actions.

Isn't it kind of futile to penalize people for not staying in quarantine... the damage is done? In other words, what good does it do at that point?

to stop them from further spreading the virus
"Two days after he was sent home from a Dallas hospital, the man who is the first person to be diagnosed with Ebola in the United States was seen vomiting on the ground outside an apartment complex as he was bundled into an ambulance.

"His whole family was screaming. He got outside and he was throwing up all over the place," resident Mesud Osmanovic, 21, said on Wednesday, describing the chaotic scene before the man was admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital on Sunday where he is in serious condition.

U.S. health officials have said the country's healthcare system was well prepared to contain any spread of Ebola, through careful tracking of people who had contact with the patient and appropriate care for those admitted to hospital. "

Dallas Ebola patient vomited outside apartment on way to hospital Reuters

The US healthcare system is not prepared for this.
USMB liberals should be airlifted to Dallas to clean it up

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
How the fuck do you blame this on liberals? How asinine. You have a pathetic two dimensional view of reality based entirely on liberals vs conservatives. Absolutely pathetic. Reality is far, far more complex than you seem to be able to grasp.

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