Dallas Store Manager Shoots at 5 Armed Robbers Police Arrive 74 Minutes Later


Well you just plan bat shit crazy. You of all people should be pro gun with all the gun violence in Shitcago

Again, the Gun Industry has intentionally subverted our ban by setting up gun stores outside the city limits and selling to the gangbangers.

Better idea. Let the gun makers and sellers be held liable for any violence caused by their product.

Betcha they stop being so keen on selling to anyone who walks in the door.

Are you really so shit ass stupid you think gang bangers are going out of state to sit down and have a cup of coffee while getting their background checks done then taking them to shitcago to commit crimes?

Are you seriously this fucking stupid?

Of course he is.

Well you just plan bat shit crazy. You of all people should be pro gun with all the gun violence in Shitcago

Again, the Gun Industry has intentionally subverted our ban by setting up gun stores outside the city limits and selling to the gangbangers.

Better idea. Let the gun makers and sellers be held liable for any violence caused by their product.

Betcha they stop being so keen on selling to anyone who walks in the door.

Another one of Joe's dumb as hell ideas..

Everyone should own a gun. I hope my neighbors do.

It's the criminal end user that needs to suffer the consequences, not the companies that make the guns.

99.9% of gun owners go about their business everyday without using a gun to carry out a crime


Well you just plan bat shit crazy. You of all people should be pro gun with all the gun violence in Shitcago

Again, the Gun Industry has intentionally subverted our ban by setting up gun stores outside the city limits and selling to the gangbangers.

Better idea. Let the gun makers and sellers be held liable for any violence caused by their product.

Betcha they stop being so keen on selling to anyone who walks in the door.

Another one of Joe's dumb as hell ideas..

Everyone should own a gun. I hope my neighbors do.

It's the criminal end user that needs to suffer the consequences, not the companies that make the guns.

99.9% of gun owners go about their business everyday without using a gun to carry out a crime


But the .1% are responsible for 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries every year.

But that's okay by you, I guess, because you are so afraid of that criminal you'll keep a dangerous thing in your house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household.
Again, the Gun Industry has intentionally subverted our ban by setting up gun stores outside the city limits and selling to the gangbangers.

Better idea. Let the gun makers and sellers be held liable for any violence caused by their product.

Betcha they stop being so keen on selling to anyone who walks in the door.

Another one of Joe's dumb as hell ideas..

Everyone should own a gun. I hope my neighbors do.

It's the criminal end user that needs to suffer the consequences, not the companies that make the guns.

99.9% of gun owners go about their business everyday without using a gun to carry out a crime


But the .1% are responsible for 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries every year.

But that's okay by you, I guess, because you are so afraid of that criminal you'll keep a dangerous thing in your house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the household.

That is a bald face lie.
Again, the Gun Industry has intentionally subverted our ban by setting up gun stores outside the city limits and selling to the gangbangers.

Better idea. Let the gun makers and sellers be held liable for any violence caused by their product.

Betcha they stop being so keen on selling to anyone who walks in the door.

Another one of Joe's dumb as hell ideas..

Everyone should own a gun. I hope my neighbors do.

It's the criminal end user that needs to suffer the consequences, not the companies that make the guns.

99.9% of gun owners go about their business everyday without using a gun to carry out a crime


But the .1% are responsible for 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries every year.

Even if were true, I don't care

Another one of Joe's dumb as hell ideas..

Everyone should own a gun. I hope my neighbors do.

It's the criminal end user that needs to suffer the consequences, not the companies that make the guns.

99.9% of gun owners go about their business everyday without using a gun to carry out a crime


But the .1% are responsible for 32,000 deaths and 78,000 injuries every year.

Even if were true, I don't care


Well, the problem is, sane people do.

My question is, why do you guys want these folks to have guns so badly?

I mean, I get why the gun manufacturers do. More scared people mean more sales.

But the average gun owner who isn't a criminal or a crazy person? Just not seeing why they want it to be easy for crazy people and crooks to get guns.
This is one crazy story! Seventy four minutes is a long time to wait.
But then this story is a little delayed too!
The incident occurred on May 5th, eight months ago!
So there's one way of looking at it, the police were faster than the news reaching USMB!:lol:
Below is a link to an article from Dallas News, dated May 8, 2013 and story discusses a security film from the robbery three days earlier.
Security video shows shootout at West Dallas store; police responded to 911 call more than an hour later | Dallas Morning News
Now the story is disturbing in relationship to the cops taking so long to get there. Obviously, some first responders do a great job as 9/11/2001 clearly demonstrated. Then there are times like back in May of 2013 where cops acted like the Keystone Cops!:mad:
It's a good thing the store owner had a gun and had the courage to use it!:clap2:

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