Damn flu shot.

Making Flu Shots mandatory for ANY REASON violates Informed Consent. Doesnt matter WHAT California Governor Moonbeam signs. Please read:

Informed Consent, Policy & Guidance | HHS.gov

Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) | HHS.gov
The regulations prohibit waiving or appearing to waive any legal rights of subjects. Therefore, for example, consent language must be carefully selected that deals with what the institution is voluntarily willing to do under circumstances, such as providing for compensation beyond the provision of immediate or therapeutic intervention in response to a research-related injury. In short, subjects should not be given the impression that they have agreed to and are without recourse to seek satisfaction beyond the institution's voluntarily chosen limits.

Then they just won't hire you. You can go around spreading germs when you work in the hospital.
I never got a flu shot until 3 years ago. Since then, I haven't been sick. Not even a cold. I occasionally get symptoms of a cold, but it never fully materializes.
I haven't got a shot in the last 25 years or more. I occasionally get sick but it only lasts for a day or so. My Immune system is strong enough to handle that all by itself.

I HAVE been asking WHAT shot would have PREVENTED my Cancer but no one, even the Doctors, can say.
But if YOU got the shot, then YOU'D be ok right?

Why worry about me?

When you work in the hospital, you are exposing old people and infants to outside germs. They are particularly susceptible. The hospital doesn't make employees get vaccines because they want to give you an illness. They do it to protect susceptible patients. Old patients, young ones, ones with respiratory illnesses, etc.
I never got a flu shot until 3 years ago. Since then, I haven't been sick. Not even a cold. I occasionally get symptoms of a cold, but it never fully materializes.
I haven't got a shot in the last 25 years or more. I occasionally get sick but it only lasts for a day or so. My Immune system is strong enough to handle that all by itself.

I HAVE been asking WHAT shot would have PREVENTED my Cancer but no one, even the Doctors, can say.

Sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing well. They don't have shots for cancer. Not yet anyways.
As with any medical procedure, vaccines do come with some risks. That is the case with every little medical procedure you have. Any time you are cut open, you are taking a risk. Any anesthesia comes with risks. Even a tooth extraction has a set of risks. The health care industry looks at the risk/benefit ratio. The benefits to vaccinating the public FAR, FAR outweigh any risks. That is why they still recommend vaccinations even though there are some risks. The benefits are huge. Vaccinations have saved countless people from disease and have all but eradicated some diseases in our country.
I get pestered every year by my doctor and family to get a flu shot.

I've never had the shot and never had the flu.

So I'm not going to jinx myself by getting the shot and risk coming down with the flu.. ...... :cool:

Would never want anything bad to happen to my buddy Sunni Man.. :biggrin: So realize that everytime you get the flu --- especially if you're 40 or older -- you risk all kinds of complications that are worse than the flu.. Like the lung infection I picked up while my body was trying to fight the flu.. Was 3 blessed days in the hospital.. Had flu shots ever since..
Got it just a bit over a week ago and now I am coming down with a sore throat. Unless it is my left ear. Or both. I have felt icky ever since the shot. Arm finally quit hurting but now I keep getting little things that appear for a day, then go away only for another prob to happen, goes away, then yet another ache somewhere. The shot I got was 4 flu viruses in one. Maybe this sore throat is the 4th. Who knows. It just sucks.

However, I will probably do it again next year.

btw...this is the second ever shot I ever got.

Last year, after taking the flu shot ; I was still sick......I had a really bad flu for a whole month ( ?? March I think ?? ).......but I still showed up to work everyday. I was darn near hospital material I believe.

The year before that.....same thing. Flu shot and I had the flu multiple times. Terrible weakness, body was flaccid.....I had no strength, head was full of mucus, ears ringing, poor appitite, cough and sore throat, cold chills.

2012 - same thing. Terribly sick - no strength - body was flacid.....my body felt like jello, cough and sore throat, and my head was full of mucus.

This year, I skipped the flu shot. Last week or two weeks ago ( I do not remember which ), I was sick for a week - general weakness, head full of mucus ( I took * Mucenex * ). But it only lasted a week, versus the previous years of lasting a month solid.......or longer. Terrible sick for 4 to 6 weeks, AND I STILL showed up to work. I could not have fought a fire - done a rescue or ran an ambulance call ( motion sickness - and nausea ) ; but I still showed up to work everyday, and I think some overtime shifts. Few people could have pushed themselves as much as I did.....being as terribly sick as I was. -----> Few People !

I could not have afforded to call off for weeks at a time, so I came to work. I definitely could not have called off for 4 to 6 weeks - My boss probably would have fired me.

This year.....so far just for one week = Sick - my body fells like jello, cough and sore throat, no strength in my body and my head was pounding inside. But it only lasted a week.

So from now on, I opt to skip the flu shot. EVERYTIME I got the flu shot, I was really - really terribly sick with the flu. Not the cold......hardcore, terrible strain, stronger than strong virus - kick the butt flu. I was miserable. No strength in my body, head was pounding, I could not eat, I had the "Snots"....ect..ect..ect. I was worse off with the flu shot previously, than this year.....without it.

Shadow 355
Got it just a bit over a week ago and now I am coming down with a sore throat. Unless it is my left ear. Or both. I have felt icky ever since the shot. Arm finally quit hurting but now I keep getting little things that appear for a day, then go away only for another prob to happen, goes away, then yet another ache somewhere. The shot I got was 4 flu viruses in one. Maybe this sore throat is the 4th. Who knows. It just sucks.

However, I will probably do it again next year.

btw...this is the second ever shot I ever got.

Last year, after taking the flu shot ; I was still sick......I had a really bad flu for a whole month ( ?? March I think ?? ).......but I still showed up to work everyday. I was darn near hospital material I believe.

That was a ridiculously, idiotically selfish thing to do. You should have been fired for that.
Got it just a bit over a week ago and now I am coming down with a sore throat. Unless it is my left ear. Or both. I have felt icky ever since the shot. Arm finally quit hurting but now I keep getting little things that appear for a day, then go away only for another prob to happen, goes away, then yet another ache somewhere. The shot I got was 4 flu viruses in one. Maybe this sore throat is the 4th. Who knows. It just sucks.

However, I will probably do it again next year.

btw...this is the second ever shot I ever got.

Sorry you aren't feeling well, hope you feel better soon :)
Feeling a bit better thankfully. Tomorrow I should be back to normal. It's a cold, but a short one. Had a small fever and already sweat it off, which is why I feel so much better. Kinda woozy still, but...at least no sore throat any more.
Feeling a bit better thankfully. Tomorrow I should be back to normal. It's a cold, but a short one. Had a small fever and already sweat it off, which is why I feel so much better. Kinda woozy still, but...at least no sore throat any more.

You poor little darling, snuggle up in a warm blanket and cuddle with your fur buddies. :smiliehug:

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