Damning new testimony that Michael Brown indeed "charged" at the cop...

The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble

The autopsy shows the bullets entered from the front, dumbshit. How would that happen if the cop fired when the big ugly brute was running away?

The cop evidently only grazed him from behind or hit his forearm retard. Just because he may not have hit anything from behind doesnt mean he wasnt shooting. How many bullets did they pull out of the neighbors house again? How fucking dumb are you?

There's no "evidently" here at all-----there is NO evidence that the officer shot at the perp while he was walking away.

Yes there is. The eyewitnesses that all say he shot at Brown as he was running away.

Not true, I searched online and several sites say witnesses back up Wilson's account.

Yup and here is a NY Times article which has witnesee accounts which stat Brown was moving towards the officer and another which states he may been punching the officer in the face.

Shooting Accounts Differ as Holder Schedules Visit to Ferguson


I read the entire article carefully. What you state is not quite true, at least not what you imply. The article states there are conflicting eyewitness reports. Though Brown may have been moving toward the officer, witnesses do not suggest he was charging the officer but that he was surrendering, while the officer continued to shoot at him. It is off the walls insane to suggest that someone who is being shot at would charge the person shooting a him, especially when he had been running away and getting away. Why would anyone turn and walk into a barrage of bullets? Makes no sense whatever. Witnesses also state that the officer appeared to have tried to grab Brown by the throat when Brown struggled away, and when the gun went off inside the car. It appeared to witnesses that the officer had maybe attempted to pull out his gun while he had Brown by the neck, and that's when Brown struggled free and ran.

There are varying accounts in your article, but you seem to ignore what you don't like.

As well, the Attorney General and the FBI are going to looking into general practices of the Ferguson police department. It is my opinion, and obviously an issue the Federal Government is considering, is that the police department there does not treat the black population well, hence so much protesting over this event.

When I replied just then it was to someone who said there were witnesses who back up the officers account, that is what I was responding to.

And there was the one man who said he was not sure if Brown was punching the cop or not, he could have been and the other which totally discount the fact he was just standing there. They said he was moving forward towards the cop.

If he was surrendering, that would account for him moving forward towards the cop. He is still a kid and not one that had been in lots of trouble, was a gang member, etc. He would not know the 'proper' way to surrender, so he may have been moving somewhat in the direction of the cop. I think the struggle in the car did have to do with Wilson trying to grab Brown by the throat whilst pulling out his gun in order to arrest him. I think it makes sense that Brown may have leaned into the car and been a smart aleck with the cop, which enraged Wilson. It's true, this thing could have been prevented if Brown had been completely, and quietly, compliant, but he wasn't; however, that does not mean he deserved to be shot at and killed.

I never said he deserved to be shot and killed.

However, in that article or another it states he dropped 3-4 feet in front of the cop. ( this was a witness statement not the cop or one of his friends). Says he was moving a lot quicker than has been told.

Everyone seems to believe Johnson's account of this story.

This kid was 6'4" tall and 300 pounds.

We have an SUV about the size of the cops vehicle, it sits a little higher in fact. We did an experiment today with ours and a friend standing near our car. Even if he was right on the door as Johnson suggests it was impossible to even reach his neck to put him in a choke hold.

Now picture yourself trying to reach out of the window as Johnson claims and immediately being able to reach out of your car with one arm and putting your arm around the neck of a 6'4" 300 pound man, the cop would need to be taller than the suspect and one very strong man, given the leverage needed too. One would believe these kids never moved and inch as the "cop car came speeding backing up to them and nearly hit them" and somehow the cop was able to reach up while sitting and get him around the neck.
The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble

The autopsy shows the bullets entered from the front, dumbshit. How would that happen if the cop fired when the big ugly brute was running away?

The cop evidently only grazed him from behind or hit his forearm retard. Just because he may not have hit anything from behind doesnt mean he wasnt shooting. How many bullets did they pull out of the neighbors house again? How fucking dumb are you?

There's no "evidently" here at all-----there is NO evidence that the officer shot at the perp while he was walking away.

Yes there is. The eyewitnesses that all say he shot at Brown as he was running away.

Not true, I searched online and several sites say witnesses back up Wilson's account.

Yup and here is a NY Times article which has witnesee accounts which stat Brown was moving towards the officer and another which states he may been punching the officer in the face.

Shooting Accounts Differ as Holder Schedules Visit to Ferguson


I read the entire article carefully. What you state is not quite true, at least not what you imply. The article states there are conflicting eyewitness reports. Though Brown may have been moving toward the officer, witnesses do not suggest he was charging the officer but that he was surrendering, while the officer continued to shoot at him. It is off the walls insane to suggest that someone who is being shot at would charge the person shooting a him, especially when he had been running away and getting away. Why would anyone turn and walk into a barrage of bullets? Makes no sense whatever. Witnesses also state that the officer appeared to have tried to grab Brown by the throat when Brown struggled away, and when the gun went off inside the car. It appeared to witnesses that the officer had maybe attempted to pull out his gun while he had Brown by the neck, and that's when Brown struggled free and ran.

There are varying accounts in your article, but you seem to ignore what you don't like.

As well, the Attorney General and the FBI are going to looking into general practices of the Ferguson police department. It is my opinion, and obviously an issue the Federal Government is considering, is that the police department there does not treat the black population well, hence so much protesting over this event.

When I replied just then it was to someone who said there were witnesses who back up the officers account, that is what I was responding to.

And there was the one man who said he was not sure if Brown was punching the cop or not, he could have been and the other which totally discount the fact he was just standing there. They said he was moving forward towards the cop.

If he was surrendering, that would account for him moving forward towards the cop. He is still a kid and not one that had been in lots of trouble, was a gang member, etc. He would not know the 'proper' way to surrender, so he may have been moving somewhat in the direction of the cop. I think the struggle in the car did have to do with Wilson trying to grab Brown by the throat whilst pulling out his gun in order to arrest him. I think it makes sense that Brown may have leaned into the car and been a smart aleck with the cop, which enraged Wilson. It's true, this thing could have been prevented if Brown had been completely, and quietly, compliant, but he wasn't; however, that does not mean he deserved to be shot at and killed.

I never said he deserved to be shot and killed.

However, in that article or another it states he dropped 3-4 feet in front of the cop. ( this was a witness statement not the cop or one of his friends). Says he was moving a lot quicker than has been told.

Everyone seems to believe Johnson's account of this story.

This kid was 6'4" tall and 300 pounds.

We have an SUV about the size of the cops vehicle, it sits a little higher in fact. We did an experiment today with ours and a friend standing near our car. Even if he was right on the door as Johnson suggests it was impossible to even reach his neck to put him in a choke hold.

Now picture yourself trying to reach out of the window as Johnson claims and immediately being able to reach out of your car with one arm and putting your arm around the neck of a 6'4" 300 pound man, the cop would need to be taller than the suspect and one very strong man, given the leverage needed too. One would believe these kids never moved and inch as the "cop car came speeding backing up to them and nearly hit them" and somehow the cop was able to reach up while sitting and get him around the neck.

It doesn't make any sense at all to suggest that for no reason at all this kid, who was not a kid who'd been involved with gangs or weapons, would suddenly reach for the cop's gun. It doesn't make any sense at all that someone who was not insane or high on a drug much more potent than pot, would charge into a man who was shooting a gun at him. None of that makes sense. It defies reality and logic. However, it makes a good excuse for the cop to say he had to shoot the guy. That's what it does: it makes a good excuse for the cop to explain away his behavior, but it does not jive with logic, reason, or reality. And, of course, it fits in with the racists' point of view that all black teenage boys, and most girls, are thugs and mental primitives.
The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble

The autopsy shows the bullets entered from the front, dumbshit. How would that happen if the cop fired when the big ugly brute was running away?

The cop evidently only grazed him from behind or hit his forearm retard. Just because he may not have hit anything from behind doesnt mean he wasnt shooting. How many bullets did they pull out of the neighbors house again? How fucking dumb are you?

There's no "evidently" here at all-----there is NO evidence that the officer shot at the perp while he was walking away.

Yes there is. The eyewitnesses that all say he shot at Brown as he was running away.

Not true, I searched online and several sites say witnesses back up Wilson's account.

Yup and here is a NY Times article which has witnesee accounts which stat Brown was moving towards the officer and another which states he may been punching the officer in the face.

Shooting Accounts Differ as Holder Schedules Visit to Ferguson


I read the entire article carefully. What you state is not quite true, at least not what you imply. The article states there are conflicting eyewitness reports. Though Brown may have been moving toward the officer, witnesses do not suggest he was charging the officer but that he was surrendering, while the officer continued to shoot at him. It is off the walls insane to suggest that someone who is being shot at would charge the person shooting a him, especially when he had been running away and getting away. Why would anyone turn and walk into a barrage of bullets? Makes no sense whatever. Witnesses also state that the officer appeared to have tried to grab Brown by the throat when Brown struggled away, and when the gun went off inside the car. It appeared to witnesses that the officer had maybe attempted to pull out his gun while he had Brown by the neck, and that's when Brown struggled free and ran.

There are varying accounts in your article, but you seem to ignore what you don't like.

As well, the Attorney General and the FBI are going to looking into general practices of the Ferguson police department. It is my opinion, and obviously an issue the Federal Government is considering, is that the police department there does not treat the black population well, hence so much protesting over this event.

When I replied just then it was to someone who said there were witnesses who back up the officers account, that is what I was responding to.

And there was the one man who said he was not sure if Brown was punching the cop or not, he could have been and the other which totally discount the fact he was just standing there. They said he was moving forward towards the cop.

If he was surrendering, that would account for him moving forward towards the cop. He is still a kid and not one that had been in lots of trouble, was a gang member, etc. He would not know the 'proper' way to surrender, so he may have been moving somewhat in the direction of the cop. I think the struggle in the car did have to do with Wilson trying to grab Brown by the throat whilst pulling out his gun in order to arrest him. I think it makes sense that Brown may have leaned into the car and been a smart aleck with the cop, which enraged Wilson. It's true, this thing could have been prevented if Brown had been completely, and quietly, compliant, but he wasn't; however, that does not mean he deserved to be shot at and killed.

I never said he deserved to be shot and killed.

However, in that article or another it states he dropped 3-4 feet in front of the cop. ( this was a witness statement not the cop or one of his friends). Says he was moving a lot quicker than has been told.

Everyone seems to believe Johnson's account of this story.

This kid was 6'4" tall and 300 pounds.

We have an SUV about the size of the cops vehicle, it sits a little higher in fact. We did an experiment today with ours and a friend standing near our car. Even if he was right on the door as Johnson suggests it was impossible to even reach his neck to put him in a choke hold.

Now picture yourself trying to reach out of the window as Johnson claims and immediately being able to reach out of your car with one arm and putting your arm around the neck of a 6'4" 300 pound man, the cop would need to be taller than the suspect and one very strong man, given the leverage needed too. One would believe these kids never moved and inch as the "cop car came speeding backing up to them and nearly hit them" and somehow the cop was able to reach up while sitting and get him around the neck.

It doesn't make any sense at all to suggest that for no reason at all this kid, who was not a kid who'd been involved with gangs or weapons, would suddenly reach for the cop's gun. It doesn't make any sense at all that someone who was not insane or high on a drug much more potent than pot, would charge into a man who was shooting a gun at him. None of that makes sense. It defies reality and logic. However, it makes a good excuse for the cop to say he had to shoot the guy. That's what it does: it makes a good excuse for the cop to explain away his behavior, but it does not jive with logic, reason, or reality. And, of course, it fits in with the racists' point of view that all black teenage boys, and most girls, are thugs and mental primitives.

You can't apply logic to help form your conclusions in defense of Brown all the while ignoring the logic of why crime doesn't pay

It doesn't make any sense at all to suggest that for no reason at all this kid, who was not a kid who'd been involved with gangs or weapons, would suddenly reach for the cop's gun. It doesn't make any sense at all that someone who was not insane or high on a drug much more potent than pot, would charge into a man who was shooting a gun at him. None of that makes sense. It defies reality and logic. However, it makes a good excuse for the cop to say he had to shoot the guy. That's what it does: it makes a good excuse for the cop to explain away his behavior, but it does not jive with logic, reason, or reality. And, of course, it fits in with the racists' point of view that all black teenage boys, and most girls, are thugs and mental primitives.

I cannot help but look at this rationale and ponder the likelihood of some 6-year veteran cop with a spotless record deciding he's going to off some black kid. As fate would have it, this "innocent" kid had just robbed a store, pushed then intimidated some pint-sized clerk with violence.

Clearly, not all black teens are thugs and not all middle-aged women are dingbats, but just as obviously, some are.
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The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble

The autopsy shows the bullets entered from the front, dumbshit. How would that happen if the cop fired when the big ugly brute was running away?

The cop evidently only grazed him from behind or hit his forearm retard. Just because he may not have hit anything from behind doesnt mean he wasnt shooting. How many bullets did they pull out of the neighbors house again? How fucking dumb are you?

There's no "evidently" here at all-----there is NO evidence that the officer shot at the perp while he was walking away.

Yes there is. The eyewitnesses that all say he shot at Brown as he was running away.

Not true, I searched online and several sites say witnesses back up Wilson's account.

Yup and here is a NY Times article which has witnesee accounts which stat Brown was moving towards the officer and another which states he may been punching the officer in the face.

Shooting Accounts Differ as Holder Schedules Visit to Ferguson


I read the entire article carefully. What you state is not quite true, at least not what you imply. The article states there are conflicting eyewitness reports. Though Brown may have been moving toward the officer, witnesses do not suggest he was charging the officer but that he was surrendering, while the officer continued to shoot at him. It is off the walls insane to suggest that someone who is being shot at would charge the person shooting a him, especially when he had been running away and getting away. Why would anyone turn and walk into a barrage of bullets? Makes no sense whatever. Witnesses also state that the officer appeared to have tried to grab Brown by the throat when Brown struggled away, and when the gun went off inside the car. It appeared to witnesses that the officer had maybe attempted to pull out his gun while he had Brown by the neck, and that's when Brown struggled free and ran.

There are varying accounts in your article, but you seem to ignore what you don't like.

As well, the Attorney General and the FBI are going to looking into general practices of the Ferguson police department. It is my opinion, and obviously an issue the Federal Government is considering, is that the police department there does not treat the black population well, hence so much protesting over this event.

When I replied just then it was to someone who said there were witnesses who back up the officers account, that is what I was responding to.

And there was the one man who said he was not sure if Brown was punching the cop or not, he could have been and the other which totally discount the fact he was just standing there. They said he was moving forward towards the cop.

If he was surrendering, that would account for him moving forward towards the cop. He is still a kid and not one that had been in lots of trouble, was a gang member, etc. He would not know the 'proper' way to surrender, so he may have been moving somewhat in the direction of the cop. I think the struggle in the car did have to do with Wilson trying to grab Brown by the throat whilst pulling out his gun in order to arrest him. I think it makes sense that Brown may have leaned into the car and been a smart aleck with the cop, which enraged Wilson. It's true, this thing could have been prevented if Brown had been completely, and quietly, compliant, but he wasn't; however, that does not mean he deserved to be shot at and killed.

I never said he deserved to be shot and killed.

However, in that article or another it states he dropped 3-4 feet in front of the cop. ( this was a witness statement not the cop or one of his friends). Says he was moving a lot quicker than has been told.

Everyone seems to believe Johnson's account of this story.

This kid was 6'4" tall and 300 pounds.

We have an SUV about the size of the cops vehicle, it sits a little higher in fact. We did an experiment today with ours and a friend standing near our car. Even if he was right on the door as Johnson suggests it was impossible to even reach his neck to put him in a choke hold.

Now picture yourself trying to reach out of the window as Johnson claims and immediately being able to reach out of your car with one arm and putting your arm around the neck of a 6'4" 300 pound man, the cop would need to be taller than the suspect and one very strong man, given the leverage needed too. One would believe these kids never moved and inch as the "cop car came speeding backing up to them and nearly hit them" and somehow the cop was able to reach up while sitting and get him around the neck.

It doesn't make any sense at all to suggest that for no reason at all this kid, who was not a kid who'd been involved with gangs or weapons, would suddenly reach for the cop's gun. It doesn't make any sense at all that someone who was not insane or high on a drug much more potent than pot, would charge into a man who was shooting a gun at him. None of that makes sense. It defies reality and logic. However, it makes a good excuse for the cop to say he had to shoot the guy. That's what it does: it makes a good excuse for the cop to explain away his behavior, but it does not jive with logic, reason, or reality. And, of course, it fits in with the racists' point of view that all black teenage boys, and most girls, are thugs and mental primitives.

You're trying to somehow make sense outta this? Wouldn't that require you use the perspective of the cop and/or the deceased ? What makes you think they even used any ? How much sense does it make to steal ? How much sense does it make to even want to be a cop ?
I think you need to try a different approach if you want to know ( not understand ) exactly what happened. Other people do not use the same value system as you do.
Too many want to believe Brown was not a criminal and Wilson the bad cop. It was already shown that Brown was a criminal and Wilson a well respected officer. To say "Why would he charge the cop?", I say why would a well respected, experienced cop just decide to start shooting someone for no reason? We don't all know the truth yet, a lot of speculation. Some of us prefer to wait until the evidence proves what happened, others prefer to immediately blame the cop and make it a racial issue, loot, protest, and become violent. Shame on y'all.
The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble

The autopsy shows the bullets entered from the front, dumbshit. How would that happen if the cop fired when the big ugly brute was running away?

The cop evidently only grazed him from behind or hit his forearm retard. Just because he may not have hit anything from behind doesnt mean he wasnt shooting. How many bullets did they pull out of the neighbors house again? How fucking dumb are you?

There's no "evidently" here at all-----there is NO evidence that the officer shot at the perp while he was walking away.

Yes there is. The eyewitnesses that all say he shot at Brown as he was running away.

Not true, I searched online and several sites say witnesses back up Wilson's account.

Yup and here is a NY Times article which has witnesee accounts which stat Brown was moving towards the officer and another which states he may been punching the officer in the face.

Shooting Accounts Differ as Holder Schedules Visit to Ferguson


I read the entire article carefully. What you state is not quite true, at least not what you imply. The article states there are conflicting eyewitness reports. Though Brown may have been moving toward the officer, witnesses do not suggest he was charging the officer but that he was surrendering, while the officer continued to shoot at him. It is off the walls insane to suggest that someone who is being shot at would charge the person shooting a him, especially when he had been running away and getting away. Why would anyone turn and walk into a barrage of bullets? Makes no sense whatever. Witnesses also state that the officer appeared to have tried to grab Brown by the throat when Brown struggled away, and when the gun went off inside the car. It appeared to witnesses that the officer had maybe attempted to pull out his gun while he had Brown by the neck, and that's when Brown struggled free and ran.

There are varying accounts in your article, but you seem to ignore what you don't like.

As well, the Attorney General and the FBI are going to looking into general practices of the Ferguson police department. It is my opinion, and obviously an issue the Federal Government is considering, is that the police department there does not treat the black population well, hence so much protesting over this event.

When I replied just then it was to someone who said there were witnesses who back up the officers account, that is what I was responding to.

And there was the one man who said he was not sure if Brown was punching the cop or not, he could have been and the other which totally discount the fact he was just standing there. They said he was moving forward towards the cop.

If he was surrendering, that would account for him moving forward towards the cop. He is still a kid and not one that had been in lots of trouble, was a gang member, etc. He would not know the 'proper' way to surrender, so he may have been moving somewhat in the direction of the cop. I think the struggle in the car did have to do with Wilson trying to grab Brown by the throat whilst pulling out his gun in order to arrest him. I think it makes sense that Brown may have leaned into the car and been a smart aleck with the cop, which enraged Wilson. It's true, this thing could have been prevented if Brown had been completely, and quietly, compliant, but he wasn't; however, that does not mean he deserved to be shot at and killed.

I never said he deserved to be shot and killed.

However, in that article or another it states he dropped 3-4 feet in front of the cop. ( this was a witness statement not the cop or one of his friends). Says he was moving a lot quicker than has been told.

Everyone seems to believe Johnson's account of this story.

This kid was 6'4" tall and 300 pounds.

We have an SUV about the size of the cops vehicle, it sits a little higher in fact. We did an experiment today with ours and a friend standing near our car. Even if he was right on the door as Johnson suggests it was impossible to even reach his neck to put him in a choke hold.

Now picture yourself trying to reach out of the window as Johnson claims and immediately being able to reach out of your car with one arm and putting your arm around the neck of a 6'4" 300 pound man, the cop would need to be taller than the suspect and one very strong man, given the leverage needed too. One would believe these kids never moved and inch as the "cop car came speeding backing up to them and nearly hit them" and somehow the cop was able to reach up while sitting and get him around the neck.

It doesn't make any sense at all to suggest that for no reason at all this kid, who was not a kid who'd been involved with gangs or weapons, would suddenly reach for the cop's gun. It doesn't make any sense at all that someone who was not insane or high on a drug much more potent than pot, would charge into a man who was shooting a gun at him. None of that makes sense. It defies reality and logic. However, it makes a good excuse for the cop to say he had to shoot the guy. That's what it does: it makes a good excuse for the cop to explain away his behavior, but it does not jive with logic, reason, or reality. And, of course, it fits in with the racists' point of view that all black teenage boys, and most girls, are thugs and mental primitives.

So some white cop just went on a shooting spree just because the kids were black? The fact they had just assaulted a store owner and then menaced him by getting in his face for the second time as they stole merchandise, makes sense to you?

It makes no sense to me some people want to put this aside and not think about the fact these two ( one wanted on a warrant for theft) just robbed a store and assaulted a man. The cop pulled up to tell them to get out of the street and they reacted thinking he was there to arrest them for the robbery and assault, not to mention the other guy had a WARRENT for his flippin arrest!

Key witness in Ferguson wanted in Jefferson City Local News - Home

Sorry, I know some people are racist, I know some cops are out of control. But for this cop to have just decided he was going to open fire in that apartment complex in the middle of the day makes no sense to me.
I se
Too many want to believe Brown was not a criminal and Wilson the bad cop. It was already shown that Brown was a criminal and Wilson a well respected officer. To say "Why would he charge the cop?", I say why would a well respected, experienced cop just decide to start shooting someone for no reason? We don't all know the truth yet, a lot of speculation. Some of us prefer to wait until the evidence proves what happened, others prefer to immediately blame the cop and make it a racial issue, loot, protest, and become violent. Shame on y'all.
Esmerelda disagreed with this post. Perhaps she can explain what her disagreement is.
The video contains two different accounts. One who witnessed it himself & is caught on audio explaining what he saw to his friend. The second is a woman who claims to be friends with the officer & recounts the story he told her.

While I think the second could be considered heresay, the first is a raw uncut eyewitness account.

You guys can post doctored videos all day long and its not going to change anything. The autopsy pretty much nails it and matches the testimony of the two women. Your boy wonder cop is in a world of trouble

The evidence supports the autopsy. Not contradict. He might be in trouble, and he might not. Regardless, he is innocent no matter what happen. He did nothing wrong, period. This scum bag attacked him, and got exactly what he deserved.

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