Danger: NOT Politically Correct!!!

If only we treated Palin in Bachman in a PC manner instead of laughing at their unbelievable idiocy. After all, they can't help that they are idiots.

The problem with that comment is the hypocrisy of the left to laugh at Palin but give Joe Biden a pass, along with Obama. If Palin is an idiot then Obama must be brain dead.

[ame=http://youtu.be/BzugbGTj_k4]Biggest Gaffes and Mistakes of Obama - YouTube[/ame]
I know that's over in Londonistan but here in America Fat People and Smokers are gonna' pay more for their "Free" Obama "Care".

Now I want EVERYONE to chant: "U-S-A! U-S-A!"
Fat people and smokers cause more costs by their own behavior.

So does unprotected sex, so does having kids, most especially those out of wedlock, so does catching pneumonia or falling off ladders or jay walking or wrecking your car or picking wild mushrooms or swimming with sharks or engaging in any kind of risk. So what shall we assign as unacceptable behavior so as not to increase costs? Are the unnecessary risks you take somehow more politically correct than those who gain weight or smoke?

The fact is, freedom allows risk taking and living as we choose to live. However, freedom also requires that the choices any of us make about anything should not require contribution or participation by anybody else without their express consent. That is the component that makes Obamacare and programs like it criminal when put up against concepts of personal liberties, choices, options, and opportunities.
If only we treated Palin in Bachman in a PC manner instead of laughing at their unbelievable idiocy. After all, they can't help that they are idiots.

The problem with that comment is the hypocrisy of the left to laugh at Palin but give Joe Biden a pass, along with Obama. If Palin is an idiot then Obama must be brain dead.

[ame=http://youtu.be/BzugbGTj_k4]Biggest Gaffes and Mistakes of Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Here's the difference: I don't start sniveling and whining if someone calls Biden or Obama an idiot. I don't require you to be PC, in other words, but in this thread some of the rightwingnutters are whining that Palin and Batshit Bachmann weren't treated in a PC manner.

The irony is off the charts!
If only we treated Palin in Bachman in a PC manner instead of laughing at their unbelievable idiocy. After all, they can't help that they are idiots.

The problem with that comment is the hypocrisy of the left to laugh at Palin but give Joe Biden a pass, along with Obama. If Palin is an idiot then Obama must be brain dead.

[ame=http://youtu.be/BzugbGTj_k4]Biggest Gaffes and Mistakes of Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Here's the difference: I don't start sniveling and whining if someone calls Biden or Obama an idiot. I don't require you to be PC, in other words, but in this thread some of the rightwingnutters are whining that Palin and Batshit Bachmann weren't treated in a PC manner.

The irony is off the charts!

I think perhaps the deffiniton of PC should be worth discussing. I hate political correctness but I'll bitch like a little girl if I see hypocrisy in action. I think it's important to point out the hypocrisy of the press when it occurs, along with politicians and political parties. When an institution (the press) derives double standards from deciding who gets the PC treatment and who doesn't then they should be called on it. That's the problem. Political correctness being practiced on Hillary Clinton but not on other female politicians because they have a different political view point is pretty dishonest, pathetic and hypocritical.
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I know that's over in Londonistan but here in America Fat People and Smokers are gonna' pay more for their "Free" Obama "Care".

Now I want EVERYONE to chant: "U-S-A! U-S-A!"
Fat people and smokers cause more costs by their own behavior.

Ya know, I keep hearing that. I wonder how much of that is true though. Smokers and fat people generally die sooner than later. People who are not fat or don't smoke may live longer but their last 5 to 10 years seems to consist of more money being spent on operations, more depends, a longer stay at a convalescent hospital, etc.
I have absolutely no evidence to suggest one life style is more expensive to society than the other life style but I have lots of questions about the validity of your argument.
Bauchmann (sp?) and Palin are both whackos. I didn't determine that by listening to what other people had to say about them, I determined that by listening to them speak.

I'm from Alaska. Do you ever wonder why Palin has become so unpopular in her own state? Well, not really her own state, anymore, we don't want her.

One of the first things she did that got my attention, not in a good way, was when she used her position as governor to try and get back at her sister's ex-husband, who was (I think he still IS) a State Trooper.

I can't stand that kind of abuse of power. If the bitch would do that, what else would she do? What other little personal vendettas did she have in mind?

Like I said, I didn't really have a problem with her before that came out. That was just the tip of the iceburg, though.
I have a problem with fat. And lately I've been struggling to keep my weight under control because I have a lot of financial problems right now. Eating comforts me.

So I have to fight back. Today, I am going to regain control. I am at the very top of the acceptable weight range for my height. If I gain a couple of pounds I will be "overweight." This is not acceptable. I have to summon all my resolve and willpower to fight back, to stick with a healthy eating plan.

When I battle the problem like this, as I have done my whole life, and then someone wants me to say they're beautiful even though they're fat, I say...bullshit.

I don't think fat is beautiful, it's ugly, ugly, ugly. That's why I fight it so hard. If you want to be fat, go right on ahead, but I think your fat is ugly. I think my OWN fat is ugly, for crying out loud. Now that doesn't mean I can't like or even love you for other reasons, but your fat isn't going to be one of them.

And we're not even talking about the health aspects, yet. Which is probably even more important to me now that I'm older. I'm married and my husband isn't really that concerned about me carrying a little extra weight...he never has been. But I want to be as healthy as I can be. So I have to fight my desire to keep eating Hershey's chocolates all day long to comfort me in my stress.

Not to mention...I just feel so much better physically AND mentally when I have my weight under control. If I'm going through tough times I need to be on top of my game. And that means keeping my weight within an acceptable range.

For all those who have just given up and decided to embrace their fatness...groovy. I can't do it.
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I'm ok with my plump bod. More cushion for my poor hip joints. I have nice legs too, even if I do say so myself. I just hate having the extra weight on my poor ankles that have to hold me up. Most of my problem is belly fat. It just likes me too much to go away. So..I live with it. If people think I am ugly, ok. That's on them, not me. :)
Oh..and yes. I can see my toes. :lol:

I guess, for comparison...my body is very close to Queen Latifa's but take about 20 lbs off her and that's me. Wish I had her face, though. I think she is beautiful.
When I battle the problem like this, as I have done my whole life, and then someone wants me to say they're beautiful even though they're fat, I say...bullshit.

I don't think fat is beautiful, it's ugly, ugly, ugly. That's why I fight it so hard. If you want to be fat, go right on ahead, but I think your fat is ugly. I think my OWN fat is ugly, for crying out loud. Now that doesn't mean I can't like or even love you for other reasons, but your fat isn't going to be one of them.

Not to mention...I just feel so much better physically AND mentally when I have my weight under control. If I'm going through tough times I need to be on top of my game. And that means keeping my weight within an acceptable range.

For all those who have just given up and decided to embrace their fatness...groovy. I can't do it.

I guess it depends on the person and what they consider fat.

While you may not find fat people attractive, I can honestly say I have found some fat folks attractive and also a lot of just slightly overweight people attractive.

I also find naturally thin people and super fit people attractive.

It just depends on the individual person for me.:cool:

I have not found myself attracted to someone physically who is morbidly obese and in a serious medical crisis because of the massive weight, but I suspect if I got to know a person in that condition, I could find them attractive mentally or emotionally.:cool:
When I battle the problem like this, as I have done my whole life, and then someone wants me to say they're beautiful even though they're fat, I say...bullshit.

I don't think fat is beautiful, it's ugly, ugly, ugly. That's why I fight it so hard. If you want to be fat, go right on ahead, but I think your fat is ugly. I think my OWN fat is ugly, for crying out loud. Now that doesn't mean I can't like or even love you for other reasons, but your fat isn't going to be one of them.

Not to mention...I just feel so much better physically AND mentally when I have my weight under control. If I'm going through tough times I need to be on top of my game. And that means keeping my weight within an acceptable range.

For all those who have just given up and decided to embrace their fatness...groovy. I can't do it.

I guess it depends on the person and what they consider fat.

While you may not find fat people attractive, I can honestly say I have found some fat folks attractive and also a lot of just slightly overweight people attractive.

I also find naturally thin people and super fit people attractive.

It just depends on the individual person for me.:cool:

I have not found myself attracted to someone physically who is morbidly obese and in a serious medical crisis because of the massive weight, but I suspect if I got to know a person in that condition, I could find them attractive mentally or emotionally.:cool:

I once read a book called "Such a Pretty Face." It was about men who prefer heavy women...obese, even. It was quite intriguing.
I know that's over in Londonistan but here in America Fat People and Smokers are gonna' pay more for their "Free" Obama "Care".

Now I want EVERYONE to chant: "U-S-A! U-S-A!"
Fat people and smokers cause more costs by their own behavior.

Ya know, I keep hearing that. I wonder how much of that is true though. Smokers and fat people generally die sooner than later. People who are not fat or don't smoke may live longer but their last 5 to 10 years seems to consist of more money being spent on operations, more depends, a longer stay at a convalescent hospital, etc.
I have absolutely no evidence to suggest one life style is more expensive to society than the other life style but I have lots of questions about the validity of your argument.
At first I know two guys with a hole in their throat. One of them is a neighbor of mine and he still smokes sedulously. What do you think does such an operation and the following therapies cost? And why do you think do health insurances benefit people who live healthy with bonuses?
Fat people and smokers cause more costs by their own behavior.

Ya know, I keep hearing that. I wonder how much of that is true though. Smokers and fat people generally die sooner than later. People who are not fat or don't smoke may live longer but their last 5 to 10 years seems to consist of more money being spent on operations, more depends, a longer stay at a convalescent hospital, etc.
I have absolutely no evidence to suggest one life style is more expensive to society than the other life style but I have lots of questions about the validity of your argument.
At first I know two guys with a hole in their throat. One of them is a neighbor of mine and he still smokes sedulously. What do you think does such an operation and the following therapies cost? And why do you think do health insurances benefit people who live healthy with bonuses?

I'm not sure that knowing two people who have a hole in their throat answers my question.
Why do health insurances benefit people who live healthy with bonuses? Because they will be around longer and consequently pay more?
The problem with that comment is the hypocrisy of the left to laugh at Palin but give Joe Biden a pass, along with Obama. If Palin is an idiot then Obama must be brain dead.

Biggest Gaffes and Mistakes of Obama - YouTube

Here's the difference: I don't start sniveling and whining if someone calls Biden or Obama an idiot. I don't require you to be PC, in other words, but in this thread some of the rightwingnutters are whining that Palin and Batshit Bachmann weren't treated in a PC manner.

The irony is off the charts!

I think perhaps the deffiniton of PC should be worth discussing. I hate political correctness but I'll bitch like a little girl if I see hypocrisy in action. I think it's important to point out the hypocrisy of the press when it occurs, along with politicians and political parties. When an institution (the press) derives double standards from deciding who gets the PC treatment and who doesn't then they should be called on it. That's the problem. Political correctness being practiced on Hillary Clinton but not on other female politicians because they have a different political view point is pretty dishonest, pathetic and hypocritical.

I think your post here merits response. I so agree. As a dedicated conservative, I of course am not a Hillary supporter though I think she would have made a far better and much less destructive President than Obama has been. But her dodging and weaving out of political expediency and her outright dishonesty when it comes to things like Benghazi are offputting, and she is a modern American liberal who as senator voted liberal almost all of the time and avoided voting at all on anything with potential to be controversial. I mention this only to emphasize that I do not admire her politics in any capacity and have no affection for her as a person.

Evenso, I bristle and get really angry when I see her parodied in unattractive ways just because she is female. I get really angry when she is mocked or caricatured in ways attacking her feminine qualities. Attack her politics, okay. Attack her dishonesty or her words, okay. But to attack her because she is a woman? Not okay. And the scorn and ridicule heaped upon her feminine qualities pale when compared to what the hateful have heaped upon Bachmann, Palin, and other strong conservative women.

The same kind of insulting hatred is not targeted at guys because they are guys.
"A visiting NYU business professor is on thin ice after tweeting that fat students lack the willpower to complete a doctoral dissertation.

Geoffrey F. Miller, a visiting associate professor of evolutionary psychology on leave from the University of New Mexico, made the statement late Sunday.

“Dear obese PhD applicants: If you didn’t have the willpower to stop eating carbs, you won’t have the willpower to do a dissertation,” he wrote — driving home the discriminatory point by adding “#truth.”

“That’s a shocking statement. A person’s body says nothing about their academic skills or integrity,” said Megan Davis, a grad student at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. “I don’t think he should be invited back as a guest lecturer.”
Visiting NYU lecturer makes waves with offensive Tweet about fat people - NYPOST.com
"A visiting NYU business professor is on thin ice after tweeting that fat students lack the willpower to complete a doctoral dissertation.

Geoffrey F. Miller, a visiting associate professor of evolutionary psychology on leave from the University of New Mexico, made the statement late Sunday.

“Dear obese PhD applicants: If you didn’t have the willpower to stop eating carbs, you won’t have the willpower to do a dissertation,” he wrote — driving home the discriminatory point by adding “#truth.”

“That’s a shocking statement. A person’s body says nothing about their academic skills or integrity,” said Megan Davis, a grad student at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. “I don’t think he should be invited back as a guest lecturer.”
Visiting NYU lecturer makes waves with offensive Tweet about fat people - NYPOST.com

Can you imagine using the same logic in other situations?
"Dear pregnant PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to stop having sex (or at least have an abortion), you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
"Dear homosexual PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to stop decorating, you won't have the willpower to do a dissertation".
"Dear skinny PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to start working out, you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
"Dear Asian PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to kill Godzilla, you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
" Dear midget PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to kill Dorothy and Toto, you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
It is quite amazing how much bias and bigotry exists in college campuses, especially among the professors.
"Dear associate professor applicant: if you didn't have the willpower to shut the hell up before revealing your idiot bias you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
I guess you won't be voting for Chris Christie when he runs for pres.

So....you thought that I wrote the email?

"A visiting NYU business professor......"

And pay attention to the use of quotation marks.

You should read more carefully.
"A visiting NYU business professor is on thin ice after tweeting that fat students lack the willpower to complete a doctoral dissertation.

Geoffrey F. Miller, a visiting associate professor of evolutionary psychology on leave from the University of New Mexico, made the statement late Sunday.

“Dear obese PhD applicants: If you didn’t have the willpower to stop eating carbs, you won’t have the willpower to do a dissertation,” he wrote — driving home the discriminatory point by adding “#truth.”

“That’s a shocking statement. A person’s body says nothing about their academic skills or integrity,” said Megan Davis, a grad student at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development. “I don’t think he should be invited back as a guest lecturer.”
Visiting NYU lecturer makes waves with offensive Tweet about fat people - NYPOST.com

Can you imagine using the same logic in other situations?
"Dear pregnant PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to stop having sex (or at least have an abortion), you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
"Dear homosexual PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to stop decorating, you won't have the willpower to do a dissertation".
"Dear skinny PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to start working out, you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
"Dear Asian PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to kill Godzilla, you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
" Dear midget PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to kill Dorothy and Toto, you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".
It is quite amazing how much bias and bigotry exists in college campuses, especially among the professors.
"Dear associate professor applicant: if you didn't have the willpower to shut the hell up before revealing your idiot bias you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".

"Dear Asian PhD applicants: if you didn't have the willpower to kill Godzilla, you wont have the willpower to do a dissertation".

Be advised....our Japanese friends are restricted by their constitution:
"Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution is a clause in the National Constitution of Japan that prohibits an act of war by the state. The Constitution came into effect on May 3, 1947, following World War II. In its text, the state formally renounces war as a sovereign right and bans settlement of international disputes through the use of force. The article also states that, to accomplish these aims, armed forces with war potential will not be maintained,...."
Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't you think Godzilla knows this???

'Else the big lizard wouldn't keep molesting them!!!

Good to have you here, Johnny....that was clever stuff.

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