"Danger Warning": 30+ College classmates of rising GOP Rep Madison Cawthorn, a young disabled vet, say he sexually harassed women students

Maxine Waters told you loons to get in our faces wherever we are. Don't give us a moment of peace. Democrats rely on harassment to get their way.
And she was wrong for doing so.

But here’s a conservative pretending that harassment isn’t an issue if it’s not in the workplace.
He not a young disabled vet, he was in a accident as a passenger in a car, driving home from a wild weekend during summer break and sued the guy who was driving.

If Cuomo is on the chopping block he also is.
Can you post a story/proof of this?

I hate the kid, but that's a pretty big accusation to say he faked the reason for his disability.

Here you go, he even lied about his friend saying his friend left him for dead when his friend actually saved his life:

In 2014, at age 18, Cawthorn was injured while returning from a spring break trip in Florida. He was a passenger in a BMW X3 SUV on Interstate 4 near Daytona Beach when his friend fell asleep at the wheel and the SUV crashed into a concrete barrier while Cawthorn's feet were on the dashboard.[15][16] In a 2017 speech he claimed he was abandoned by the friend and "declared dead", but the friend had pulled him from the car while in critcal condition.[13] The injuries left Cawthorn partially paralyzed, and he now uses a wheelchair.[6] He accrued $3 million in medical debt during his recovery.[17] His friend's insurance company offered him $3 million to cover his medical treatment, but Cawthorn sued the company for $30 million. A judge later ruled in the insurer's favor. After the accident, Cawthorn was employed as a part-time staff assistant in Meadows's district office.[7
"i can easily entertain a bunch of kids for 40 minutes"...bad choice of phrase there

he also claims that he can jetski on a wheelchair....i challenge him to produce video evidence!


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