Daniels testifies: Trump's Legal Team Calls for a Mistrial in Manhattan Courtroom

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
It's understandable. The prosecution wants to set some things up. But they also knew how uncontrollable Daniels is as a witness. Sort of like Trump-lite.

But I believe the defense has a higher bar to set for a true mistrial arguments to be held up on appeals. They are worried about what they call being unable to unring the bell. We shall see as the rest of the prosecution case is presented.

Reporting from inside the courthouse

The judge is on the bench. The defense is moving for a mistrial. This is not unusual for Trump's lawyers — in his civil fraud trial, his lawyers asked that a mistrial be called several times. They were unsuccessful.

Todd Blanche, one of Trump's lawyers, argues that the testimony was overly prejudicial, and that the government was asking questions “to inflame this jury,” in addition to the “pure embarrassment” factor. He says there’s no way the court can instruct the jury in a way to “unring this bell.”

Reporting from inside the courthouse
Justice Merchan says he’ll rule now. He says he agrees that it would have been better if Stormy Daniels hadn't gone in certain directions, and says as a witness she is “a little bit difficult to control.” He adds, “Having said that, I do think” that there were “guardrails in place.” He adds: “I dont think we’re at the point where a mistrial is warranted.”

Reporting from inside the courthouse
Merchan adds, “I was surprised that there were not more objections,” admonishing the defense team. “The defense has to take some responsibility for that,” he says, adding that he did all he could. “I objected on my own,” he says.
It's understandable. The prosecution wants to set some things up. But they also knew how uncontrollable Daniels is as a witness. Sort of like Trump-lite.

But I believe the defense has a higher bar to set for a true mistrial arguments to be held up on appeals. They are worried about what they call being unable to unring the bell. We shall see as the rest of the prosecution case is presented.

Reporting from inside the courthouse

The judge is on the bench. The defense is moving for a mistrial. This is not unusual for Trump's lawyers — in his civil fraud trial, his lawyers asked that a mistrial be called several times. They were unsuccessful.

Todd Blanche, one of Trump's lawyers, argues that the testimony was overly prejudicial, and that the government was asking questions “to inflame this jury,” in addition to the “pure embarrassment” factor. He says there’s no way the court can instruct the jury in a way to “unring this bell.”

Reporting from inside the courthouse
Justice Merchan says he’ll rule now. He says he agrees that it would have been better if Stormy Daniels hadn't gone in certain directions, and says as a witness she is “a little bit difficult to control.” He adds, “Having said that, I do think” that there were “guardrails in place.” He adds: “I dont think we’re at the point where a mistrial is warranted.”

Reporting from inside the courthouse
Merchan adds, “I was surprised that there were not more objections,” admonishing the defense team. “The defense has to take some responsibility for that,” he says, adding that he did all he could. “I objected on my own,” he says.

Hey Melania, does Donald call you honeybunch? I bet he does

Daniels said Trump was not wearing a condom. She stared up at the ceiling during the encounter. Upon her departure, Trump called her "honey bunch,"

How would Stormy know he uses that term of affection?
Todd Blanche, one of Trump's lawyers, argues that the testimony was overly prejudicial, and that the government was asking questions “to inflame this jury,” in addition to the “pure embarrassment” factor. He says there’s no way the court can instruct the jury in a way to “unring this bell.”
Criminal acts are like that
Criminal acts are like that
This case was always gonna be about what is allowed in and what is kept out. Nothing with Mr. Trump and his illegal schemes is ever so open and shut as far as the law is concerned. No matter what, I've gone on record saying it was enough for me to see Mr. Trump brought before justice. Any specific outcome matters less to me.

This shit is in the history books.
It's understandable. The prosecution wants to set some things up. But they also knew how uncontrollable Daniels is as a witness. Sort of like Trump-lite.

But I believe the defense has a higher bar to set for a true mistrial arguments to be held up on appeals. They are worried about what they call being unable to unring the bell. We shall see as the rest of the prosecution case is presented.

Reporting from inside the courthouse

The judge is on the bench. The defense is moving for a mistrial. This is not unusual for Trump's lawyers — in his civil fraud trial, his lawyers asked that a mistrial be called several times. They were unsuccessful.

Todd Blanche, one of Trump's lawyers, argues that the testimony was overly prejudicial, and that the government was asking questions “to inflame this jury,” in addition to the “pure embarrassment” factor. He says there’s no way the court can instruct the jury in a way to “unring this bell.”

Reporting from inside the courthouse
Justice Merchan says he’ll rule now. He says he agrees that it would have been better if Stormy Daniels hadn't gone in certain directions, and says as a witness she is “a little bit difficult to control.” He adds, “Having said that, I do think” that there were “guardrails in place.” He adds: “I dont think we’re at the point where a mistrial is warranted.”

Reporting from inside the courthouse
Merchan adds, “I was surprised that there were not more objections,” admonishing the defense team. “The defense has to take some responsibility for that,” he says, adding that he did all he could. “I objected on my own,” he says.
I'm glad the prosecution used her as a witness even though they didn't need to. But the jury needs to hear it from her. Good move IMO.
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This case was always gonna be about what is allowed in and what is kept out. Nothing with Mr. Trump and his illegal schemes is ever so open and shut as far as the law is concerned. No matter what, I've gone on record saying it was enough for me to see Mr. Trump brought before justice. Any specific outcome matters less to me.

This shit is in the history books.

Thanks for admitting you see this as nothing more than lawfare.
Thanks for admitting you see this as nothing more than lawfare.

Looks like Mr. Trump knowingly broke laws. Especially when he opinion shopped amongst his advisors and lawyers. He seems not to ever have been open to realities. He seems to have chosen denial, which is not ignorance of anything.

He's being brought before justice as the ordinary citizen that he is. When he was thrown out of office in 2020, he tried hanging on, because he most likely knew the walls were closing in.
Looks like Mr. Trump knowingly broke laws. Especially when he opinion shopped amongst his advisors and lawyers. He seems not to ever have been open to realities. He seems to have chosen denial, which is not ignorance of anything.

He's being brought before justice as the ordinary citizen that he is. When he was thrown out of office in 2020, he tried hanging on, because he most likely knew the walls were closing in.

Non response is non responsive.

Lawfare means the process is the punishment, and your previous response basically spells out that's what you want.
Non response is non responsive.

Lawfare means the process is the punishment, and your previous response basically spells out that's what you want.

You people are always stuck with a 'phrase' of the month. You throw it around as if the more you do so the more right you are -- even when you are so off base as to be in the dugout.
Merchan adds, “I was surprised that there were not more objections,” admonishing the defense team. “The defense has to take some responsibility for that,” he says, adding that he did all he could. “I objected on my own,” he says.
Blame it on the defense, sure.

They tried to keep Daniels from testifying at all. The judge ruled against them, and the prosecution was supposed to limit the questions to the fact that there was a relationship, and she entered into the NDA.
Blame it on the defense, sure.

They tried to keep Daniels from testifying at all. The judge ruled against them, and the prosecution was supposed to limit the questions to the fact that there was a relationship, and she entered into the NDA.
You're still as clueless as ever on things you spout about
This imbecile para pukem

ignores facts like the Judge being on the side of defense objections throughout most of her testimony before the break.

he lies through omission, not even realizing what he's doing. It's a habit with many of this para's compatriots.
Uh oh!!!

Jonah Bromwich
Reporting from inside the courthouse

The direct examination is over and here comes what is liable to be a very tense cross-examination by Susan Necheles, one of Trump's lawyers. It’s been calmer during the afternoon session thus far. But we expect that to be disrupted now.

Stormy Daniels is sitting up straight and looks very ready for a fight here.
The Links Between Trump and 3 Hush-Money Deals.png

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