Darwin vs DNA, cont...


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Starting a new thread, b/c the previous is too long, not reading all that shit.

One thing that creationism can not explain, is the great difference species between in the same region, with the same climate, who are seperated by some sort of natural barrier (usually being very deep water).

The problem with using the genetic code as an argument for intelligent design is that the genetic code in every animal is made to randomized, like a slot machine. This tells us that diversity in offspring, and MUTATION whether good or bad, is a necessary part of carrying on the genetic code, and in essence life.

Another thing, No where in the bible does it put christ in the 6th dimension. The only thing we really know about the extra dimensions is that for quantum mechanics and general relativity to form one cohesive theory, is that they have to be there according to M-theory. We also know that these dimensions are very tiny and unmeasurable. Why would something that created the Universe be subject to the rules of a tiny unmeasurable dimension, instead of being outside of its creation? Jesus stuck in a tiny dimension... Doesn't really sound like the son of God to me.
Hold it

6th dimension christ. Time traveling christ?

OK--you theologians are going to far. It is obvious you are making this crap up as you go--if not, then it would have been discussed eons ago.

Just give up the all theis metaphysical mythological mumbo jumbo and switch to basic philosophy. You will become much more well respected in the long run.
Hold it

6th dimension christ. Time traveling christ?

OK--you theologians are going to far. It is obvious you are making this crap up as you go--if not, then it would have been discussed eons ago.

Just give up the all theis metaphysical mythological mumbo jumbo and switch to basic philosophy. You will become much more well respected in the long run.

6th dimention I dont think has anything to do with time travel, time travel is all in space-time. But yea that was in response to someone who tried to say that the bible hinted that Jesus was in the 6th dimension, which is just ridiculous and I would like to know where they got this from.

And to answer the question in your profile pick, businesses wont support libertarionism b/c they are not getting elected anytime soon. I like a majority of libertarian domestic policy, I dont think the government has any right to tell people what soda to drink, what car to buy, or how to run business. I dont really agree with their foreign policy, its not terrible, but I dont think its wise to tell nato to suck a dick. Mainly because I believe there is going to be another world war within the century and America gonna be involved whether we like it or not. And say (this may never happen but just i.e.) china and russia decide to gang rape the US, I dont care how powerful our military is, there's only so much we can do against that, and it would be great to have nato nations on our side if such a war were to ever happen.
Well, first let's see if the seculars agree with you:
Closely related to time travel, is the ability to travel rapidly from one position in space, to another. As I said earlier, Einstein showed that it would take an infinite amount of rocket power, to accelerate a space ship to beyond the speed of light. So the only way to get from one side of the galaxy to the other, in a reasonable time, would seem to be if we could warp space-time so much, that we created a little tube or wormhole. This could connect the two sides of the galaxy, and act as a short cut, to get from one to the other and back while your friends were still alive. Such wormholes have been seriously suggested, as being within the capabilities of a future civilization. But if you can travel from one side of the galaxy, to the other, in a week or two, you could go back through another wormhole, and arrive back before you set out. You could even manage to travel back in time with a single wormhole, if its two ends were moving relative to each other.
We thus have experimental evidence from the bending of light, that space-time is curved, and confirmation from the Casimir effect, that we can warp it in the negative direction. So it might seem possible, that as we advance in science and technology, we might be able to construct a wormhole, or warp space and time in some other way, so as to be able to travel into our past.

You can eat an orange from the inside out in the 6th dimension, and you can also appear out of nowhere, which is what Jesus kept doing in His glorified human body.
He did what Hawking ponders, >" if time travel is a possibility, why hasn't anyone come back to show us how?"
One did. To bad Hawking is not a religious man.
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