Date Rape Detector Developed - democrats oppose it

“One of the reason we get so excited about these really simple fixes is because it makes us feel like the problem itself is really simple. That’s a comforting idea,” Brodsky noted. “But I really wish that people were funneling all of this ingenuity and funding and interest into new ways to stop people from perpetrating violence, as opposed to trying to personally avoid it so that the predator in the bar rapes someone else.”

Let's see...a man is out to drug and rape a young lady tonight. Rather than excluding myself from the pool of candidates with a simple detection kit, I'll try to talk him out of it! What a stupid fucking approach!

Whether the chemical test is delivered via fingernail polish or a Q-tip, it should be available and used wherever a woman might be exposed to the danger of a tainted drink.

Any woman that detects a mickey in her drink should take the drink to a trusted bouncer and have the perp branded...if she can prove where it came from. Any dude ever apprehended anywhere for anything and found to have date rape drugs on his person should be branded.

...and by branded, I mean indelibly...on the forehead...for all to see...forever. This would comply with Brodsky's notion to find new ways to stop people from perpetuating violence (of this nature).
I actually came out with an anti-date rape idea many years ago, and it works great every time it's tried.

It works like this: DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL OR DO DRUGS.

That's it, carry on.
Why should a woman have to avoid alcohol completely to avoid date rape drugs?
So the question I would have is since this detector exists, if a woman decides not to wear it, or stick her fingers in her drink, will she in some way bear responsibility if she is drugged and raped?
You have yet to prove anything close to the plural tense, turd eater...

You're not very bright, which is why you're a leftist.

Provided with a method to PREVENT date rape, democrats cry foul and claim it "reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society."

Decent people see it as a way to catch predators and put them in prison, while keeping women safe from the trauma of rape.

But then, democrats are not decent people, are they....

I never saw any use of the word, leftist or democrat in the story, so prove it is only libeall, leftist and dems are against the entire idea...Nobody is stopping the developers from getting the nail polish on the market...
This is not about far right vs. far left, it's about keeping women safe. That being said, this is the best quote in the article.

“The problem isn’t that women don’t know when there are roofies in their drink; the problem is people putting roofies in their drink in the first place,” Nagle pointed out.

Anyone, man or woman, caught slipping roofies into someone else's drink, should have all of their sexual organs removed, period. If they are convicted a second time, they should be executed, for they cannot be fixed. END OF STORY!

It's time to take back our lives, and put an end to those who have no respect for someone else's life, or how their acts may affect someone else's life.

Will men carry wallets with tiny little razors that expand and slice the fingers of thieves? (The razors will be activated by button on a cell phone. A problem could arise if X leaves his wallet on his desk before going home from work, then remembers and activates remotely, his boss picks the wallet up; she gets sliced, X will be out of work.:eusa_eh:) I'd rather humans be responsible for their behavior rather than ridiculous restraints & duties imposed on other humans' lives....................................

And it will need to have no reaction to ANY other nail polish, or chemical but those designated; there will still be many 'false positives'. I say its best to drink little alcohol when out with those you do not know well, and stay at the table until you have finished whatever you ordered, and use the restroom after your drink of _____ is finished.
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You chose to miss or not recognize the the message they were holding on to....and made it in to what you want to believe about them uncensored....

I miss very little.

In this case, rather than applaud a step to make women safer, the usual leftists engage in the usual sabotage of slighting the efforts.

Just a point, the right supports empowering women to protect themselves. the left claims empowering women "reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society."

The idea is fantastic, it may help stop a percentage of the 2.3% of date rapes where a drug is used....if a girl even wears nail polish or wants to wear it or can wear it....and tests the drink before each swallow, because ya never know when the drugs can be slipped in there....

But it is NOT the be all ANSWER to stopping date rapes...and people should not even think it is close to being the answer to ending date rapes when 97% of date rapes occur when a drug is not slipped in to a girl's drink. That's the message you chose to ignore, and it is a pretty important message imho....

Your numbers are nonsense, but I would have expected that even the scumbags at Soros Owned ThinkProgress would support this. Obviously I was wrong.
Will men carry wallets with tiny little razors that expand and slice the fingers of thieves? (The razors will be activated by button on a cell phone. A problem could arise if X leaves his wallet on his desk before going home from work, then remembers and activates remotely, his boss picks the wallet up; she gets sliced, X will be out of work.:eusa_eh:) I'd rather humans be responsible for their behavior rather than ridiculous restraints & duties imposed on other humans' lives....................................

A little early to be drinking that heavy, doncha think Peach?
From the article....
“As a woman, I’m told not to go out alone at night, to watch my drink, to do all of these things. That way, rape isn’t just controlling me while I’m actually being assaulted — it controls me 24/7 because it limits my behavior. Solutions like these actually just recreate that. I don’t want to fucking test my drink when I’m at the bar. That’s not the world I want to live in.”

Imagine that. She doesn't want to be responsible for herself. Rape is controlling her and she's never been raped!! It's a RAPE culture!!
I never saw any use of the word, leftist or democrat in the story, so prove it is only libeall, leftist and dems are against the entire idea...Nobody is stopping the developers from getting the nail polish on the market...

Oh right, because ThinkProgess is a middle of the road site.

Got it Sploogy... :thup:
Will men carry wallets with tiny little razors that expand and slice the fingers of thieves? (The razors will be activated by button on a cell phone. A problem could arise if X leaves his wallet on his desk before going home from work, then remembers and activates remotely, his boss picks the wallet up; she gets sliced, X will be out of work.:eusa_eh:) I'd rather humans be responsible for their behavior rather than ridiculous restraints & duties imposed on other humans' lives....................................

A little early to be drinking that heavy, doncha think Peach?

I do not drink alcohol, ever. Now, about the miracle polish, how many shades?
Women are already expected to work hard to prevent themselves from becoming the victims of sexual assault....blah blah common sense blah blah.....Now, remembering to put on anti-rape nail polish and discreetly slip a finger into each drink might be added to that ever-growing checklist — something that actually reinforces apervasive rape culture in our society.

:lol: Anti rape polish.....that would be awsome! Like a super power :lmao:

Now what it really says:

Women are already expected to work hard to prevent themselves from becoming the victims of sexual assault. They’re told to avoid wearing revealing clothing, travel in groups, make sure they don’t get too drunk, and always keep a close eye on their drink. Now, remembering to put on anti-rape nail polish and discreetly slip a finger into each drink might be added to that ever-growing checklist — something that actually reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society.

Ahhhh, yes: ClosedCaption, our resident woman-loving Progressive Liberal Donkey.

Tell us, CC: Are you still havin' trouble gettin' your honey to put out?

Do you still think she needs (in your words, this ...) "to become a better bitch"???

Man Sends Wife Spreadsheet Of All Her Excuses Not To Have Sex US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yes, if we need to be hearing lectures from a progressive libbie, it should be CC at the podium.

I actually came out with an anti-date rape idea many years ago, and it works great every time it's tried.

It works like this: DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL OR DO DRUGS.

That's it, carry on.
Why should a woman have to avoid alcohol completely to avoid date rape drugs?
So the question I would have is since this detector exists, if a woman decides not to wear it, or stick her fingers in her drink, will she in some way bear responsibility if she is drugged and raped?

She shouldn't have to, but that's in the fantasy world. In the real world, tools like this can help, but keeping control of your mind and body by not using substances designed to alter reality is even better.
I actually came out with an anti-date rape idea many years ago, and it works great every time it's tried.

It works like this: DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL OR DO DRUGS.

That's it, carry on.
Why should a woman have to avoid alcohol completely to avoid date rape drugs?
So the question I would have is since this detector exists, if a woman decides not to wear it, or stick her fingers in her drink, will she in some way bear responsibility if she is drugged and raped?

She shouldn't have to, but that's in the fantasy world. In the real world, tools like this can help, but keeping control of your mind and body by not using substances designed to alter reality is even better.
I understand prudence, but its just important to remember that measures like the nail polish are not solutions. Ultimately we need to as a culture work harder to discourage the use of date rape drugs
actually uncensored, you are the Jerk putting 'democrats' in your Header..... do you think all rape prevention activists are just Democrats and Republican women just sit back and take the rape like it was one of her daily chores?
I am completely confused how you came to this conclusion.

There are clearly quotes in the article against the polish, attributing those to democrats might be a miss but I doubt it.

How do you get Republicans are not for rape prevention?
I actually came out with an anti-date rape idea many years ago, and it works great every time it's tried.

It works like this: DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL OR DO DRUGS.

That's it, carry on.
Why should a woman have to avoid alcohol completely to avoid date rape drugs?
So the question I would have is since this detector exists, if a woman decides not to wear it, or stick her fingers in her drink, will she in some way bear responsibility if she is drugged and raped?

She shouldn't have to, but that's in the fantasy world. In the real world, tools like this can help, but keeping control of your mind and body by not using substances designed to alter reality is even better.
I understand prudence, but its just important to remember that measures like the nail polish are not solutions. Ultimately we need to as a culture work harder to discourage the use of date rape drugs

10-20 inside would help.
Want to avoid date rape? Don't go to bars and get drunk off your ass. Especially in college.
Dems also oppose any oversight of the abortion industry that could potentially save the lives of the women they exploit, so I don't know why people are surprised. They don't want to make things more difficult for the human traffickers, the child molesters, the sex industry, or the scumbags who dope up girls and screw them. Those are their people.

Maybe the reason democrats oppose methods to avoid rape is that they fear it will lower the number of abortions?

^You can't make this up...fucking scum ^

Will men carry wallets with tiny little razors that expand and slice the fingers of thieves? (The razors will be activated by button on a cell phone. A problem could arise if X leaves his wallet on his desk before going home from work, then remembers and activates remotely, his boss picks the wallet up; she gets sliced, X will be out of work.:eusa_eh:) I'd rather humans be responsible for their behavior rather than ridiculous restraints & duties imposed on other humans' lives....................................

A little early to be drinking that heavy, doncha think Peach?

I do not drink alcohol, ever. Now, about the miracle polish, how many shades?

:lol: some nail polish can pack quite a punch...


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