Date Rape Detector Developed - democrats oppose it

still feeling defensive about that one time with that drunk girl in college, huh?

As we see Valerati - democrats demand that women be victims. Provided with a method to PREVENT date rape, democrats cry foul and claim "reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society."

You can't make this up, democrats are fucking scum.
You will never see Care advocate anything that actually helps empower women. She views women as victims and children as chattel, and she will support the oppression, suppression and detention of anyone who tries to help them. Date rape warms the cockles of her heart allmost as much as the thought of revolving door abortion factories...which is why you will never see her advocate anything that makes women safer.
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Dems also oppose any oversight of the abortion industry that could potentially save the lives of the women they exploit, so I don't know why people are surprised. They don't want to make things more difficult for the human traffickers, the child molesters, the sex industry, or the scumbags who dope up girls and screw them. Those are their people.

Maybe the reason democrats oppose methods to avoid rape is that they fear it will lower the number of abortions?
reading the article, I don't see that they are against the idea - it is more the nutty feminist nazis that don't like that women doing something to protect themselves, because they don't want to lose sight from pointing out that men are a bunch sex fiends who all want to beat women.

Sort of a distinction without a difference.
actually uncensored, you are the Jerk putting 'democrats' in your Header..... do you think all rape prevention activists are just Democrats and Republican women just sit back and take the rape like it was one of her daily chores?

Actually Care, the FACT is that far left - SOROS funded hate site ThinkProgress wrote an article ATTACKING the detection.

This is typical of democrats - because prevention impedes the "victim pimps." The last thing the leftists want is to lose the victims.
Who attacked it? Nobody. It's just not the ideal solution.
You will never see Care advocate anything that actually helps empower women. She views women as victims and children as chattel, and she will support the oppression, suppression and detention of anyone who tries to help them. Date rape warms the cockles of her heart allmost as much as the thought of revolving door abortion factories...

I think Care has a good heart. I just think she is misguided.
This is not about far right vs. far left, it's about keeping women safe. That being said, this is the best quote in the article.

“The problem isn’t that women don’t know when there are roofies in their drink; the problem is people putting roofies in their drink in the first place,” Nagle pointed out.

Anyone, man or woman, caught slipping roofies into someone else's drink, should have all of their sexual organs removed, period. If they are convicted a second time, they should be executed, for they cannot be fixed. END OF STORY!

It's time to take back our lives, and put an end to those who have no respect for someone else's life, or how their acts may affect someone else's life.
Well you can't stop people from putting drugs into drinks if you never catch them.

And you catch them by giving people tools like this.

Or, alternately, by teaching your girls that a partying lifestyle is dangerous and depraved, and that they should avoid it at all costs.
Liberal women say the same thing. To stop women from being raped, men must understand that they should not rape women. Yeah. That's gonna work.

Like it or not women have the same obligation to protect themselves as men.
They have the obligation..but when you say they have the obligation, then deny them the tools, it's all sort of moot.
You will never see Care advocate anything that actually helps empower women. She views women as victims and children as chattel, and she will support the oppression, suppression and detention of anyone who tries to help them. Date rape warms the cockles of her heart allmost as much as the thought of revolving door abortion factories...

I think Care has a good heart. I just think she is misguided.

Nope, and nope.
Scientists have developed a nail polish that can detect if the date rape drugs GHB or Ketamine are present in drinks by changing color. This is another way women can protect themselves from sexual predators.

Naturally, leftists are outraged and oppose the detector. While radical leftist hate site ThinkProgress doesn't directly promote date rape, they do blast the idea that women can defend against it.

Why Rape Prevention Activists Don t Like The New Nail Polish That Can Detect Roofies ThinkProgress

Once again demonstrating that the REAL war on women is waged by the democrats.

The story never states anything from leftist or dems,,thread fail.
Who attacked it? Nobody. It's just not the ideal solution.

Detection and prevention are not ideal?

Not ideal for WHOM? The party and it's need to manufacture victims?

Well it's not ideal for the porn producers...or the human traffickers...or the sex industry...or elitist frat boys.

Funny thing is, a lieutenant in the police force of my former town was convicted of selling date rapes drugs...
You have yet to prove anything close to the plural tense, turd eater...

You're not very bright, which is why you're a leftist.

Provided with a method to PREVENT date rape, democrats cry foul and claim it "reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society."

Decent people see it as a way to catch predators and put them in prison, while keeping women safe from the trauma of rape.

But then, democrats are not decent people, are they....
I actually came out with an anti-date rape idea many years ago, and it works great every time it's tried.

It works like this: DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL OR DO DRUGS.

That's it, carry on.
Who attacked it? Nobody. It's just not the ideal solution.

Detection and prevention are not ideal?

Not ideal for WHOM? The party and it's need to manufacture victims?

You chose to miss or not recognize the the message they were holding on to....and made it in to what you want to believe about them uncensored....

The idea is fantastic, it may help stop a percentage of the 2.3% of date rapes where a drug is used....if a girl even wears nail polish or wants to wear it or can wear it....and tests the drink before each swallow, because ya never know when the drugs can be slipped in there....

But it is NOT the be all ANSWER to stopping date rapes...and people should not even think it is close to being the answer to ending date rapes when 97% of date rapes occur when a drug is not slipped in to a girl's drink. That's the message you chose to ignore, and it is a pretty important message imho....

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