Dave Barry’s The Year in Review for 2018.


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
No, it doesn’t count. I don’t care. It’s not; and even if it was, Dave Barry would be grandfathered in. I’m not giving up this annual pleasure.

I’ve always thought Barry to be one of the funniest guys around. I remember when he was syndicated nationally and wish it would happen again.

We can summarize 2018 in two words:

It boofed.

We’re not 100 percent sure what “boofing” is, despite the fact that this very issue was discussed in a hearing of the United States Senate Judiciary Committee. All we know for certain about boofing is that it is distasteful and stupid.

As was 2018.

In spades.

From there, he goes on a month-by-month journey of his thoughts about 2018 and it is hilarious.

Here are a couple of snippets:

In entertainment news, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, seeking to atone for the 2017 envelope fiasco, return to the Academy Awards stage and triumphantly announce that the winner of the Oscar for Best Picture is “Gone With the Wind.” Fortunately by then nobody is watching.

Responding to alleged Russian infiltration of Facebook and massive breaches of user data, the Senate Committee of Aging Senators Who Cannot Operate Their Own Cellphhones Without the Assistance of Minions holds a hearing intended to answer such probing questions as:

• What IS Facebook, anyway?

• Where does it go when you turn off the computer?

• Is there a print version?


Washington is a-tingle as the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee holds two hearings on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh. The nation watches, riveted, for more than seven hours as Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, deliver emotional testimony, at the end of which the nation has learned the following facts:

1. The senators have no idea what, if anything, actually happened.

2. Nor do they care.

3. The truth is utterly irrelevant to them.

4. Brett Kavanaugh really likes beer.

You must check out the rest @ Dave Barry offers his annual insight into the year that was ... 2018 and let us know what your favorite was.
In sports, the 2018 Winter Olympic games get under way in PyeongChang, South Korea, with a historic opening ceremony highlighted by the release of 25 doves, which are immediately shot down and consumed by the North Korean men’s biathlon team.


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