David Cameron: Russia To Blame Over Malaysia Airlines Crash If Rebels Responsible


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

LONDON, July 19 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Saturday that if it were proven that Ukrainian separatists were behind the downing of a Malaysian jet carrying 298 passengers, Russia would be to blame for having destabilized the country.

"If this is the case then we must be clear what it means: this is a direct result of Russia destabilizing a sovereign state, violating its territorial integrity, backing thuggish militias and training and arming them," he wrote in The Sunday Times newspaper.

Cameron also appeared to criticize fellow members of the European Union for being slow to act against the Kremlin.

"For too long there has been a reluctance on the part of too many European countries to face up to the implications of what is happening in eastern Ukraine," he wrote.

"It is time to make our power, influence and resources count. Our economies are strong and growing in strength.

MORE: David Cameron: Russia To Blame Over Malaysia Airlines Crash If Rebels Responsible

It's about time Europe shows some spine against Russia. It remains to be seen just how much spine they have.

LONDON, July 19 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Saturday that if it were proven that Ukrainian separatists were behind the downing of a Malaysian jet carrying 298 passengers, Russia would be to blame for having destabilized the country.

"If this is the case then we must be clear what it means: this is a direct result of Russia destabilizing a sovereign state, violating its territorial integrity, backing thuggish militias and training and arming them," he wrote in The Sunday Times newspaper.

Cameron also appeared to criticize fellow members of the European Union for being slow to act against the Kremlin.

"For too long there has been a reluctance on the part of too many European countries to face up to the implications of what is happening in eastern Ukraine," he wrote.

"It is time to make our power, influence and resources count. Our economies are strong and growing in strength.

MORE: David Cameron: Russia To Blame Over Malaysia Airlines Crash If Rebels Responsible

It's about time Europe shows some spine against Russia. It remains to be seen just how much spine they have.

Australia is with the US, and the Netherlands, plus most of Europe. The enemy within the US supports the Commie.

LONDON, July 19 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Saturday that if it were proven that Ukrainian separatists were behind the downing of a Malaysian jet carrying 298 passengers, Russia would be to blame for having destabilized the country.

"If this is the case then we must be clear what it means: this is a direct result of Russia destabilizing a sovereign state, violating its territorial integrity, backing thuggish militias and training and arming them," he wrote in The Sunday Times newspaper.

Cameron also appeared to criticize fellow members of the European Union for being slow to act against the Kremlin.

"For too long there has been a reluctance on the part of too many European countries to face up to the implications of what is happening in eastern Ukraine," he wrote.

"It is time to make our power, influence and resources count. Our economies are strong and growing in strength.

MORE: David Cameron: Russia To Blame Over Malaysia Airlines Crash If Rebels Responsible

It's about time Europe shows some spine against Russia. It remains to be seen just how much spine they have.

Australia is with the US, and the Netherlands, plus most of Europe. The enemy within the US supports the Commie.

American communists our enemy ? Absolutely !!

LONDON, July 19 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said Our economies are strong and growing in strength.
Your economies left you in debt, and debt is slavery: therefor you are all whores to international bankers that own you. You are all welfare states, hiding behind welfare class. a true parasite to humanity.
ok so what that's what he said?

what do we do now, bow and say thank you?

post to just post I guess
Playing devil's advocate, couldn't the same thing be said about the United States if the dudes in the Ukraine did the same thing? It is a proxy war.
ok so what that's what he said?

what do we do now, bow and say thank you?

post to just post I guess

I wouldn't dare to bow right now if I were you, Steph.

ok, I post this instead...:eusa_shhh:
VIDEO and links in the article at the site...


Video: Pretty much everyone expressing dismay over White House response to world falling apart

posted at 9:31 pm on July 17, 2014 by Mary Katharine Ham

Was the Bear loose today? If Valerie Jarrett wanted to get a hashtag going for the president, #smh might have worked. Shep wasn’t the only one baffled by the White House’s insistence on pretending today was a day for the normal shake run and spin.

Via the Free Beacon, first ABC notes that the president seemed blindsided by Israel’s starting ground operations in Gaza today. Jonathan Karl cites the President’s and State Department’s optimism just hours earlier that a ceasefire would happen.

Second, Gen. Barry McCaffrey wonders aloud to Brian Williams on NBC why State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki seems utterly useless and uninformed on a matter of this importance:

video and all of it here:
Video: Pretty much everyone expressing dismay over White House response to world falling apart « Hot Air
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Good words but they only mean something if action follows and no that does not mean send in the troops before anyone ask.
I guess the U.S. rightwing Christian commies are still rooting for Saint Putin.
I guess the U.S. rightwing Christian commies are still rooting for Saint Putin.

You just couldn't help your self could you? You had a decent thread going then you had to take down this tried stale road again.
Of course Cameron would blame Putin. He's completely on board with Obama on everything. A complete puppet. He's no conservative.

Why? Well he hired Jim Messina to advise him. For those that don't know who Messina is old Jimmy was Obama's campaign manager. And former WH Deputy Chief of Staff.

I have very interesting discussions with Brits who flip out when they realize that Davey baby is Obama's puppet.
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Of course Cameron would blame Putin. He's completely on board with Obama on everything. A complete puppet. He's no conservative.

Why? Well he hired Jim Messina to advise him. For those that don't know who Messina is old Jimmy was Obama's campaign manager.

I have very interesting discussions with Brits who flip out when they realize that Davey baby is Obama's puppet.

their aim is to bring America to her knees
yup----Our involvement in the Ukrainian coup has been kept very hush hush.

The violent mob led coup against President Yanukovuch was indeed what destabilized Ukraine and caused Crimea and Eaatern Ukraine to rebel and seek separation.

Of course Cameron and the rest have no recollection of the coup,

LONDON, July 19 (Reuters) - British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Saturday that if it were proven that Ukrainian separatists were behind the downing of a Malaysian jet carrying 298 passengers, Russia would be to blame for having destabilized the country.

Its nefarious for the West to blame Putin for instability and civil war in Ukraine.

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