David Dorn widow Ann Dorn exposes the hypocrisy of BLM; calling them terrorists.

That's a platitude you cosplayer, I don't deal in platitudes, I talk real life strategy. For one, the Constitution guarantees the right of citizenship to anyone born in the U.S. That includes people like me who's mother came here on a green card in the 80s. Secondly, your politicians are more interested in appeasing corporations and employers who profit off of illegal immigrant work than they are about alleviating your concerns over border security. Thirdly, according to the last census, which under counted minorites by the way, mixed race children are the largest growing demographic in the country while whites are shrinking. Whites are projected to no longer hold a demographic majority by 2045 or thereabouts. Fourthly, the younger generation are overwhelmingly progressive as are minority voters in general. Hispanics, the largest growing demographic are less solidly demographic but they still support the Democratic party as a majority and the population they are most replacing, whites, support Republicans at a much higher percentage meaning that while Hispanics are less solidly blue, the more the population shifts Republicans will find themselves a larger and larger minority. This is more evident in the popular vote totals which the Republicans haven't won since 2004. All in all I don't really see what unified strategy the Republican Party could mount to counter act all those realities. Conservativism is basically in a death spiral of deplorable.
Show us the civil rights that permit burning, looting, and beating in the name of free speech and then threatening the lives of police officers who are trying to enforce the law? Or, are these people above the law of the land?

No they are not above the law and I have never argued they should be BUT.........

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

Now explain why you feel it's OK for the police to violate our civil rights and there not be any push back?
That’s your flawed thinking. If non-whites want any type of special consideration from the majority population, they will have to win us over.

Also, that remark about your intent to “cuck” me sounds like a rape threat. You are not winning any points by behaving like an uncivilized savage.

You need major therapy to deal with your misplaced anger issues.
Not winning any point where? On your cosplaying fantasy score board? 😄
No they are not above the law and I have never argued they should be BUT.........

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

Now explain why you feel it's OK for the police to violate our civil rights and there not be any push back?
How prevalent is the rate of police violating civil rights? Is it 100 percent?
How prevalent is the rate of police violating civil rights? Is it 100 percent?

I have no desire to address a stupid question like this. You aren't even making a lame attempt at being serious.

If you don't want to address questions on your positions, just bow out.
Not as much as the white voters they're replacing and still majority democratic. 😁
A declining Democrat majority. Latinos are more about economic opportunity and can’t be bought. Most Latinos are independent, Catholic, small business owners, and drive gas guzzling trucks. The Democrat agenda replete with handouts, abortion, increased regulation, climate change, and anti-US oil don’t resonate with Latinos.
A declining Democrat majority. Latinos are more about economic opportunity and can’t be bought. Most Latinos are independent, Catholic, small business owners, and drive gas guzzling trucks. The Democrat agenda replete with handouts, abortion, increased regulation, climate change, and anti-US oil don’t resonate with Latinos.

If you think you can speak for all Hispanics that just more cosplaying bullshit. Again I deal in facts. Whites are as a percentage of the population and being replaced mostly by a growing mixed race and hispanic population. A population that votes more heavily for the Democratic party than the current white population they're replacing. You go ahead and do that math, Short Bus.
I have no desire to address a stupid question like this. You aren't even making a lame attempt at being serious.

If you don't want to address questions on your positions, just bow out.
You won’t answer it because you are clearly anti-police. You have no idea how to enforce the Law and are quick to blame the police 100 percent of the time. Ann Dorn was correct about people like yourself.
You spew nonsense.

You are unable to post without disparaging your opposition, truly a sign of failure.

Nice speculation. Any proof of that assertion beyond your wishful thinking?
I gave you a whole post worth of proof and you dodged those uncomfortable facts like the bitch you are. 😁 That's exactly why you'll lose. You can't even face reality.
Dipshit, do you not know the difference between a joined date and a birthday? 😂
I know a liar when I see one. You didn't update your age since Mar. 16. Come back again when you feel you want to have a productive conversation. Otherwise I have better things to do than spar with a juvenile.

If you think you can speak for all Hispanics that just more cosplaying bullshit. Again I deal in facts. Whites are as a percentage of the population and being replaced mostly by a growing mixed race and hispanic population. A population that votes more heavily for the Democratic party than the current white population they're replacing. You go ahead and do that math, Short Bus.
I’m not speaking for all Latinos. I just pointed to facts on how and why more Latinos are not voting Democrat. My sons are Mexican and Mediterranean hence the increasing mixed race…. They are not Democrats. You are conflating replacing whites as an automatic vote for Democrats…..which is how Democrats think while ignoring empirical data. Keep it up.
I am pro-Constitutional civil rights.

Why aren't you?
So being pro-Constitution means one must be anti-law enforcement? You think it is pro-Constitutional Rights for someone under arrest to attack a police officer or go for their gun? You think it is pro Constitutional Rights to aim and/or shoot a firearm at a police officer?
I’m not speaking for all Latinos. I just pointed to facts on how and why more Latinos are not voting Democrat. My sons are Mexican and Mediterranean hence the increasing mixed race…. They are not Democrats. You are conflating replacing whites as an automatic vote for Democrats…..which is how Democrats think while ignoring empirical data. Keep it up.
That's not a fact. Hispanics vote more for Democratic candidates than Republican ones. Don't bring your cosplay shit here, bring facts.
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