David Dorn widow Ann Dorn exposes the hypocrisy of BLM; calling them terrorists.

I gave you a whole post worth of proof and you dodged those uncomfortable facts like the bitch you are. 😁 That's exactly why you'll lose. You can't even face reality.
You didn't give one ounce of proof. Link it. BTW, you still haven't expanded your vocabulary. I bet you aced four and five letter words in your senior class. Didn't do so well in English though. I notice that slang was one your favorite subjects as well.
You didn't give one ounce of proof. Link it. BTW, you still haven't expanded your vocabulary. I bet you aced four and five letter words in your senior class. Didn't do so well in English though. I notice that slang was one your favorite subjects as well.
Proof of what? Which one of those facts are you ignorant of? 😂 Birthright citizenship? America's shifting demographics? Hispanic vote tallies? Republican popular vote record?

Educate yourself fool. Maybe spend less time crying about vulgarity. 😂
That's not a fact. Hispanics vote more for Democratic candidates than Republican ones. Don't bring your cosplay shit here, bring facts.
The trend says otherwise….. empirical data and not your fetish for the incessant use of cosplay.
Proof of what? Which one of those facts are you ignorant of? 😂 Birthright citizenship? America's shifting demographics? Hispanic vote tallies? Republican popular vote record?

Educate yourself fool. Maybe spend less time crying about vulgarity. 😂
You are an angry person. It must suck to be you. BTW, I came to the US at an early age from Japan. I am fully aware of citizenship laws. I didn't question the demographic change, I questioned your assertion that certain groups were undercounted--I said Link it. Simple. Calm down. This uncontrolled anger is not good for your health.
You are an angry person. It must suck to be you. BTW, I came to the US at an early age from Japan. I am fully aware of citizenship laws. I didn't question the demographic change, I questioned your assertion that certain groups were undercounted--I said Link it. Simple. Calm down. This uncontrolled anger is not good for your health.
That's the thing cuck, I'm not angry at all. I enjoy coming here to point and laugh at you simp morons who have to construct these fantasy safe spaces because you can't deal with actual reality. 😄 I owe it to the people who would have been lynched in this country for even talking back to a white man to show dipshit white wingers the utmost disrespect for their inanity and cowardice. We are not just going to take your country from you, we're going to talk shit and piss on your deplorable culture every step of the way. Just look at how we've changed the argument on Confederate idolatry. It's no longer acceptable to quietly remove Confederate imagery, if you don't make a show of it, if you don't bend your knee and call that culture deplorable and disgusting you get shit on by the mainstream. 😁 That's how most of American history will be viewed eventually. As for the evidence of undercounting, here you go. Unlike you Short Bus riding mother fuckers I can talk shit and chew gum at the same time. 😄
Where did they say the RATE of votes for Democrats by Latinos were not declining? Your lies between your ears has you steering your entitled mindset.

That's a real cuck position there guy. Ooo you increased your portion of the hispanic vote from 27% to 32% from 2012 to 2020. Of course you've never gotten higher than 40% of the hispanic vote and that was back in 2004. If we're looking at it from that standpoint, you're still down and have never been the majority choice for hispanic voters. The white population they're replacing is the last voting demographic that Republicans still win a majority of. 😄

That's a real cuck position there guy. Ooo you increased your portion of the hispanic vote from 27% to 32% from 2012 to 2020. Of course you've never gotten higher than 40% of the hispanic vote and that was back in 2004. If we're looking at it from that standpoint, you're still down and have never been the majority choice for hispanic voters. The white population they're replacing is the last voting demographic that Republicans still win a majority of. 😄
Latinos voting Republican are on the rise.
Latinos voting Republican are on the rise.
Which doesn't mean shit unless they start voting for Republicans by same sort of majorities the poor whites they're demographically replacing currently do and again, you've never gotten more than 40% of the hispanic vote and that was in 2004. Do you not know how to analyze these facts Short Bus? 😄
Which doesn't mean shit unless they start voting for Republicans by same sort of majorities the poor whites they're demographically replacing currently do and again, you've never gotten more than 40% of the hispanic vote and that was in 2004. Do you not know how to analyze these facts Short Bus? 😄
By the numbers you quoted, Latinos voting for Republicans is on the rise.
By the numbers you quoted, Latinos voting for Republicans is on the rise.
Yea, it moved from 27% to 32% from 2012 to 2020. Still down from a high of 40% in 2004 and way down compared to the white population they're replacing. Getting 32% of the hispanic vote is nothing to start celebrating moron. 😄 For a comparison whites voted in favor of Republicans 58% to Democrats 41%. If Hispanics are demographically replacing whites as the census shows they are, you're going to have to do a lot better than 32% just to be where you are right now which is getting your ass handed to you in the popular vote year after year. Basically you're fucked. Demographically and then politically and very shortly after that, socially.
Yea, it moved from 27% to 32% from 2012 to 2020. Still down from a high of 40% in 2004 and way down compared to the white population they're replacing. Getting 32% of the hispanic vote is nothing to start celebrating moron. 😄 For a comparison whites voted in favor of Republicans 58% to Democrats 41%. If Hispanics are demographically replacing whites as the census shows they are, you're going to have to do a lot better than 32% just to be where you are right now which is getting your ass handed to you in the popular vote year after year. Basically you're fucked. Demographically and then politically and very shortly after that, socially.
Is the Latino vote on the rise or not?
a positive 5 point gain, yes! Democrats keep shitting on Latinos, the trend continues!
Over 8 years a drop from the high of 40% in 2004. Let me ask you a question, is 40% larger than 32%? 😄

Also if you could do math you'd understand that Democrats received over 60% of the hispanic vote. That would be the majority of hispanic votes. The Democrats have always gotten a majority of the hispanic vote and yet in your cosplay fantasy world Democrats are "shitting" on them. 😂
Over 8 years a drop from the high of 40% in 2004. Let me ask you a question, is 40% larger than 32%? 😄

Also if you could do math you'd understand that Democrats received over 60% of the hispanic vote. That would be the majority of hispanic votes. The Democrats have always gotten a majority of the hispanic vote and yet in your cosplay fantasy world Democrats are "shitting" on them. 😂
You keep quoting historical trends. You haven’t asked yourself an obvious question as why Latinos (and Blacks) are voting more for Republicans than in the past. In the 2020 Election where Biden received more votes than Obama and Hillary in recent elections, Republicans saw an uptick in votes from Latinos and Blacks.
You keep quoting historical trends. You haven’t asked yourself an obvious question as why Latinos (and Blacks) are voting more for Republicans than in the past. In the 2020 Election where Biden received more votes than Obama and Hillary in recent elections, Republicans saw an uptick in votes from Latinos and Blacks.
They aren't voting more for Republicans now more than they did in the past you dipshit. I've been telling you over and over again that they got 40% of the hispanic vote in 2004, the most they've ever gotten and still that wasn't a majority of the hispanic vote. Is 40% higher than 32% you fucking moron?

As for the black vote, there really isn't much room for Republicans to do much worse. Let's forget that black voters were solidly Republican after the end of civil war and only deal with recent history, both Nixon and Bush (the 2nd one) received a larger share of black votes than Trump did.

You are stuck on stupid boy. Crack a book and learn some history. 😄
They aren't voting more for Republicans now more than they did in the past you dipshit. I've been telling you over and over again that they got 40% of the hispanic vote in 2004, the most they've ever gotten and still that wasn't a majority of the hispanic vote. Is 40% higher than 32% you fucking moron?

As for the black vote, there really isn't much room for Republicans to do much worse. Let's forget that black voters were solidly Republican after the end of civil war and only deal with recent history, both Nixon and Bush (the 2nd one) received a larger share of black votes than Trump did.

You are stuck on stupid boy. Crack a book and learn some history. 😄
Nobody is arguing against that 40 percent is greater than 32 percent. You are using that to gloss over the most recent trend.


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