David Duke Wishes You A 'White' Christmas

The only reason racist assholes like you and Duke have any relevance today is because progressives have decided to elevate your status to create boogeymen they can attempt to link to non racist conservatives and libertarians.

Go back to the dark hole from whence you came.
And Merry Christmas to you, American Patriot! And also, may you have a blessed new year.

Dr. Duke & Mark Collett – Why a White Christmas is more Important than Ever!
Fuck you and fuck David duke!
Awe! Looks like the OP has you.......
"And the David Duke show has done more to make it possible for us to even say “Merry Christmas” than any other show."

Talk about delusions of grandeur.
Folks like Duke are fine examples of why I do not associate with the GOP. Both parties have their racist scourge, the Dems have to deal with Jeremiah Wright and Jessie Jackson.
In fairness, he is more in keeping with the intent of the Founders.
The changes we've experienced have led 90% to advocate for a multi-cultural/racial nation.

Nations have always been families of related individuals sharing a common culture, history, religion and language.

Nothing good has come from Ted Kennedy's immigration policy.

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