David Hogg uses Wounded Knee, gun confiscation by U.S. Gov. that led to mass murder...

David Hogg, the latest teen to be exploited by the left wing/democrats.......used the massacre at Wounded Knee to push gun banning and confiscation. He did this in an interview on one of the left wing/democrat news programs.....the kid needs to study his history better.....

Sadly, for him....we have the actual history....Dan Proft, of the Dan and Amy morning radio show here in Chicago....pointed out the truth about Wounded Knee.

The massacre happened because? The U.S. Government moved in to confiscate the guns of the Lakota Tribe.....and during the gun grab, ended up slaughtering unarmed men, women, and children....

David Hogg used an example of gun confiscation leading to mass murder and death....to push gun confiscation.........what a freaking moron......

Wounded Knee Massacre - Wikipedia

On the morning of December 29, the U.S. Cavalry troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process of disarming the Lakota, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote was reluctant to give up his rifle, claiming he had paid a lot for it.

[7] Simultaneously, an old man was performing a ritual called the Ghost Dance. Black Coyote's rifle went off at that point, and the U.S. army began shooting at the Native Americans.

The Lakota warriors fought back, but many had already been stripped of their guns and disarmed.[8]
Do you have a link to what Hogg actually said? Everybody knows what happened at Wounded Knee so I'd really appreciate reading the kid's own words in context.
Here ya go. His words and his interview.

David Hogg: We Need To Recognize "Indigenous Mass Shootings" Conducted By The American Government
Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
David Hogg, the latest teen to be exploited by the left wing/democrats.......used the massacre at Wounded Knee to push gun banning and confiscation. He did this in an interview on one of the left wing/democrat news programs.....the kid needs to study his history better.....

Sadly, for him....we have the actual history....Dan Proft, of the Dan and Amy morning radio show here in Chicago....pointed out the truth about Wounded Knee.

The massacre happened because? The U.S. Government moved in to confiscate the guns of the Lakota Tribe.....and during the gun grab, ended up slaughtering unarmed men, women, and children....

David Hogg used an example of gun confiscation leading to mass murder and death....to push gun confiscation.........what a freaking moron......

Wounded Knee Massacre - Wikipedia

On the morning of December 29, the U.S. Cavalry troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process of disarming the Lakota, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote was reluctant to give up his rifle, claiming he had paid a lot for it.

[7] Simultaneously, an old man was performing a ritual called the Ghost Dance. Black Coyote's rifle went off at that point, and the U.S. army began shooting at the Native Americans.

The Lakota warriors fought back, but many had already been stripped of their guns and disarmed.[8]
Do you have a link to what Hogg actually said? Everybody knows what happened at Wounded Knee so I'd really appreciate reading the kid's own words in context.
Here ya go. His words and his interview.

David Hogg: We Need To Recognize "Indigenous Mass Shootings" Conducted By The American Government
Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Bernie and AOC are a little too left for me, but I hope they keep the pot boiling. They ask for more than they will ever get, but their intent is compassion. Better than the heartless monsters that kick out the previously invited infirm because they are 'foreign'.
David Hogg understands massacres
well, actually he doesn't
David Hogg knows more about massacres than the NRA

Why because he was in he building when one happened? Because he used the death and misery of his classmates for financial gain? You pick weird heros.

Hogg lost close friends in the massacre

NRA just laughed
Our nation needs men. Not men of fiefdoms. But men. They have been pretty much muted or made not to be important as in being known by name. They exist and in a percentage of numbers. Hogg is not a man. He will get people killed like many who are empowered today. The teenager of the school that was harassed in D.C. some months ago is on his way to being a man. Hogg sold out for just being a vocal bullshitt artist. Got some notoriety and even admitted to Harvard Community College. Thus guaranteeing himself a half decent job even if he himself is not half decent at anything he does. He needs to look at this family and politics for the answers first. You Progs have made deals with the devil. The devil collects its due. The magic printing press has created a lot of agendas with a lot of people with their hands out and forced insane laws on us all.
David Hogg understands massacres
well, actually he doesn't
David Hogg knows more about massacres than the NRA

Why because he was in he building when one happened? Because he used the death and misery of his classmates for financial gain? You pick weird heros.

Hogg lost close friends in the massacre

NRA just laughed
Our nation needs men. Not men of fiefdoms. But men. They have been pretty much muted or made not to be important as in being known by name. They exist and in a percentage of numbers. Hogg is not a man. He will get people killed like many who are empowered today. The teenager of the school that was harassed in D.C. some months ago is on his way to being a man. Hogg sold out for just being a vocal bullshitt artist. Got some notoriety and even admitted to Harvard Community College. Thus guaranteeing himself a half decent job even if he himself is not half decent at anything he does. He needs to look at this family and politics for the answers first. You Progs have made deals with the devil. The devil collects its due. The magic printing press has created a lot of agendas with a lot of people with their hands out and forced insane laws on us all.
Hogg is man enough to stand up to the NRA
No Republicans are
Do you have a link to what Hogg actually said? Everybody knows what happened at Wounded Knee so I'd really appreciate reading the kid's own words in context.
Here ya go. His words and his interview.

David Hogg: We Need To Recognize "Indigenous Mass Shootings" Conducted By The American Government
Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Bernie and AOC are a little too left for me, but I hope they keep the pot boiling. They ask for more than they will ever get, but their intent is compassion. Better than the heartless monsters that kick out the previously invited infirm because they are 'foreign'.

Compassion my ass.
It's about control.
David Hogg, the latest teen to be exploited by the left wing/democrats.......used the massacre at Wounded Knee to push gun banning and confiscation. He did this in an interview on one of the left wing/democrat news programs.....the kid needs to study his history better.....
The actions taken, and statements made, by anti-gun loons can only be understood by rational, reasoned people by viewing them through the filter of the fact they are anti-gun loons.
Last edited:
well, actually he doesn't
David Hogg knows more about massacres than the NRA

Why because he was in he building when one happened? Because he used the death and misery of his classmates for financial gain? You pick weird heros.

Hogg lost close friends in the massacre

NRA just laughed
Our nation needs men. Not men of fiefdoms. But men. They have been pretty much muted or made not to be important as in being known by name. They exist and in a percentage of numbers. Hogg is not a man. He will get people killed like many who are empowered today. The teenager of the school that was harassed in D.C. some months ago is on his way to being a man. Hogg sold out for just being a vocal bullshitt artist. Got some notoriety and even admitted to Harvard Community College. Thus guaranteeing himself a half decent job even if he himself is not half decent at anything he does. He needs to look at this family and politics for the answers first. You Progs have made deals with the devil. The devil collects its due. The magic printing press has created a lot of agendas with a lot of people with their hands out and forced insane laws on us all.
Hogg is man enough to stand up to the NRA
No Republicans are
The NRA is protecting the most basic human right of self defense.
The terrorist, mass shooters, criminals, Marxist and the Democrats hate it when their victims are armed.
David Hogg, the latest teen to be exploited by the left wing/democrats.......used the massacre at Wounded Knee to push gun banning and confiscation. He did this in an interview on one of the left wing/democrat news programs.....the kid needs to study his history better.....

Sadly, for him....we have the actual history....Dan Proft, of the Dan and Amy morning radio show here in Chicago....pointed out the truth about Wounded Knee.

The massacre happened because? The U.S. Government moved in to confiscate the guns of the Lakota Tribe.....and during the gun grab, ended up slaughtering unarmed men, women, and children....

David Hogg used an example of gun confiscation leading to mass murder and death....to push gun confiscation.........what a freaking moron......

Wounded Knee Massacre - Wikipedia

On the morning of December 29, the U.S. Cavalry troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process of disarming the Lakota, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote was reluctant to give up his rifle, claiming he had paid a lot for it.

[7] Simultaneously, an old man was performing a ritual called the Ghost Dance. Black Coyote's rifle went off at that point, and the U.S. army began shooting at the Native Americans.

The Lakota warriors fought back, but many had already been stripped of their guns and disarmed.[8]
Do you have a link to what Hogg actually said? Everybody knows what happened at Wounded Knee so I'd really appreciate reading the kid's own words in context.

They played the audio on the radio show but I came in late...
David Hogg, the latest teen to be exploited by the left wing/democrats.......used the massacre at Wounded Knee to push gun banning and confiscation. He did this in an interview on one of the left wing/democrat news programs.....the kid needs to study his history better.....

Sadly, for him....we have the actual history....Dan Proft, of the Dan and Amy morning radio show here in Chicago....pointed out the truth about Wounded Knee.

The massacre happened because? The U.S. Government moved in to confiscate the guns of the Lakota Tribe.....and during the gun grab, ended up slaughtering unarmed men, women, and children....

David Hogg used an example of gun confiscation leading to mass murder and death....to push gun confiscation.........what a freaking moron......

Wounded Knee Massacre - Wikipedia

On the morning of December 29, the U.S. Cavalry troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process of disarming the Lakota, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote was reluctant to give up his rifle, claiming he had paid a lot for it.

[7] Simultaneously, an old man was performing a ritual called the Ghost Dance. Black Coyote's rifle went off at that point, and the U.S. army began shooting at the Native Americans.

The Lakota warriors fought back, but many had already been stripped of their guns and disarmed.[8]
Do you have a link to what Hogg actually said? Everybody knows what happened at Wounded Knee so I'd really appreciate reading the kid's own words in context.
Here ya go. His words and his interview.

David Hogg: We Need To Recognize "Indigenous Mass Shootings" Conducted By The American Government
Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Why can't you people ever stay on topic?
Do you have a link to what Hogg actually said? Everybody knows what happened at Wounded Knee so I'd really appreciate reading the kid's own words in context.
Here ya go. His words and his interview.

David Hogg: We Need To Recognize "Indigenous Mass Shootings" Conducted By The American Government
Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Why can't you people ever stay on topic?

How is it not on topic?
Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Why can't you people ever stay on topic?

How is it not on topic?
HULLO. This thread is about David Hogg.
Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Why can't you people ever stay on topic?

How is it not on topic?
HULLO. This thread is about David Hogg.

Hogg,AOC and Bernie are one and the same.
I wonder what Herr Goebbels will say about the mass shootings perpetrated by the American government when it finally does what he wants and tries to forcibly remove 'assault weapons' from the American people.

Thank you, lady. But it looks to me like Hogg was trying to get the point across that our history is loaded with 'approved' mass shootings and that it is that culture that needs to be addressed.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Why can't you people ever stay on topic?

How is it not on topic?
HULLO. This thread is about David Hogg.
Hogg and all the gun banners, including you are all the same. Vile stupid imbeciles that want to destroy freedom.
I'm certainly not arguing a side here. Just had read the article so I shared it at your request.
I have some of Hogg's musings before, and I find him pretty well saturated in far, far left ideology. For awhile when he first came on the scene, I predicted he'd be running for office in another 15 years; he seemed a ready made politician with his speechifying and love of the spotlight. Right now, he's too radical, though.

And Bernie and AOC aren't?
Why can't you people ever stay on topic?

How is it not on topic?
HULLO. This thread is about David Hogg.

Hogg,AOC and Bernie are one and the same.
Don't talk stupid.
I wonder what Herr Goebbels will say about the mass shootings perpetrated by the American government when it finally does what he wants and tries to forcibly remove 'assault weapons' from the American people.

How 'bout you follow the law instead of jibber jabbering about how you're going to shoot the gubmint. Imbecile.
I wonder what Herr Goebbels will say about the mass shootings perpetrated by the American government when it finally does what he wants and tries to forcibly remove 'assault weapons' from the American people.

How 'bout you follow the law instead of jibber jabbering about how you're going to shoot the gubmint. Imbecile.

Do you actually believe Americans are just going to give up their guns without a fight?
How 'bout you follow the law instead of jibber jabbering about how you're going to shoot the gubmint. Imbecile.
Aww - did you just avoid the question because it illustrates the ridiculousness of the topic?
Why yes, yes you did.

Like you, Hogg only cares about people shooting other people when the wrong people die.
Monstrous bitch.

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