Davidson College students furious after they’re tricked into rejecting socialist ideal


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
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Same reason some Hollywood people are livid about tax increases that will affect them. They support taking other peoples' earnings.

I keep seeing some lib celebrities posting that when you have more than others, you should build a bigger table, not a wall. Can we count on Barbra Streisand and others to invite the homeless, the refugees and the illegals into their mansions to share dinner with them? Hell, no!
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.

No, nothing at all comparable. Thank God you are here to correct my misunderstanding.
It takes 5 minutes of practice to disprove their manufactured fake theory that they are indoctrinated with for at least 5 years.

They are losers, as we all know.
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.

You clearly do not grasp the analogous relationship between wealth distribution and grade distribution.
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.
So participation trophies for sports, education and income? No winners and no losers man! We're all the same brother, I'm with you. Everyone gets a C, and fifth place and about 1000 bucks a month to live on. Equality is the best.
Well done video, a winner. The students (who made the video) did well in presenting their case.

As for the "furious" students I suspect that is the usual media hype. Student reaction as shown in the video is quite subdued and there is plenty of room for civilized discussion in that the experiment presented wealth sharing in only the simplest of forms.
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.
Simply making a claim won't cut it. If you can't explain your position, it's probably because your claim doesn't make any sense.
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.

You clearly do not grasp the analogous relationship between wealth distribution and grade distribution.
There is no valid comparison between grade distribution and wealth distribution. Suggesting there is one is dopey.
Grades are earned in college where there is a general equality of opportunity for students to achieve. The faculty is there to facilitate learning for everyone and grades generally reflect academic achievement as demonstrated in tests of one kind or another.

In some countries there are different values to measure achievement ranging from the very personal to public recognition. While in college the goal was to get good grade, in life goals are different and, in capitalist countries, money and material reward does not always go to those who work hardest or have the highest understanding.

The capitalist system, as well as kleptocracies, permit the accumulation of wealth through exploitation of opportunities afforded to the few. Being born into wealth gives the children of the rich a great advantage over others while those of more humble means can be rewarded by personal enterprise or drive only because the system allows them these opportunities. Even these wealthy people have an ethical obligation to give back to the societies where they live and from which they got their wealth.

Academic grades cannot be shared as that would be dishonest. Greed, on the other hand, exists because there is not sufficient incentive for people to act responsibly. Perhaps it is not so much a question of the wealthy paying their fair share to their communities so much as a criticism of allowing the concentration of vast wealth in the hands of so few.
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.

You clearly do not grasp the analogous relationship between wealth distribution and grade distribution.
There is no valid comparison between grade distribution and wealth distribution. Suggesting there is one is dopey.
Grades are earned in college where there is a general equality of opportunity for students to achieve. The faculty is there to facilitate learning for everyone and grades generally reflect academic achievement as demonstrated in tests of one kind or another.

In some countries there are different values to measure achievement ranging from the very personal to public recognition. While in college the goal was to get good grade, in life goals are different and, in capitalist countries, money and material reward does not always go to those who work hardest or have the highest understanding.

The capitalist system, as well as kleptocracies, permit the accumulation of wealth through exploitation of opportunities afforded to the few. Being born into wealth gives the children of the rich a great advantage over others while those of more humble means can be rewarded by personal enterprise or drive only because the system allows them these opportunities. Even these wealthy people have an ethical obligation to give back to the societies where they live and from which they got their wealth.

Academic grades cannot be shared as that would be dishonest. Greed, on the other hand, exists because their is not sufficient incentive for people to act responsibly. Perhaps it is not so much a question of the wealthy paying their fair share to their communities so much as a criticism of allowing the concentration of vast wealth in the hands of so few.

I don't know what your goal is but you are trying to educate a man who was born and lived his entire life in a socialist country. I was born poor, worked my tail off to achieve some success and "get out" of the cycle I was in. Graduated university with an award for top 4-5%, entered an MBA program. The state has decided my fate even as I worked harder than anyone I know in all facets of life, without complaining or taking a moment off. So, if you try to educate me on socialism or attempt to sell some virtues of it, you have a massive uphill climb.

In Canada, the state owns you from the cradle to the grave, you are a subject of the state, at it's mercy to it's whims, you are not a free man. From the police to the general regulated system of controls and manipulation, you are never an individual. I learned this about the security apparatus in the RCMP and their surrogates. I made them aware to my own personal suffering and in turn informed our allies in America, and even in your part of the world in the EU when they were negotiating CETA. Hopefully some of what I made America aware of is addressed in the new NAFTA, Canada is an exploiter. Domestically and Internationally.

As it were, everywhere on this planet there will be those who have and those who don't. I didn't choose my plight in life, and I never begrudged those who had wealth and a different family situation than I did. I simply wanted to pursue those same objectives for myself and my family, this was stolen from me. Outright stolen in the most vile and disgusting manner. At my university, I took the bus for two hours while others lived on campus, had tutors, had a computer (I had to use the computer lab), I could go on and on. Bottom line, I didn't care, I knew that I had to operate within my reality and succeed. I did successfully in school and in my first corporate job. Until as I stated, the state had their way.

So, you will excuse me if I despise socialism. I have experienced it first hand and read enough about it to know that socialists are cowards. Many of them don't know this, many aren't aware, but they are cowards and the bane of humanity. They are akin to fascists, they just use different methods, the end goal is the same, to "neutralize" you, imprison you and control you. They have zero respect for God, they certainly don't fear God, pretending and believing that THEY represent the God you need to follow. They care nothing about your personal pursuits, rights, and talents.

Ultimately, if America faced a threat I would volunteer even while in my 40's to help her fight. If someone is leaving an abusive socialist country I would do what I can to help them gain freedom. Socialism has become neo-communism, where you are given the optics of freedom, but the security apparatus dictates how much leash you get, if any. If you are born poor you will die poor in a socialist system, there's no doubt about this. All of the "Good Little Germans", will help the state if they can profit. In America, you can become as successful or even unsuccessful as you want, it's in your hands.

This is something worth fighting for. I hope the current crop of college students realize this. So yeah, socialism can go to hell.
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The experiment also explained COMMON CORE...........

Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.

You clearly do not grasp the analogous relationship between wealth distribution and grade distribution.
There is no valid comparison between grade distribution and wealth distribution. Suggesting there is one is dopey.
Grades are earned in college where there is a general equality of opportunity for students to achieve. The faculty is there to facilitate learning for everyone and grades generally reflect academic achievement as demonstrated in tests of one kind or another.

In some countries there are different values to measure achievement ranging from the very personal to public recognition. While in college the goal was to get good grade, in life goals are different and, in capitalist countries, money and material reward does not always go to those who work hardest or have the highest understanding.

The capitalist system, as well as kleptocracies, permit the accumulation of wealth through exploitation of opportunities afforded to the few. Being born into wealth gives the children of the rich a great advantage over others while those of more humble means can be rewarded by personal enterprise or drive only because the system allows them these opportunities. Even these wealthy people have an ethical obligation to give back to the societies where they live and from which they got their wealth.

Academic grades cannot be shared as that would be dishonest. Greed, on the other hand, exists because their is not sufficient incentive for people to act responsibly. Perhaps it is not so much a question of the wealthy paying their fair share to their communities so much as a criticism of allowing the concentration of vast wealth in the hands of so few.

I don't know what your goal is but you are trying to educate a man who was born and lived his entire life in a socialist country. I was born poor, worked my tail off to achieve some success and "get out" of the cycle I was in. Graduated university with an award for top 4-5%, entered an MBA program. The state has decided my fate even as I worked harder than anyone I know in all facets of life, without complaining or taking a moment off. So, if you try to educate me on socialism or attempt to sell some virtues of it, you have a massive uphill climb.

In Canada, the state owns you from the cradle to the grave, you are a subject of the state, at it's mercy to it's whims, you are not a free man. From the police to the general regulated system of controls and manipulation, you are never an individual. I learned this about the security apparatus in the RCMP and their surrogates. I made them aware to my own personal suffering and in turn informed our allies in America, and even in your part of the world in the EU when they were negotiating CETA. Hopefully some of what I made America aware of is addressed in the new NAFTA, Canada is an exploiter. Domestically and Internationally.

As it were, everywhere on this planet there will be those who have and those who don't. I didn't choose my plight in life, and I never begrudged those who had wealth and a different family situation than I did. I simply wanted to pursue those same objectives for myself and my family, this was stolen from me. Outright stolen in the most vile and disgusting manner. At my university, I took the bus for two hours while others lived on campus, had tutors, had a computer (I had to use the computer lab), I could go on and on. Bottom line, I didn't care, I knew that I had to operate within my reality and succeed. I did successfully in school and in my first corporate job. Until as I stated, the state had their way.

So, you will excuse me if I despise socialism. I have experienced it first hand and read enough about it to know that socialists are cowards. Many of them don't know this, many aren't aware, but they are cowards and the bane of humanity. They are akin to fascists, they just use different methods, the end goal is the same, to "neutralize" you, imprison you and control you. They have zero respect for God, they certainly don't fear God, pretending and believing that THEY represent the God you need to follow. They care nothing about your personal pursuits, rights, and talents.

Ultimately, if America faced a threat I would volunteer even while in my 40's to help her fight. If someone is leaving an abusive socialist country I would do what I can to help them gain freedom. Socialism has become neo-communism, where you are given the optics of freedom, but the security apparatus dictates how much leash you get, if any. If you are born poor you will die poor in a socialist system, there's no doubt about this. All of the "Good Little Germans, will help the state if they can profit. In America, you can become as successful or even unsuccessful as you want, it's in your hands.

This is something worth fighting for. I hope the current crop of college students realize this. So yeah, socialism can go to hell.
Your post is too long for me to fully reply. It does strike me that you are a bitter man and your life circumstances clearly left their marks. Regrettably, opinions such as yours have been a broken record in the USA since the 1950s and they have underpinned very horrible consequences for so many innocent people. You will get a lot of support for your views from American and Canadian conservatives. Perhaps that is a consolation for you.
Oh, socialism isn't so great when one has to pay the freight. Lesson learned? I doubt it.

Davidson College students furious after they're tricked into rejecting socialist ideal - The College Fix

Many students at Davidson College recently responded in anguish and outrage after some conservative students filmed a video asking people on campus if they would sign a petition to redistribute GPAs for the sake of “education equality.”

Many students refused to sign the petition, saying it wasn’t fair for a variety of reasons, including that people who earned their As should keep their As, and that students who are given good grades without hard work might not be inspired to improve.

But after students discovered later the petition was a hoax played on them by conservative students in an attempt to illustrate the unfairness of wealth distribution, they hastily called a teach-in at the campus union at which they denounced the effort and vented their frustration.

Some students said the fake petition made them struggle with feelings that they do not belong at Davidson, while others aggressively attacked the video, calling it “oppressive,” “illegally filmed,” and “inflammatory bullsh*t,” according to a video of the April 27 teach-in on Facebook.


“The hypocrisy is obvious. Liberals embrace socialist policies when their own property is unaffected, but when socialism affects them personally, watch them become advocates of free enterprise instantaneously,” the foundation stated on its website in announcing the contest.

In the Davidson video, members posed as “Students for Educational Equality,” and recorded themselves asking people on campus whether they would sign a petition to “redistribute the top 10 percent of GPAs at Davidson to the bottom 10 percent.”

Many did not sign, although a professor and a couple students did.

At the end of their video, the conservative students say: “Ask yourself this question: If it’s unfair to say that the people with the highest GPAs didn’t deserve it, why is it suddenly fair to say that successful people don’t deserve the money they earned.”
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.

You clearly do not grasp the analogous relationship between wealth distribution and grade distribution.
There is no valid comparison between grade distribution and wealth distribution. Suggesting there is one is dopey.
Grades are earned in college where there is a general equality of opportunity for students to achieve. The faculty is there to facilitate learning for everyone and grades generally reflect academic achievement as demonstrated in tests of one kind or another.

In some countries there are different values to measure achievement ranging from the very personal to public recognition. While in college the goal was to get good grade, in life goals are different and, in capitalist countries, money and material reward does not always go to those who work hardest or have the highest understanding.

The capitalist system, as well as kleptocracies, permit the accumulation of wealth through exploitation of opportunities afforded to the few. Being born into wealth gives the children of the rich a great advantage over others while those of more humble means can be rewarded by personal enterprise or drive only because the system allows them these opportunities. Even these wealthy people have an ethical obligation to give back to the societies where they live and from which they got their wealth.

Academic grades cannot be shared as that would be dishonest. Greed, on the other hand, exists because their is not sufficient incentive for people to act responsibly. Perhaps it is not so much a question of the wealthy paying their fair share to their communities so much as a criticism of allowing the concentration of vast wealth in the hands of so few.

I don't know what your goal is but you are trying to educate a man who was born and lived his entire life in a socialist country. I was born poor, worked my tail off to achieve some success and "get out" of the cycle I was in. Graduated university with an award for top 4-5%, entered an MBA program. The state has decided my fate even as I worked harder than anyone I know in all facets of life, without complaining or taking a moment off. So, if you try to educate me on socialism or attempt to sell some virtues of it, you have a massive uphill climb.

In Canada, the state owns you from the cradle to the grave, you are a subject of the state, at it's mercy to it's whims, you are not a free man. From the police to the general regulated system of controls and manipulation, you are never an individual. I learned this about the security apparatus in the RCMP and their surrogates. I made them aware to my own personal suffering and in turn informed our allies in America, and even in your part of the world in the EU when they were negotiating CETA. Hopefully some of what I made America aware of is addressed in the new NAFTA, Canada is an exploiter. Domestically and Internationally.

As it were, everywhere on this planet there will be those who have and those who don't. I didn't choose my plight in life, and I never begrudged those who had wealth and a different family situation than I did. I simply wanted to pursue those same objectives for myself and my family, this was stolen from me. Outright stolen in the most vile and disgusting manner. At my university, I took the bus for two hours while others lived on campus, had tutors, had a computer (I had to use the computer lab), I could go on and on. Bottom line, I didn't care, I knew that I had to operate within my reality and succeed. I did successfully in school and in my first corporate job. Until as I stated, the state had their way.

So, you will excuse me if I despise socialism. I have experienced it first hand and read enough about it to know that socialists are cowards. Many of them don't know this, many aren't aware, but they are cowards and the bane of humanity. They are akin to fascists, they just use different methods, the end goal is the same, to "neutralize" you, imprison you and control you. They have zero respect for God, they certainly don't fear God, pretending and believing that THEY represent the God you need to follow. They care nothing about your personal pursuits, rights, and talents.

Ultimately, if America faced a threat I would volunteer even while in my 40's to help her fight. If someone is leaving an abusive socialist country I would do what I can to help them gain freedom. Socialism has become neo-communism, where you are given the optics of freedom, but the security apparatus dictates how much leash you get, if any. If you are born poor you will die poor in a socialist system, there's no doubt about this. All of the "Good Little Germans, will help the state if they can profit. In America, you can become as successful or even unsuccessful as you want, it's in your hands.

This is something worth fighting for. I hope the current crop of college students realize this. So yeah, socialism can go to hell.
Your post is too long for me to fully reply. It does strike me that you are a bitter man and your life circumstances clearly left their marks. Regrettably, opinions such as yours have been a broken record in the USA since the 1950s and they have underpinned very horrible consequences for so many innocent people. You will get a lot of support for your views from American and Canadian conservatives. Perhaps that is a consolation for you.

What of the socialist dream? Are Europeans so happy and content with your system? Are you content to have you government work 20 hour weeks, if they decide to work at all? Are you content to be silenced and censored if you speak "the wrong way"?

America had to save your entire continent, TWICE. Maybe a few socialists decided they didn't like socialism anymore after all and it would be nice to expand and take from others. America has sacrificed for others freedoms, have Europeans?

I don't want this to be an argument about systems per se, Europe has some lovely places to visit. Ultimately as far as systems go, America is far superior. The premise is simple: allow people to be free and leave them the hell alone to their own devices. If you target them, interference with their Pursuit of Happiness, there needs to be consequences. In Canada, there are none. I assure you, based on the old Eastern German reality, there are few consequences for European Stasi either.

We have state run media, so does Europe. We have an over regulated system of government control and "bridges" that you can only cross if the gate keeper allows. So say what you want about Trump, but he worked his behind off to succeed, and he knows what environment encourages that success. Europe had it's Renaissance, it's now well behind the American system, in values and character.
There is no valid comparison between grade distribution and wealth distribution. Suggesting there is one is dopey.
Grades are earned in college where there is a general equality of opportunity for students to achieve. The faculty is there to facilitate learning for everyone and grades generally reflect academic achievement as demonstrated in tests of one kind or another.

In some countries there are different values to measure achievement ranging from the very personal to public recognition. While in college the goal was to get good grade, in life goals are different and, in capitalist countries, money and material reward does not always go to those who work hardest or have the highest understanding.

The capitalist system, as well as kleptocracies, permit the accumulation of wealth through exploitation of opportunities afforded to the few. Being born into wealth gives the children of the rich a great advantage over others while those of more humble means can be rewarded by personal enterprise or drive only because the system allows them these opportunities. Even these wealthy people have an ethical obligation to give back to the societies where they live and from which they got their wealth.

Academic grades cannot be shared as that would be dishonest. Greed, on the other hand, exists because there is not sufficient incentive for people to act responsibly. Perhaps it is not so much a question of the wealthy paying their fair share to their communities so much as a criticism of allowing the concentration of vast wealth in the hands of so few.

Man your thought process is CLEARLY monoplanic and extremely flawed. Your idea is that if a person WORKS for an Exceptional grade in school they should be allowed to retain all of the benefits associated with their work, BUT if a person works equally as hard to attain an exceptional amount of wealth it should be taken from them and redistributed to someone who spends their time doing much less work. So you are essentially posting that the person who works much harder, and spends the hours of his life bettering himself should give the hours of his life to whomever the government say he should. Why not just pool the time everyone has to live and distribute it to whomever you wish. It is the same as letting one person take the hours of someone's life for their own use. A person who works 50 hours a week and spends only and makes 1000 dollars then spends the remaining 118 on personal time should not have to give a person who works 10 hours a week makes 150 dollars and spends the remaining 158 on personal things half of his money just because they have not spent the other 40 hours at work. The facts prove that any redistribution by ANY outside force is NOT only UNFAIR it is THEFT. Just because a Government agency steals your money does not make it any less criminal.
Your post is too long for me to fully reply. It does strike me that you are a bitter man and your life circumstances clearly left their marks. Regrettably, opinions such as yours have been a broken record in the USA since the 1950s and they have underpinned very horrible consequences for so many innocent people. You will get a lot of support for your views from American and Canadian conservatives. Perhaps that is a consolation for you.

He doesn't need consolation you need some real education, and some serious psychoanalysis.
There is nothing socialist about the daft idea of giving everyone the same grade in school.
Since this is the level of understanding among hard right students, the future of America does not look so bright.

Well, how bright is the future when some will bust their asses making a living only to have money taken from them to support the growing number of people who do nothing?

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