Davy Crockett vs Welfare

Crockett was a Whig and would have nothing to do with Uncensored, who would have party of Jackson's slavery party in the 1830s and 1830s.
Reactionary liars like Uncensored really have trouble with RR's friendships with gays and lesbians, his antipathy to a society armed to the teeth with weapons beyond normal hunting rifles and shotguns and revolvers, or with Thatcher's support of pro-choice, pro-socialized health care, and her distaste for an armed citizenry.

RR and MT would disavow themselves of the type of politics this Uncensored would leash on our country.
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No, that was the actual history.

No, that's what is known as a "fucking lie," which is generally propagated by scumbags like you, known as "fucking liars."

Sorry, man. Whatever you learned in Home Skule was wrong, dude.

Was it, fuckwad?

So, you can dig into your Howard Zinn book and show that Crockett owned slaves? No?

How about some quotes supporting slavery?


Crocket and the rest of those assholes would be terrorists today.

You really are a lying pile of shit.

Look, I know that you're just a troll. I know you just spew your idiocy to get a reaction. But seriously - you really are gutter slime, a reprehensible sub-human with no redeeming qualities.

So you really think screaming is debate? Obviously, we can mark you down as a "F" in your Debate Class in HOme Skule.

Okay, here's the fast version. Nope, Crockett didn't own slaves, but fought for the right of other people to own them. Much like the dumb, inbred morons of the South would do a generation later.

Bowie and Travis were both slave owners, in violation of Mexican law.
So you really think screaming is debate? Obviously, we can mark you down as a "F" in your Debate Class in HOme Skule.

What I think is that you're a fucking moron with zero integrity.

The reason I think that is that you are a fucking moron with zero integrity.

Okay, here's the fast version. Nope, Crockett didn't own slaves, but fought for the right of other people to own them.

Because you have zero integrity, you don't mind lying.

No, Crockett had no input on the subject of slavery.

Notice that neither you, nor Howard Zinn, the Communist who does your thinking for you, offers even a hint of evidence to support your slander?

The reason is because Zinn made it up.

Much like the dumb, inbred morons of the South would do a generation later.

Bowie and Travis were both slave owners, in violation of Mexican law.

Then prosecute, fuckwad.

Here is the truth - you lying pile of shit.

{I must say as to what I have seen of Texas it is the garden spot of the world. The best land and the best prospects for health I ever saw, and I do believe it is a fortune to any man to come here. There is a world of country here to settle. . . . I have taken the oath of government and have enrolled my name as a volunteer and will set out for the Rio Grand in a few days with the volunteers from the United States. But all volunteers is entitled to vote for a member of the convention or to be voted for, and I have but little doubt of being elected a member to form a constitution for this province. I am rejoiced at my fate. I had rather be in my present situation than to be elected to a seat in Congress for life. I am in hopes of making a fortune yet for myself and family, bad as my prospect has been.}

- Davey Crockett - "Hell and Texas" speech.

CROCKETT, DAVID | The Handbook of Texas Online| Texas State Historical Association (TSHA)
Uncensored follows Alinky's rules: when he has nothing, deflect, lie, and scream.
The moral of the story is, of course, that Congress has the authority to spend tax money on certain things, and no others. And those things are named in the Constitution... and spending money to help rebuild the house of a widow of a war veteran, is not among them.

And anyone who thinks Congress has the power to spend money on that, should not hold Congressional office.

I have no dispute with this moral.
Back to crude, insulting, irrelevant one-liners, eh, Censorious One.

Your wit was short-lived.
Censorious One is on Ignore, but I am sure his wit is short-circuited.

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