Davy Crockett vs Welfare

Davy Crockett was one of many recipients in that era of one of the biggest government welfare programs in human history:

Free land, with military assistance.

So, fuck that. Nobody gets vast tracts of free land anymore.
I do feel, however, that it is appropriate that Crockett being brought up by the Right, regarding their welfare hysteria. Crockett, being a Whig, was also in a rapidly failing political party.
I get my free shit. You get your free shit. It is part of belonging to a society. Our nation has a workforce as productive as any on earth. Only Conservatives call them freeloaders and fight to hold down their pay
You are correct.

However, I would not call them "Conservatives" -- rather, they are "conservatives manqués".

True, traditional conservatives are not so stupid.
Why would we want the advice of an 19th century frontiersman on 21st century social issues?

You follow the advice of a 19th century German on how to structure our economy.
If you wrote more one-liners like that, I might be disposed to call you wittty.

Unfortunately, you seem to specialize in insultling one-liners that have nothing to do with the topic of a thread.

By the way, I agree with rightwinger, here (and, indeed, with you, in this instance):

"The past is a foreign country -- they do things differently there."
---Harold Pinter

Thinking that Crockett's opinions (or Marx's) are valuable today is as absurd as imagining that the miserably failed, antiquated, sclerotic U.S. Constitution is something to be respected.
If you wrote more one-liners like that, I might be disposed to call you wittty.

Unfortunately, you seem to specialize in insultling one-liners that have nothing to do with the topic of a thread.

By the way, I agree with rightwinger, here (and, indeed, with you, in this instance):

"The past is a foreign country -- they do things differently there."
---Harold Pinter

Thinking that Crockett's opinions (or Marx's) are valuable today is as absurd as imagining that the miserably failed, antiquated, sclerotic U.S. Constitution is something to be respected.

Yet your promotion of the policies of Pol Pot should be viewed as "modern" and "progressive."

You of the left have few ideas, and none that are new. Genocide and totalitarianism underscore what you promote in every case.
I do feel, however, that it is appropriate that Crockett being brought up by the Right, regarding their welfare hysteria. Crockett, being a Whig, was also in a rapidly failing political party.

That reformed into the party of Jefferson, One that your shameful party went to war against to promote Slavery.

The Whigs reformed into the Republicans along with northern Democrats and former free soilers and know nothings.

Study your history.

The Democratic Party, founded as the Democratic-Republicans by Jefferson, fought the war to preserve slavery.
As a democrat, I disavow Jefferson, who not only owned slaves all his life, which he did not free even at his death, but had children with one of them, and condemned them and their ancesters to slavery as well, all the while denying it, which makes him a liar, hipocrite, and by today's standards, probably a rapist. However, Jake, unfortuantely is right. The republican party evolved from the Whigs. The democrats were proslavery, with the radical democrats splitting the party in half, thus assuring the republican Lincoln election. The Republicans continued to evolve until it reached it's progressive heights, with Teddy Roosevelt, and then went downhill from there. They had some hope with Ike, but, it turned out that he was so popular because all he did in 8 years was initiate the space program, build interstate highways (both of which spread vast amounts of money around corporate America), play a lot of golf, and send the CIA in to all the bannana republics to crush "communists" every time his golfing pals complained about some guy down there advocating land reform at the expense of the United Fruit Companay..
If you wrote more one-liners like that, I might be disposed to call you wittty.

Unfortunately, you seem to specialize in insultling one-liners that have nothing to do with the topic of a thread.

By the way, I agree with rightwinger, here (and, indeed, with you, in this instance):

"The past is a foreign country -- they do things differently there."
---Harold Pinter

Thinking that Crockett's opinions (or Marx's) are valuable today is as absurd as imagining that the miserably failed, antiquated, sclerotic U.S. Constitution is something to be respected.

Yet your promotion of the policies of Pol Pot should be viewed as "modern" and "progressive."

You of the left have few ideas, and none that are new. Genocide and totalitarianism underscore what you promote in every case.

And what policies are those, brainwashed functional moron, GOP health reform or Reagan approved gun control measures? Pub dupes! Right off the wall...
This would be the same Davy Crockett who died at the Alamo fighting for the right of Texans to own slaves in violation of Mexican law?

Is that actually what you Obamunist believe, Comrade Stalin?


No, that was the actual history.

Sorry, man. Whatever you learned in Home Skule was wrong, dude.

Crocket and the rest of those assholes would be terrorists today.
Uncensored writes shit like, "Genocide and totalitarianism underscore what you promote in every case", then cries when he gets the snot kicked out of him.
As a democrat, I disavow Jefferson,

Since Jefferson founded the REPUBLICAN party, you should disavow him.

Andrew Jackson and Arron Burr started your shameful party. Jackson set the pace that continues to this day with the "Trail of Tears," and Burr a sitting vice president, murdered Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of state. Yes, these two founding members embody everything it means to be a democrat. Obama continues the legacy of these men with aplomb.
And what policies are those, brainwashed functional moron,

You insult me and call me a democrat?

GOP health reform

Ah, trotting out the lies of the fringe.

A Heritage article is hardly "GOP health reform," but you don't mind lying about it.

or Reagan approved gun control measures?

And another lie.

The lie is based on this meme, floating around the hate sites;

{"I do not believe in taking away the right of the citizen for sporting, for hunting and so forth, or for home defense. But I do believe that an AK-47, a machine gun, is not a sporting weapon or needed for defense of a home.'' ---Ronald Reagan}

Of course termite, like you, are programmed to repeat and spew. Mere drones without the ability to think.

So, did Reagan really say this? Sort of, the AK-47 insertion was made by ThinkProgress. But Reagan did support the ban of full auto - or Machine gun sales.

Of course, that isn't what you Khmer Rouge Obamunists seek to confiscate, now is it? Reagan was concerned with the glut of Eastern European full auto rifles coming into the USA. Again, these were FULLY AUTOMATIC, not the semi-auto, one shot per trigger pull guns that the democrats seek to confiscate and outlaw.

But leftists lie - always.

Pub dupes! Right off the wall...

Leftist liars, making Pol Pot proud......
No, that was the actual history.

No, that's what is known as a "fucking lie," which is generally propagated by scumbags like you, known as "fucking liars."

Sorry, man. Whatever you learned in Home Skule was wrong, dude.

Was it, fuckwad?

So, you can dig into your Howard Zinn book and show that Crockett owned slaves? No?

How about some quotes supporting slavery?


Crocket and the rest of those assholes would be terrorists today.

You really are a lying pile of shit.

Look, I know that you're just a troll. I know you just spew your idiocy to get a reaction. But seriously - you really are gutter slime, a reprehensible sub-human with no redeeming qualities.
As a democrat, I disavow Jefferson,

Since Jefferson founded the REPUBLICAN party, you should disavow him.

Andrew Jackson and Arron Burr started your shameful party. Jackson set the pace that continues to this day with the "Trail of Tears," and Burr a sitting vice president, murdered Alexander Hamilton, the secretary of state. Yes, these two founding members embody everything it means to be a democrat. Obama continues the legacy of these men with aplomb.

Sigh. Hamilton was a former Sec of Treas and not in office when Burr gunned him down. Burr was a Democratic-Republican, not a federalist.

Read your history, you shambling boor.

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