Day 4 of Roits: No Comment from Clinton


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2011
Two years+ of wildly inaccurate prognosticating shattered in one night. Months leading up to election night supposedly respectable journalists foresaw violent white nationalists taking to the street after Hillary's inevitable victory. Just like after Obama won the White House in 2008, they claimed unprecedented threats on the life of the first black president.

There are countless videos of violence, literally dragging people from their cars and beating them in broad daylight. IF these were the result of Clinton's victory, the media would be treating this much different. The media would be denouncing it all, while demanding Trump publicly condemn and call to end the violence.

Just like Obama, while American cities burn at the hands of their supporters, Clinton is silent. The irony? This is really why Clinton lost. Though the media collectively ignored the violence being perpetrated by leftist instigators at Trump rallies (no one has yet to show me the violence at Clinton rallies, Trump supporters never showed up and half the time her supporters didn't show either), it was all over social media.

America saw the faces of the true bigots. The videos of children with their middle fingers raised high screaming obscenities while their parent, singular, smiling in approval behind them. The irony? This is setting up a Trump dynasty. America is not going to support this shameful, hateful hypocrisy.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....................

All hail theTrump dynasty then.
she cant yet,,,all of her cath bags are leaking. we are just going to have to wait till they get repaired
Fenton is right all the damage is being inflicted in blue territory. Let collective dumbassery go.
Fenton is right all the damage is being inflicted in blue territory. Let collective dumbassery go.

This isn't mine to be either fine or unfine with either way. Your's either obviously, given all you're going to do is post hissyfit rants on anonymous message boards.
She has no duty to say anything. Do you hear trump speaking out against the kkk parade? I'm a white old man. If I lived there I'd wrear a Russian t shirt just too got em going. No recourse for them.
We only have one president at a time. It is the job of the president to prevent anarchy and as we all witnessed in riots over the last few years PRESIDENT OBAMA, the current responsible party in charge, doesn't care.
The real bigots. There is a real problem in America with the black community. The left has coddled them, the media treating black on white crime wholly different--and anyone that denies that is not worth even speaking to. The left's narrative are bullshit, and they should be treated accordingly. These cuckservatives, listen to the last weekly standard podcast, are calling for him to make concessions to democrats and reach across the aisle. The people that have been F-ing wrong about everything want to start directing the Trump train. BS.

It is about time one of these punks get a tax payer relief shot.

Two years+ of wildly inaccurate prognosticating shattered in one night. Months leading up to election night supposedly respectable journalists foresaw violent white nationalists taking to the street after Hillary's inevitable victory. Just like after Obama won the White House in 2008, they claimed unprecedented threats on the life of the first black president.

There are countless videos of violence, literally dragging people from their cars and beating them in broad daylight. IF these were the result of Clinton's victory, the media would be treating this much different. The media would be denouncing it all, while demanding Trump publicly condemn and call to end the violence.

Just like Obama, while American cities burn at the hands of their supporters, Clinton is silent. The irony? This is really why Clinton lost. Though the media collectively ignored the violence being perpetrated by leftist instigators at Trump rallies (no one has yet to show me the violence at Clinton rallies, Trump supporters never showed up and half the time her supporters didn't show either), it was all over social media.

America saw the faces of the true bigots. The videos of children with their middle fingers raised high screaming obscenities while their parent, singular, smiling in approval behind them. The irony? This is setting up a Trump dynasty. America is not going to support this shameful, hateful hypocrisy.
There we go again, paid protesters join other protesters to tear shit up in their own communities… No wonder they lost.:lmao:
She has no duty to say anything. Do you hear trump speaking out against the kkk parade? I'm a white old man. If I lived there I'd wrear a Russian t shirt just too got em going. No recourse for them.
Another fucking moron. The KKK has a right to parade if done legally, these scumbags(like you), RIOTING, are breaking the law in Clintons name and she should say something. She won't because she is criminal scum like most of you shit stirring fucks on this forum.

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