Day 465: Biden more popular than Trump everyday of his presidency

Thatā€™s insane. Our economy is bouncing back from years of shut downs under Trump. Inflation is supply side issue. Too bad infrastructure week never came under Trump. If it did we wouldnā€™t have ships anchored offshore waiting to get in.
Do you smoke crack? Our economy was BOOMING under Trump right up until it was shut down by Covid! We literally had HISTORICALLY GOOD economic numbers! Our economy is about to go into a recession, you buffoon...a recession brought about because the progressives running our country right now are utterly clueless about basic economics! Inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods and services. Duh? When you pump Trillions into the economy then you're going to get inflation. You'd know that if you'd taken even an introductory Econ course!
Thatā€™s insane. Our economy is bouncing back from years of shut downs under Trump. Inflation is supply side issue. Too bad infrastructure week never came under Trump. If it did we wouldnā€™t have ships anchored offshore waiting to get in.
The cost of food is skyrocketing.
You are on drugs.
How are you suffering from the border ā€œcrisisā€? Shortages and inflation are supply chain and infrastructure driven.. why was there never an actual infrastructure bill done for the 4 years of Trump?
Indiana Jones sucks by the way.
Yep Biden is a real winner, trustworthy, honest, straightforward, untarnishedā€¦.hahaha. So howā€™s it working out for ya? Had enough yet? What a disaster, but apparently people love ā€˜em, at least thatā€™s what they say. Wonder what those same people would be saying if there was a false Russian meddling story being peddled nightly by mainstream media? Whatever they pay you itā€™s not enough to play the fool.
I'm not deflecting, dummy. You're just saying things now. But okay, like I said. You wouldn't understand, until it actually happens to you. I know more about the Mexican border than you and your mother combines. So stop pretending you know more than me.
Still unable to say how itā€™s affecting you. Your insults nor deflection will fool any of us. You originally made 3 statements. 2 weā€™re about things out of Bidenā€™s hands and the third was about how immigration is hurting you. You wonā€™t explain how.
Well, incase you are unable to compare polling numbers I thought Iā€™d point out that 100 days into Bidenā€™s second year there hasnā€™t been a day that he has had a worse polling number than Trump.

This of course bodes well for Biden in 2024. Iā€™d expect Biden to lose the midterms similar to Trump since they both polled low (just not as low as Trump in Bidenā€™s case).

The righties giggly about Bidenā€™s numbers were throwing out pollls as I recall in 2018. Hmm. I guess perspective is highly dependent on what one wants to see.
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You're having to work awful hard cherry picking polls to come up with that one.

The Republicans lost seats in the 2018 Mid terms and he lost his reelection so I fail to see how this looks good for Biden to anyone but Republicans.
Indiana Jones sucks by the way.
Ranked 55th best movie ever. Regardless he finds himself in a pit of snakes frequentlyā€¦ just like me.

How are you suffering from the border ā€œcrisisā€? Shortages and inflation are supply chain and infrastructure driven.. why was there never an actual infrastructure bill done for the 4 years of Trump?
Well, that's a lie.

Well, that's a lie.

Underlined in red you nitwit.

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