DC Smells Like Crap

How about we stop giving our money away re secure the borders and do something about it? Biden and his illegitimate administration want the problem to get worse. That is more than apparent.
Awwww, little boi…
Washington Dirty City has been an eyesore...a cesspool for a long time. It's a disgrace. Our capital and it is run the way it is. I'm actually ashamed of it. I wish Maryland would take it.
Maryland won’t take it back because that would undermine the ‘statehood adding two more demmunist senators’ scam.
Democrats are the greatest existential threat to the US.
Are you kidding?? I never knew they had tent cities in DC. I thought the nations capital with all the great things to see and loads of tourists would be one clean city.
Are you kidding?? I never knew they had tent cities in DC. I thought the nations capital with all the great things to see and loads of tourists would be one clean city.
It is overwhelmed with Negroes and crime which of course always go together.
Are you kidding?? I never knew they had tent cities in DC. I thought the nations capital with all the great things to see and loads of tourists would be one clean city.
You still believe in fairies and unicorns.
Is it a problem or not? What do you see being done about it?
All that needs to be done is to repatriate the darkies to dere muddaland....dat should be simple.

All that would be needed to accomplish that is to promise them food stamps for life, a nice house in Africa close to a liquor store, a big screen t.v. and a general store where everything would be free.

And of course it would be a one way ticket....geez what a bargain that would be....especially for America.

What it costs us to incarcerate one here in America would be more than enough to get rid of the problem.
All that needs to be done is to repatriate the darkies to dere muddaland....dat should be simple.

All that would be needed to accomplish that is to promise them food stamps for life, a nice house in Africa close to a liquor store, a big screen t.v. and a general store where everything would be free.

And of course it would be a one way ticket....geez what a bargain that would be....especially for America.

What it costs us to incarcerate one here in America would be more than enough to get rid of the problem.
Time for you to go back to the white shithole Poland. We can offer a one way ticket and a years supply of opioids.
Time for you to go back to the white shithole Poland. We can offer a one way ticket and a years supply of opioids.
America was founded by Whites for Whites.

The White Working Class has fought all of our wars.

A total of 708 African Americans were killed in combat during World War II.

671,278 White Soldiers were killed in combat during WWII

Now shut the fuck up you piece of shit.
America was founded by Whites for Whites.

The White Working Class has fought all of our wars.

A total of 708 African Americans were killed in combat during World War II.

671,278 White Soldiers were killed in combat during WWII

Now shut the fuck up you piece of shit.
The fact that we didn't let African-Americans fight until the World Wars because we did want them to have guns makes a mockery of your opinion.

BTW African-Americans have fought in every war since Truman integrated the army in 1949.

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