DC US Attorney Matthew Graves’ latest “political play” costs 25-year-old Catholic man his life…


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Graves is nothing more than a political hack.

Meanwhile, violent crime has soared n DC. And much of it because of Graves.

If you’re looking for a stark example of how politically weaponized our judicial system has become, thanks to the regime, look no further than what just unfolded in the D.C. Swamp. D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves is so preoccupied with prosecuting MAGA grandparents that he appears to be willfully ignoring real threats; allowing actual killers to walk free and murder innocent people. That’s precisely what just happened in the case of a 25-year-old Kentucky teacher who came to DC for a training program at a Catholic university. His life was brutally taken by the same violent man who DA Graves allowed to walk free. Jaime Maceo, a repeat offender, was just released by DA Graves after Graves dropped all charges related to him shooting at his neighbor. Fast forward a month, and that same savage beast murdered 25-year-old Maxwell Emerson as he casually strolled across the Catholic university campus.

Here’s what conservative pundit Greg Price said about this case in his tweet:

On May 22, 2022, Jaime Maceo was arrested for shooting at his neighbor with a ghost gun.
He was released from jail one month later and his case was dismissed by DC Attorney Matthew Graves on June 30 of this year after his trial date kept getting pushed back.
Last week, Jamie Maceo murdered 25-year-old Maxwell Emerson on the campus of Catholic Univeresity.
Meanwhile, Matthew Graves is busy rounding up grandmas who were near the Capitol on January 6 and putting them in jail for life.
All while letting criminals roam the streets.

To make matters even worse, the fake news media’s coverage of this story is appalling. Nowhere in this Yahoo article do they mention Mr. Maceo’s 2022 arrest, nor his subsequent release by the politically compromised D.C. Attorney Matthew Graves. Instead, they discuss a 2019 traffic stop that resulted in a gun charge. That’s how our propaganda media operates. They cover for the regime, at all costs.

Yahoo News:


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