DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the *-ing People Didn't *-ing Elect You!"

So there was no security at the blob's inauguration? LOL

Man...you guys aren't taking your crushing defeat well at all.
You're absurd--Trump never had 25K Guard troops surrounding him. He never fenced off the capitol to protect himself from his constituents.
Off the cliff over the last year? Like rioting/looting/burning....dumbass.

Oh...you mean the 'Mostly Peaceful Protests'....

Only Some Kinds of Protest Are Always 'Mostly Peaceful' | National Review

I just explained why. You didn't even read my post, did you? ;)
Why do the Democrats need more troops than are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria to protect them from the American people, 20 Million more of which they claim voted for Biden than Barry?

Why did they make up the story about needing to do background checks on National Guard members when there is NO INTEL OF POTENTIAL VIOLENCE, especially from an 'Insider Threat'?

And why are you SO F*ING STUPID to believe everything Socialist Dems proven to have committed failed coup attempts based on Russian-authored propaganda and the Fake news media tells you, based on ZERO evidence?

More Faux News....


Chris Miller is only in a temporary acting position, which he cant wait to get out of. And has only been in there less than two months?

Since there were some military members at the jan 6th riots, its being investigated.
So there was no security at the blob's inauguration? LOL

Man...you guys aren't taking your crushing defeat well at all.
You're absurd--Trump never had 25K Guard troops surrounding him. He never fenced off the capitol to protect himself from his constituents.

It was a non violent transfer of power in 2016, The Trumps were even given the traditional greeting at the WH by the Obama's.

Unlike today's violent atmosphere brought to us by the lies of the would be King with the support of the neo-fascist wing of the GOP.
Chris Miller is only in a temporary acting position, which he cant wait to get out of. And has only been in there less than two months?Since there were some military members at the jan 6th riots, its being investigated.

Nothing you just said takes away from the FACT that 'THERE IS NO EVIDENCE / INTEL TO SUGGEST AM INSIDER THREAT EXISTS'.
So there was no security at the blob's inauguration? LOL

Man...you guys aren't taking your crushing defeat well at all.
You're absurd--Trump never had 25K Guard troops surrounding him. He never fenced off the capitol to protect himself from his constituents.

It was a non violent transfer of power in 2016, The Trumps were even given the traditional greeting at the WH by the Obama's.

Unlike today's violent atmosphere brought to us by the lies of the would be King with the support of the neo-fascist wing of the GOP.

Who the heck needs violence when you're preoccupied with spying. But do let us know if Trump shows up at the WH greeting with an AK-47....maybe even an AR-14.
So there was no security at the blob's inauguration? LOL

Man...you guys aren't taking your crushing defeat well at all.
You're absurd--Trump never had 25K Guard troops surrounding him. He never fenced off the capitol to protect himself from his constituents.

It was a non violent transfer of power in 2016, The Trumps were even given the traditional greeting at the WH by the Obama's.

Unlike today's violent atmosphere brought to us by the lies of the would be King with the support of the neo-fascist wing of the GOP.

Who the heck needs violence when you're preoccupied with spying. But do let us know if Trump shows up at the WH greeting with an AK-47....maybe even an AR-14.

So you agree in 2016 there was no concerted effort by Obama or any other Democrat to violently oppose Trumps victory. Say, how did that Durham report work out for you guys? Blow the lid off Obamagate, did it?
The accusations were not ignored, nor was there any cover ups. The States investigated, recounts were done, The courts rendered their decisions.Your attempt at a fascist coup has failed.

I know you continuously avoid talking about Pa, how even the USSC acknowledged that Socialist Pa Judges violated BOTH State and Federal Constitutions and Rules of law by changing Election rules, processes, and laws IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ELECTION.

This is FACTUAL.

....but snowflakes like you continue to repeat the same talking points. Even Democrats were forced to admit election fraud occurred...right before they insisted the country had to believe them when they claimed, "...but not enough to make a difference'.

" the USSC acknowledged that Socialist Pa Judges violated BOTH State and Federal Constitutions and Rules of law "


To real real authoritative website, not one of your right wing nut job websites.
So there was no security at the blob's inauguration? LOL

Man...you guys aren't taking your crushing defeat well at all.
You're absurd--Trump never had 25K Guard troops surrounding him. He never fenced off the capitol to protect himself from his constituents.

It was a non violent transfer of power in 2016, The Trumps were even given the traditional greeting at the WH by the Obama's.

Unlike today's violent atmosphere brought to us by the lies of the would be King with the support of the neo-fascist wing of the GOP.
This was a Prog production. 4 years of vile venom from commiewood, commie media, commie politicians and commie elitists. Non stop hate. And for what? For believing in a bit more morals. Some people with faith. Some who believed in more traditional ways of living which has proven to keep civilizations going. Made enemies of the new Prog State and when it is over you asses will be grinded up to. For the Prog State towers over almost all the citizens. The citizens are there at its behest. And the culling will take place as the real revenues slowly dry up.
Chris Miller is only in a temporary acting position, which he cant wait to get out of. And has only been in there less than two months?Since there were some military members at the jan 6th riots, its being investigated.

Nothing you just said takes away from the FACT that 'THERE IS NO EVIDENCE / INTEL TO SUGGEST AM INSIDER THREAT EXISTS'.
wrong, plenty...

Chris Miller is only in a temporary acting position, which he cant wait to get out of. And has only been in there less than two months?Since there were some military members at the jan 6th riots, its being investigated.

Nothing you just said takes away from the FACT that 'THERE IS NO EVIDENCE / INTEL TO SUGGEST AM INSIDER THREAT EXISTS'.
wrong, plenty...

Unless Forbes is sitting in on Intel Briefings, snowflake, they're just making shit up as usual.
So there was no security at the blob's inauguration? LOL

Man...you guys aren't taking your crushing defeat well at all.
You're absurd--Trump never had 25K Guard troops surrounding him. He never fenced off the capitol to protect himself from his constituents.

It was a non violent transfer of power in 2016, The Trumps were even given the traditional greeting at the WH by the Obama's.

Unlike today's violent atmosphere brought to us by the lies of the would be King with the support of the neo-fascist wing of the GOP.
This was a Prog production. 4 years of vile venom from commiewood, commie media, commie politicians and commie elitists. Non stop hate. And for what? For believing in a bit more morals. Some people with faith. Some who believed in more traditional ways of living which has proven to keep civilizations going. Made enemies of the new Prog State and when it is over you asses will be grinded up to. For the Prog State towers over almost all the citizens. The citizens are there at its behest. And the culling will take place as the real revenues slowly dry up.

Nah the lies about the election results were planned well ahead of the election. They knew exactly which dark districts they were going to target and try to have all their votes thrown out (just like the good old days huh grandpa?)

Trumpybear is just not suited to America's vicious politics and wanted to go full Putin on us.

Fuck him.
Last edited:
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the radical right wing, Maybe the *-ing radical right wing Didn't *-ing Elect You!"
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the radical right wing, Maybe the *-ing radical right wing Didn't *-ing Elect You!"
Thank you for the really big bold letters, that changed everything. Your lies and spin suddenly seem believable.....bwuhahahahaha. NOT.

Democrats have manufactured a false narrative into justifying having more military members defending them from US citizens that are now serving in 3 combat areas. Intel reports there is no evidence of any plan of an attack, to include any 'Insider Threat' from the National Guard....but just like dogs, your eagerly lap up anything the Democrats throw up.
A record voter turn out made it possible so ya, it's believable.
So you do believe 20 MILLION more people voted for Joe Biden, making him the most popular President in US history, and rendering Barry - the 3rd highest vote-getter - nothing more than an after-thought.

We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the radical right wing, Maybe the *-ing radical right wing Didn't *-ing Elect You!"
Thank you for the really big bold letters, that changed everything. Your lies and spin suddenly seem believable.....bwuhahahahaha. NOT.

Democrats have manufactured a false narrative into justifying having more military members defending them from US citizens that are now serving in 3 combat areas. Intel reports there is no evidence of any plan of an attack, to include any 'Insider Threat' from the National Guard....but just like dogs, your eagerly lap up anything the Democrats throw up.
'Thank you for the really big bold letters, that changed everything. Your lies and spin suddenly seem believable'..The bold letters are yours, I merely corrected you..LOL!!
A record voter turn out made it possible so ya, it's believable.
So you do believe 20 MILLION more people voted for Joe Biden, making him the most popular President in US history, and rendering Barry - the 3rd highest vote-getter - nothing more than an after-thought.

It's not about Biden's popularity - which, you're right, is nearly non-existent. It's about people being fed up with Trump's insanity. Many people voted who would have never bothered - not because Biden is so awesome, but because they saw four more years of Trump as intolerable.
We were told Donald Trump was hated.
We were told Americans wanted President Trump Gone.
We were told Americans chose Biden as their new President.
So the Inauguration should be a happy, joyous celebration
It looks, however, like the command HQ of a nation facing invasion on its own soil
There are more U.S. troops in D.C. than there are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria COMBINED
D.C. should look festive in celebratory preparedness for the Inauguration of 'beloved' Biden
Instead D.C. looks like downtown Baghdad, complete with Green and Red Zones
Bridges are closed, no way to get in past a military check-point
Getting to work is reportedly nearly impossible
No jogging on the Capitol Mall, no tourists - everyone is a 'threat'
Everyone to include, to the Democrats, our own military
Guard members have been made the focus of investigations
All of their backgrounds have had to be checked to eliminate 'Insider Threats' to Biden

...does this sound like someone the majority of the American people chose to be their President?

Leave it to the average American to say what the Fake News Socialist Media will not and what the Socialist Big Tech would sensor and silence:


"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect you!"
DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO)


Hundreds of Active Duty Troops
Along with 25,000 National Guard
Troops are Authorized for Biden’s

Virtual Inauguration Event

This is the DEMOCRATS' Show-Of-Force'. It doesn't say, "We won the election". It says, "We have CONQUERED the United States, DEFEATED THE PEOPLE, and WE are now in control!"

To our enemies, it says, "We Democrats are AFRAID of Our Own People"...who they are supposed to work FOR...as 'SERVANTS of the people'.

DC Worker Says The Obvious: "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the radical right wing, Maybe the *-ing radical right wing Didn't *-ing Elect You!"
Thank you for the really big bold letters, that changed everything. Your lies and spin suddenly seem believable.....bwuhahahahaha. NOT.

Democrats have manufactured a false narrative into justifying having more military members defending them from US citizens that are now serving in 3 combat areas. Intel reports there is no evidence of any plan of an attack, to include any 'Insider Threat' from the National Guard....but just like dogs, your eagerly lap up anything the Democrats throw up.
'Thank you for the really big bold letters, that changed everything. Your lies and spin suddenly seem believable'..The bold letters are yours, I merely corrected you..LOL!!
You merely posted unsubstantiated opinionated lies...as all snowflakes do....with a little attempted flair. You modified words and the article posted to attempt to fit your false narratives.

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