DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Uh yeah, you greedy wankas are the ones who were boasting about not caring about the man Alice Walton killed. So i can only go by what i observe. Your hate & greed consumes you. You don't care about the less fortunate among us. I only call it like i see it.

You are the one that doesn't care about the less fortunate.

Yeah, y'all were here yesterday boasting about not giving a shit about the man Alice Walton killed, or the man she had fired. A couple of you even went as far as to blame the victims. How far will y'all go in your worship of Corporate Scum? Looks like you're willing to go all the way with it.
Why don't you provide posts of where someone said they were glad Alice Walton killed someone.

A couple of you wingnuts openly stated you didn't give a shit about the man she killed or the man she had fired. You even blamed the poor man for her killing him. Truly shameful. You greedy folks really do need to reassess your values. Your hate & greed is consuming you.

Show the posts. Give the post #. If you can't, it didn't happen because you say it did.

It was said by one of your greedy wanker brethren. But i don't exect you to believe me. Believing it might just shatter your faith in your brethren. Might even change your perspective a bit.
Greedy bastards. They fuck over America every chance they get! Bring in illegals, offshore and do everything to fuck over the worker. Yet, we can always count on the loserterian to side with the super rich, can't we. damn!

We can always count on you to push for someone else to fund things with their money the way you think they should. When are you going to do it with your own money voluntarily?
So just sit back and allow the Walmarts of the world to have their slaves? Just do nothing? I mean who's gonna fight for the less fortunate among us? The greedy scum that runs Walmart sure aren't gonna.

Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

Walmart helps create poverty in America. Do some research of your own. It's been an absolute disaster for American Workers.

Walmart was responsible for someone having low skills that they had before they went to work for Walmart?

Hate to break it to you but if someone comes to them with low skills, Walmart isn't the cause of their low skills.

Walmart desn't give a shit about Americans or America. And that's reflected in its unethical immoral practices.
You are the one that doesn't care about the less fortunate.

Yeah, y'all were here yesterday boasting about not giving a shit about the man Alice Walton killed, or the man she had fired. A couple of you even went as far as to blame the victims. How far will y'all go in your worship of Corporate Scum? Looks like you're willing to go all the way with it.
Why don't you provide posts of where someone said they were glad Alice Walton killed someone.

A couple of you wingnuts openly stated you didn't give a shit about the man she killed or the man she had fired. You even blamed the poor man for her killing him. Truly shameful. You greedy folks really do need to reassess your values. Your hate & greed is consuming you.

Show the posts. Give the post #. If you can't, it didn't happen because you say it did.

It was said by one of your greedy wanker brethren. But i don't exect you to believe me. Believing it might just shatter your faith in your brethren. Might even change your perspective a bit.

If it was said, you should be able to provide the post. I don't believe and it has nothing to do with you. It has to do with you being unwilling to provide anything to back it up.

Thinking you can provide proof of something you SAID occurred is like expecting some welfare leech to support himself.
Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

Walmart helps create poverty in America. Do some research of your own. It's been an absolute disaster for American Workers.

Walmart was responsible for someone having low skills that they had before they went to work for Walmart?

Hate to break it to you but if someone comes to them with low skills, Walmart isn't the cause of their low skills.

Walmart desn't give a shit about Americans or America. And that's reflected in its unethical immoral practices.

You keep saying they do unethical and immoral practices but have yet to show any. That you don't like what they pay doesn't make it either one.
I'll gladly pay a little more for my goods if it helps some American Workers out. How bout you?

No. If you want to help someone out that way you CLAIM you do, you don't have to buy a damn thing, therefore, prices have nothing to do with it. All you have to do if find those you say you care about and provide something to them they don't have but you believe they need. It doesn't involve a thing but YOU and them. The government isn't involved. No store is involved. Just you doing what you say should be done and doing it with YOUR money. That's what you don't get. You want to drag all sorts of entities into it when that isn't necessary and what you say should be done without them being involved.

So just sit back and allow the Walmarts of the world to have their slaves? Just do nothing? I mean who's gonna fight for the less fortunate among us? The greedy scum that runs Walmart sure aren't gonna.

Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

A 18th century french Queen once laughed at her nations poor. Didn't work out too good!
Then you don't care about them yet expect the rest of us to do it so you can feel good about yourself.

Uh yeah, you greedy wankas are the ones who were boasting about not caring about the man Alice Walton killed. So i can only go by what i observe. Your hate & greed consumes you. You don't care about the less fortunate among us. I only call it like i see it.

You are the one that doesn't care about the less fortunate.

Yeah, y'all were here yesterday boasting about not giving a shit about the man Alice Walton killed, or the man she had fired. A couple of you even went as far as to blame the victims. How far will y'all go in your worship of Corporate Scum? Looks like you're willing to go all the way with it.

or the man she had fired.

That's awful! Any details?

The info on Alice Walton is widely available on the Web.

You mean the info that says she killed a woman?
You don't seem very knowledgeable.
Is that why you make minimum wage?
No. If you want to help someone out that way you CLAIM you do, you don't have to buy a damn thing, therefore, prices have nothing to do with it. All you have to do if find those you say you care about and provide something to them they don't have but you believe they need. It doesn't involve a thing but YOU and them. The government isn't involved. No store is involved. Just you doing what you say should be done and doing it with YOUR money. That's what you don't get. You want to drag all sorts of entities into it when that isn't necessary and what you say should be done without them being involved.

So just sit back and allow the Walmarts of the world to have their slaves? Just do nothing? I mean who's gonna fight for the less fortunate among us? The greedy scum that runs Walmart sure aren't gonna.

Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

A 18th century french Queen once laughed at her nations poor. Didn't work out too good!

I'm sure no one will cut off paulitician's head, just because he laughs at the poor.
No. If you want to help someone out that way you CLAIM you do, you don't have to buy a damn thing, therefore, prices have nothing to do with it. All you have to do if find those you say you care about and provide something to them they don't have but you believe they need. It doesn't involve a thing but YOU and them. The government isn't involved. No store is involved. Just you doing what you say should be done and doing it with YOUR money. That's what you don't get. You want to drag all sorts of entities into it when that isn't necessary and what you say should be done without them being involved.

So just sit back and allow the Walmarts of the world to have their slaves? Just do nothing? I mean who's gonna fight for the less fortunate among us? The greedy scum that runs Walmart sure aren't gonna.

Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

A 18th century french Queen once laughed at her nations poor. Didn't work out too good!

Did she have $8 billion?
No. If you want to help someone out that way you CLAIM you do, you don't have to buy a damn thing, therefore, prices have nothing to do with it. All you have to do if find those you say you care about and provide something to them they don't have but you believe they need. It doesn't involve a thing but YOU and them. The government isn't involved. No store is involved. Just you doing what you say should be done and doing it with YOUR money. That's what you don't get. You want to drag all sorts of entities into it when that isn't necessary and what you say should be done without them being involved.

So just sit back and allow the Walmarts of the world to have their slaves? Just do nothing? I mean who's gonna fight for the less fortunate among us? The greedy scum that runs Walmart sure aren't gonna.

Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

A 18th century french Queen once laughed at her nations poor. Didn't work out too good!

So you are saying you identify yourself with murderers.

Atlas Shrugged man. Ayn Rand was right. Left-wing ideology, is the ideology of death. You people keep proving her right over and over.
What the greedy wankers don't understand, is that the more they abuse American Workers and the poor, the more they push Americans to support all-out Socialism and a Candidate like Bernie Sanders.

Their hate & greed is blinding them. They're only helping create the thing they supposedly despise. Hating the poor while worshipping the Corporate Fatcats, will backfire on them at some point. They're showing no humility or shame. The People will eventually turn on em in droves.
Paul is jealous. Alice Walton's dad gave her billions in stock.
All Paul inherited was a lower than average IQ and a bad attitude.

Exactly, she never worked for anything in her life. Yet you greedy wankers truly believe she's worth every penny of her $Billions. Y'all need to stop your blind Corporate-Worshipping. Greedy Corporatism does not = Capitalism/Democracy.
Wrong. Her DAD believed she was worth what he gave her. Big difference.

Ah, we'll just go round & round on this one. Y'all greedy folks hate the poor Worker struggling along, yet worship scum like Alice Walton. Y'all need to reexamine your values. You don't have to be loyal Corporate-Bootlickers.

Thank unions for the demise of the middle class, There demands were cost prohibitive


Yes, how dare they wanna make a liveable wage. They should just shut up and be happy slaves. That's what scum like Alice Walton say anyway.
And instead of urging them to be smart and look for opportunities to better their situation, your preferred approach is for them to stay where they are and whine about it.
What the greedy wankers don't understand, is that the more they abuse American Workers and the poor, the more they push Americans to support all-out Socialism and a Candidate like Bernie Sanders.

Their hate & greed is blinding them. They're only helping create the thing they supposedly despise. Hating the poor while worshipping the Corporate Fatcats, will backfire on them at some point. They're showing no humility or shame. The People will eventually turn on em in droves.
And, just like every time it's been done in the past, "the people" will destroy their support structure and end up under a brutal regime, wondering what the heck just happened.
What a hypocritical ass you are .

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I stand by my assessment of Walmart. It's exactly what's wrong with our country.
What's wrong is hypocrites like you. Of course I always knew you were nothing more then a progressive

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If caring about my fellow man makes me a 'Progressive', than so be it.
Jealousy isn't caring

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Trying to help the less fortunate among us does not = 'Jealousy.'

Rich folks like the Waltons don't need the help. You greedy folks just need to reevaluate your values. Try helping the folks who actually need the help. That's what Jesus would want.
I thought Jesus was supposed to be kept out of government. Now you want Him in there?
What the greedy wankers don't understand, is that the more they abuse American Workers and the poor, the more they push Americans to support all-out Socialism and a Candidate like Bernie Sanders.

Their hate & greed is blinding them. They're only helping create the thing they supposedly despise. Hating the poor while worshipping the Corporate Fatcats, will backfire on them at some point. They're showing no humility or shame. The People will eventually turn on em in droves.
And, just like every time it's been done in the past, "the people" will destroy their support structure and end up under a brutal regime, wondering what the heck just happened.

You greedy folks are giving them no choice. You're pushing them to it. You can only beat up the poor less fortunate so much. Eventually they'll fight back. It's happened before many times in history.
You greedy folks are giving them no choice. You're pushing them to it. You can only beat up the poor less fortunate so much.
So, anyone who disagrees with you about minimum wage is greedy, rich and fat, right?
Eventually they'll fight back. It's happened before many times in history.

It's less likely to happen if we patronize them with phony provisions like minimum wage. Who's side are you really on?
What the greedy wankers don't understand, is that the more they abuse American Workers and the poor, the more they push Americans to support all-out Socialism and a Candidate like Bernie Sanders.

Their hate & greed is blinding them. They're only helping create the thing they supposedly despise. Hating the poor while worshipping the Corporate Fatcats, will backfire on them at some point. They're showing no humility or shame. The People will eventually turn on em in droves.
And, just like every time it's been done in the past, "the people" will destroy their support structure and end up under a brutal regime, wondering what the heck just happened.

You greedy folks are giving them no choice. You're pushing them to it. You can only beat up the poor less fortunate so much. Eventually they'll fight back. It's happened before many times in history.
So complain to Obama that the wealth gap has increased so much during his regime.
You said you don't go there yet you keep saying things as if you do.

I used to. It's a place of misery. It represents everything wrong with our nation. I will never again give my hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton.
Nor to those working there.

Sadly, that is the case. I feel for em, but i can't give my money to such an evil entity.

Then you don't care about them yet expect the rest of us to do it so you can feel good about yourself.

Uh yeah, you greedy wankas are the ones who were boasting about not caring about the man Alice Walton killed. So i can only go by what i observe. Your hate & greed consumes you. You don't care about the less fortunate among us. I only call it like i see it.

God damn dude you have a major obsession over some one that has no control over your life. What a fruit cake

Who worships her? What you advocate is that you want to sit on your throne and dictate morals.

Societies do it all the time. All civilized societies dictate morals. It's nothing new or unusual.

What do other societies have to do with the United States of America?


In free Societies, the Society dictates the morals. It's always been that way.

Then it's not free. You're the kind of person that thinks it's OK to tell others what they should do with their money, a private matter, yet raise all sorts of hell when someone says abortion, something you also call a private matter, is wrong.

If society, as you say, can dictate how another person's money is used, society can also dictate what a woman does with her body. No difference. The problem comes in when what you believe is supported and you call it the will of the people yet when it's something you oppose, you call it mob rule.

Like it or not, Societies decide on and dictate the morals. It's always been that way.

Not your societie faggot.

Here ya go

Wal-Mart to give pay raises to most of its workers

NEW YORK (AP) -- Wal-Mart is giving raises to the vast majority of its U.S. employees as part of the world's largest retailer's previously announced investment in its workforce. The move comes as it seeks to hold onto workers in an increasingly competitive market.

"Universal Fuel" Marks the End of Oil

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on Wednesday said more than 1.2 million U.S. hourly workers will get wage increases on Feb. 20. The company, the largest U.S. private employer with 1.4 million total workers, also said it will provide free, basic short-term disability to full-time hourly workers. And it will start allowing workers to accrue paid time off as they earn it.
Societies do it all the time. All civilized societies dictate morals. It's nothing new or unusual.

What do other societies have to do with the United States of America?


In free Societies, the Society dictates the morals. It's always been that way.

Then it's not free. You're the kind of person that thinks it's OK to tell others what they should do with their money, a private matter, yet raise all sorts of hell when someone says abortion, something you also call a private matter, is wrong.

If society, as you say, can dictate how another person's money is used, society can also dictate what a woman does with her body. No difference. The problem comes in when what you believe is supported and you call it the will of the people yet when it's something you oppose, you call it mob rule.

Like it or not, Societies decide on and dictate the morals. It's always been that way.

Not your societie faggot.

Here ya go

Wal-Mart to give pay raises to most of its workers

NEW YORK (AP) -- Wal-Mart is giving raises to the vast majority of its U.S. employees as part of the world's largest retailer's previously announced investment in its workforce. The move comes as it seeks to hold onto workers in an increasingly competitive market.

"Universal Fuel" Marks the End of Oil

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. on Wednesday said more than 1.2 million U.S. hourly workers will get wage increases on Feb. 20. The company, the largest U.S. private employer with 1.4 million total workers, also said it will provide free, basic short-term disability to full-time hourly workers. And it will start allowing workers to accrue paid time off as they earn it.
Wow, the market works, just like we said it would.

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