DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

No. If you want to help someone out that way you CLAIM you do, you don't have to buy a damn thing, therefore, prices have nothing to do with it. All you have to do if find those you say you care about and provide something to them they don't have but you believe they need. It doesn't involve a thing but YOU and them. The government isn't involved. No store is involved. Just you doing what you say should be done and doing it with YOUR money. That's what you don't get. You want to drag all sorts of entities into it when that isn't necessary and what you say should be done without them being involved.

So just sit back and allow the Walmarts of the world to have their slaves? Just do nothing? I mean who's gonna fight for the less fortunate among us? The greedy scum that runs Walmart sure aren't gonna.

Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

Walmart helps create poverty in America. Do some research of your own. It's been an absolute disaster for American Workers.

Only research I need at this point is, "The elitist hypocrite Paul says so, so the opposite is automatically true, because I'm as horrified by the idea of agreeing with that shithead as he is by the idea of being around the 'farter Mongoloids' he claims to care about."

Saves me a lot of time.
Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

Walmart helps create poverty in America. Do some research of your own. It's been an absolute disaster for American Workers.

Walmart was responsible for someone having low skills that they had before they went to work for Walmart?

Hate to break it to you but if someone comes to them with low skills, Walmart isn't the cause of their low skills.

Walmart desn't give a shit about Americans or America. And that's reflected in its unethical immoral practices.

Better than the way YOU give a shit ON Americans. Or, at least, the ones who you see as "farter Mongoloids".
No. If you want to help someone out that way you CLAIM you do, you don't have to buy a damn thing, therefore, prices have nothing to do with it. All you have to do if find those you say you care about and provide something to them they don't have but you believe they need. It doesn't involve a thing but YOU and them. The government isn't involved. No store is involved. Just you doing what you say should be done and doing it with YOUR money. That's what you don't get. You want to drag all sorts of entities into it when that isn't necessary and what you say should be done without them being involved.

So just sit back and allow the Walmarts of the world to have their slaves? Just do nothing? I mean who's gonna fight for the less fortunate among us? The greedy scum that runs Walmart sure aren't gonna.

Then you must of supported the overdue pay raise for our fighting men and women? You know, the military has members on food stamps?


Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

A 18th century french Queen once laughed at her nations poor. Didn't work out too good!

And now she's been reincarnated as Paulitician. "WalMart farter Mongoloid" is this century's "Let them eat cake!" Haven't you heard?
Uh huh, Alice Walton has mad skills. She's 'worth' every penny of her several $Billions. Sure she is.

Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

YOU don't even think they're worth speaking about respectfully, but you want us to think they're worth $15 an hour?

Regardles of anything i've said, you should think they're worth $15 an hour. If you have any humanity left anyway.

I definitely need morality preached to me by an elitist pig like you. Hey, tell me more about "farter Mongoloids", so that maybe I can learn to not only shit all over the poor, but do so by ALSO denigrating the handicapped. Abusing the disabled has never been one of my skills, and you're clearly a master at it.

If YOU are an example of "having humanity", remind me to sign up for membership in any other species in the universe, because I'm frankly ashamed to have anything in common with the likes of you at all.

Hey, i don't wanna shop with you stinky Walmart farter Mongoloids. I freely admit that. You're one of the reasons i don't shop there. But i do still care about ya. I hope you're doing well. And i hope Walmart Workers start being treated better.

But i can't contribute to making scum like Alice Walton richer. Sorry, but that's my call. You wanna continue fattening her bank account, that's your call. I won't be a Walmart customer.
Yes, that is shameful. More Walmart Shoppers to fatten Alice Walton's bank account. She's laughing all the way to the bank.

She, I suspect, would laugh at you.

Walmart helps create poverty in America. Do some research of your own. It's been an absolute disaster for American Workers.

Walmart was responsible for someone having low skills that they had before they went to work for Walmart?

Hate to break it to you but if someone comes to them with low skills, Walmart isn't the cause of their low skills.

Walmart desn't give a shit about Americans or America. And that's reflected in its unethical immoral practices.

Better than the way YOU give a shit ON Americans. Or, at least, the ones who you see as "farter Mongoloids".

I support a liveable Minimum Wage for you Walmart customer mongoloids too.
Again, you'd have to ask the people who gave her the money. Unless she stole it, someone must have though she was worth it.

I asked you the question. You seem to feel workers at Walmart aren't worth being payed even a liveable wage. So, is she worth it?

YOU don't even think they're worth speaking about respectfully, but you want us to think they're worth $15 an hour?

Regardles of anything i've said, you should think they're worth $15 an hour. If you have any humanity left anyway.

I definitely need morality preached to me by an elitist pig like you. Hey, tell me more about "farter Mongoloids", so that maybe I can learn to not only shit all over the poor, but do so by ALSO denigrating the handicapped. Abusing the disabled has never been one of my skills, and you're clearly a master at it.

If YOU are an example of "having humanity", remind me to sign up for membership in any other species in the universe, because I'm frankly ashamed to have anything in common with the likes of you at all.

Hey, i don't wanna shop with you stinky Walmart farter Mongoloids. I freely admit that. You're one of the reasons i don't shop there. But i do still care about ya. I hope you're doing well. And i hope Walmart Workers start being treated better.

But i can't contribute to making scum like Alice Walton richer. Sorry, but that's my call. You wanna continue fattening her bank account, that's your call. I won't be a Walmart customer.


The more you talk, the better anyone who isn't you sounds. It's fascinating.
Walmart jobs are what Americans are clamoring for...lol. A person can easily survive on $10 per hour. Lmao
Walmart jobs are what Americans are clamoring for...lol. A person can easily survive on $10 per hour. Lmao

Yeah, actually than can. I've seen others do it. I've done it myself.

The fact is, there is a massive number of our population who have no skills, no degrees, no abilities that are of market value.

It's a fact. These people are looking for low-skill easy jobs that they can do with flexible hours. That's a fact.

When I was in high school 25 years ago, I worked part time at a McDonald's. While there my manager was a chick who had a degree in Architecture. Now the average wage for a architect is $73,000 a year. But she was working at McDonald's as a manager, making I would guess about $23,000 a year.

Of course I was blown away... why the heck was she working there. Answer: Well I can take days off when I need to, and I have flexiable hours, and I can work close to home, and be with my kids.

Single mother, working crap McDonald's job, when she had a degree in architecture. CHOICE.

Now it's these same people, who are making a CHOICE to work a crap job for a low wage, that you are whining and moaning about.

You can live on very little. You don't HAVE TO HAVE..... a new car.... a cell phone... with data plan... and internet.... and cable TV... or even a TV... or fast food.... or a stereo... or anything.

You can actually buy used clothes from the Goodwill store. You can drive a $1000 beater car. You can cook at home, and stop ordering pizza.

Yeah, I get it, you don't want to. And it sucked for me when I did it.

But the difference between you and me... when I got myself into trouble, I cut spending, and worked a second job. When you get yourself into trouble, you blame society for your incompetence.
I'm retired. I went to college and got a degree. Scraping by working low wage jobs is no way to live and frankly one cannot live comfortably on sh#t wages like Walmart pays.
I'm retired. I went to college and got a degree. Scraping by working low wage jobs is no way to live and frankly one cannot live comfortably on sh#t wages like Walmart pays.

Yes they absolutely can! I KNOW PEOPLE WHO HAVE!

The problem again, is how you personally define "live comfortably". If your definition is "in a modern home, with all the modern conveniences, in an upper middle class neighborhood, with a TV in every room, with Cable, and Broadband internet, with air conditioning, all premium channels, and new furniture, and a new car, and not a grocery getter, but a nice leather bells & whistles, and the Iphone 78A, with international unlimited call, data and txt package............... and on and on and on......

Yeah you can't live like a freakin spoiled brat, off of Walmart wages..... but to the other 99% of the people on this planet, the person who lives off of wages from Walmart, is a Luxury life they could only dream of.

YOU CAN LIVE OFF A WALMART WAGE. PERIOD. You can do it. You want to live better... I get it. I do too. That's why I don't work at Walmart. But you can ABSOLUTELY work and live life doing a walmart job.

It's only scraping by, if you choose to blow your money, and scrape by.
If Walmart jobs are considered viable we're in worse shape than we know. I did my stint I'm retired. House vehicles paid for kids went to college all doing well due to their educations. Walmart for them was never an option.
If Walmart jobs are considered viable we're in worse shape than we know. I did my stint I'm retired. House vehicles paid for kids went to college all doing well due to their educations. Walmart for them was never an option.

Doesn't matter if you "consider" it to be viable. Or if anyone does. The fact is, people can, and do, live life from a walmart wage.

Now you can argue about whether they should.... that's a different argument. But saying they can't..... when they do.... that's a fail.

The current CEO of walmart, started off earning low-wage unloading trucks at a Walmart distribution center. He lived off of a walmart wage for years, and moved up the corporate ladder.

And maybe for your kids, and their education, walmart wasn't an option. Ok. But your private little experience, doesn't carry over to the rest of the planet. To 99% of the people on this planet, a Walmart job would be a life of luxury.

Even if you don't intend to be arrogant, that's an arrogant position to hold. Even within this country, not everyone is like your kids. I went to college three times. I failed out of college three times. No matter how hard I tried, and home many hours I put in, and how long I spent working.... I failed out. College is not an option for me.

Many other people have the same problem. They simply don't have what it takes to get through college.

If you eliminate the few jobs these people can do... how do they survive? What's your solution for them? Stay on welfare until they die?

You and your kids don't need walmart jobs... great. Not everyone is in the same position you are. Why are you trying to destroy one of the few jobs they can do to survive?
I understand which is why I am willing and able to pay a little more for things so Walmart workers make more. I am not an idiot that thinks other working folk are the problem as fox news wants me to believe so they can protect the one percent. Workers have never caused the struggles of this nation....ever.
I understand which is why I am willing and able to pay a little more for things so Walmart workers make more. I am not an idiot that thinks other working folk are the problem as fox news wants me to believe so they can protect the one percent. Workers have never caused the struggles of this nation....ever.

But you just lied. Unless you are claiming that just you alone, would choose to buy something over priced. But I doubt that. You are telling me you have never compared prices between two stores, and chosen to pay the lower price for the same product? I am skeptical.

Regardless, the fact is the vast majority of the country, is not going to pay a higher price for the same product.

The price of a burrito at Chipotle used to be $4.75. I know, I would go there for lunch all the time. Today, the price for the exact same burrito is $6.50. I don't go there for lunch anymore. Just because the minimum wage went up, doesn't mean I'm going to pay a higher price for a cheap burrito.

Similarly, there are many stores that are not in business anymore. They don't exist. They paid more for employees, and apparently you people didn't show up and buy their products.

So while you feign your moral superiority, the reality doesn't fit.
Ya know, I was just at publix and earlier in the week at piggly wiggly (super market chains in south east if you don't have them by you) and for the heck of it was checking out The price of my favorite t.v. dinners Marie Callender at both stores they were a dollar more then at WalMart .

5 t.v. dinners savings = $7 a week

$7 x 52=$364 bucks a year.

If you want to pay more for the same exact thing go right ahead, but I won't.
I'm retired. I went to college and got a degree. Scraping by working low wage jobs is no way to live and frankly one cannot live comfortably on sh#t wages like Walmart pays.

Scraping by working low wage jobs is no way to live

Because welfare is preferable.
People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.
People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

Ok, I just looked back through a dozens posts.... Not one.... NOT EVEN ONE.... Said "Walmart jobs are the best you can get!" Or anything even remotely close to that.

Can I just make up crap you didn't say? Is that how you debate people? You just make up stuff no one said, and then decry it? What horrible poster. Get a life.
People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

Some unskilled people need a job at WalMart.
Not the best job in the world, better than no job.
If you want our unskilled workers to make more money, support the deportation of the unskilled illegals they compete with in our job market.

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