DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

People need job skills to build a resume, sitting at home collecting welfare won't get them anywhere

People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

People need job skills to build a resume, sitting at home collecting welfare won't get them anywhere


Why we on the right, have to explain what should be common sense to the left... is beyond my ability to understand.

I was working at a place over in Reynoldsburg Ohio.... Crap area... at a company called Dynalabs. They hired this engineer that was out of college two years.

He told me.... now get this... the kid was telling me this. Not the company, or CEO, or executive somewhere..... This kid said the worst thing he did was follow his idiotic mother (likely left-wing Obama supporting moron), who told him she didn't want him to get a job. No no .... don't work anywhere.... just go to college... but never do anything.

So he didn't...... never worked... never did anything.... Not a summer job, not a charity camp, nothing.... Zero work experience.

He gets out of college with his "I R Smrt" paper... and what happens? He can't get a job. Anywhere. Interview after interview. They would say "so you never worked a single full day on a job?" Nope.... "Ok we'll be in touch".

He could not get a job anywhere. He's got a degree, and he's almost unemployable. He spent a year looking for a job, after college, and could not land a position with anyone.

Finally, he calls up the college he attended, and they have a placement program, and they placed him in an internship at this dinky company, paying him relative peanuts to clean manufacturing equipment.

Work experience in an of itself.... IS VITAL. You morons on the left, want to saw off the economic ladder, the first few rungs that allow people to move up! You realize that most McDonald franchise owners are all people who started off minimum wage burger flippers?

The left would doom the majority of Americans to impoverishment if we let them have their way.
The story is cute but there are other reasons the kid couldn't find a job besides he didn't work for some rinky dink fast food dump. I had a kid who did no work other than painting on the side and he landed a job right out of college, no work history. Depends on the person.
The story is cute but there are other reasons the kid couldn't find a job besides he didn't work for some rinky dink fast food dump. I had a kid who did no work other than painting on the side and he landed a job right out of college, no work history. Depends on the person.

Painting on the side? That's hard work. That would count for a half dozen McJobs.
People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

People need job skills to build a resume, sitting at home collecting welfare won't get them anywhere


Why we on the right, have to explain what should be common sense to the left... is beyond my ability to understand.

I was working at a place over in Reynoldsburg Ohio.... Crap area... at a company called Dynalabs. They hired this engineer that was out of college two years.

He told me.... now get this... the kid was telling me this. Not the company, or CEO, or executive somewhere..... This kid said the worst thing he did was follow his idiotic mother (likely left-wing Obama supporting moron), who told him she didn't want him to get a job. No no .... don't work anywhere.... just go to college... but never do anything.

So he didn't...... never worked... never did anything.... Not a summer job, not a charity camp, nothing.... Zero work experience.

He gets out of college with his "I R Smrt" paper... and what happens? He can't get a job. Anywhere. Interview after interview. They would say "so you never worked a single full day on a job?" Nope.... "Ok we'll be in touch".

He could not get a job anywhere. He's got a degree, and he's almost unemployable. He spent a year looking for a job, after college, and could not land a position with anyone.

Finally, he calls up the college he attended, and they have a placement program, and they placed him in an internship at this dinky company, paying him relative peanuts to clean manufacturing equipment.

Work experience in an of itself.... IS VITAL. You morons on the left, want to saw off the economic ladder, the first few rungs that allow people to move up! You realize that most McDonald franchise owners are all people who started off minimum wage burger flippers?

The left would doom the majority of Americans to impoverishment if we let them have their way.

So you think that it takes a College Degree to work at walmart? Newsflash: It ain't Rocket Science. But every person deserves a living wage. Bread Winners should never be working on the bottom of either Walmart or Mickey Ds. Those jobs should be for kids still in school and HS dropouts. Or HS grads just passing through. But today, the bread winner may find themselves working for walmart at the beginning wage with no hope for progression. The other jobs that they would have gone to are overseas.

It's not a liberal or conservative problem yet both could start curing the problem by reinstating the regulations that were in place in the 70s and back that worked. It's going to take a strong man in washington to create a 25% tariff on China and others like them. We can do the manufacture either as cheaply or up to 20% over. And it gets even more towards 0% every day. Give the Corporations a nice tidy tax break to entice them back to the US. If they don't take advantage of those tax breaks, we tax them into non existance and someone else will stop up to the plate.

Sometimes, Capilazion needs a little help.
every person deserves a living wage.

Yet none of these laws actually guarantee a person a living wage. All they do is ban jobs that aren't worth that much.

What part of "Every Person Deserves" are you having trouble with?

When I was stationed in SD, we hadn't had any raises in 3 years. Not Cost of Living. Meanwhile things kept going up and we were slowly slipping into oblivion. To make it up to us, we received a whopping 12% COL, This brought us up to where we should have been. What comes next? Everything went up 12%. That includes breads, meat, gas, rent, heating oil, electricity, the whole works. We ended up losing money because we were not 2 tax levels higher. Damned, Corporations just got richer at our expense and we ended up with less than before.

Meanwhile, the Civilian populance was devastated. Min Wage didn't go up at all. But they had to pay the same things we did.

I have not been a proponent for just raising the Minimum Wage by itself. We also need to lock up some greedy Corporate Leaders if they try to keep even a bigger piece of the pie. Greed should be illegal. It used to be. In 1946, Truman locked a few of them up. And FDR also lock a bunch of them away. Back in those days, there was very little difference between Truman and Eisenhower except one had an R after his name and the other had a D. In the 70s, both parties were hijacked by the Extremists and it stands that way today.

The Extremists from both sides reap huge profits and keep grabbing a bigger piece of the pie. The Pie is only so big. So each time they grab a bigger piece, it has to come from the other pieces that continue to get smaller.

Capitalism was never designed to be left to itself. In the 80s, the checks and balances were removed and the Capitalists went wild. The new factories were closed, good paying jobs were lost in order to ship those jobs overseas. Take a good look at China right now. There a days that the pollution is so bad that people can't go outside. Shades of Pittsburg before they cleaned it up. Cleaning up Pittsburg didn't cost one single job but the Corporations all made the claim it would. Instead, they got a city that people didn't get as many respiratory diseases.

Greed doesn't always make the most money in the long run. It does in the short term. We need to address the greed if we want to raise the min wage to a living wage or the Greed Factor will cause everything to raise and those in the 15+ wage jobs will be hurt severely. Now, what can you suggest we do?
People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

People need job skills to build a resume, sitting at home collecting welfare won't get them anywhere


Why we on the right, have to explain what should be common sense to the left... is beyond my ability to understand.

I was working at a place over in Reynoldsburg Ohio.... Crap area... at a company called Dynalabs. They hired this engineer that was out of college two years.

He told me.... now get this... the kid was telling me this. Not the company, or CEO, or executive somewhere..... This kid said the worst thing he did was follow his idiotic mother (likely left-wing Obama supporting moron), who told him she didn't want him to get a job. No no .... don't work anywhere.... just go to college... but never do anything.

So he didn't...... never worked... never did anything.... Not a summer job, not a charity camp, nothing.... Zero work experience.

He gets out of college with his "I R Smrt" paper... and what happens? He can't get a job. Anywhere. Interview after interview. They would say "so you never worked a single full day on a job?" Nope.... "Ok we'll be in touch".

He could not get a job anywhere. He's got a degree, and he's almost unemployable. He spent a year looking for a job, after college, and could not land a position with anyone.

Finally, he calls up the college he attended, and they have a placement program, and they placed him in an internship at this dinky company, paying him relative peanuts to clean manufacturing equipment.

Work experience in an of itself.... IS VITAL. You morons on the left, want to saw off the economic ladder, the first few rungs that allow people to move up! You realize that most McDonald franchise owners are all people who started off minimum wage burger flippers?

The left would doom the majority of Americans to impoverishment if we let them have their way.

So you think that it takes a College Degree to work at walmart? Newsflash: It ain't Rocket Science. But every person deserves a living wage. Bread Winners should never be working on the bottom of either Walmart or Mickey Ds. Those jobs should be for kids still in school and HS dropouts. Or HS grads just passing through. But today, the bread winner may find themselves working for walmart at the beginning wage with no hope for progression. The other jobs that they would have gone to are overseas.

It's not a liberal or conservative problem yet both could start curing the problem by reinstating the regulations that were in place in the 70s and back that worked. It's going to take a strong man in washington to create a 25% tariff on China and others like them. We can do the manufacture either as cheaply or up to 20% over. And it gets even more towards 0% every day. Give the Corporations a nice tidy tax break to entice them back to the US. If they don't take advantage of those tax breaks, we tax them into non existance and someone else will stop up to the plate.

Sometimes, Capilazion needs a little help.

1. No I did not say, or suggest that you need a college degree to work at walmart.

2. No you don't deserve a living wage. You can not define what a living wage is. Nor does sucking air, and taking up space mean you deserve anything. Your existence does not entitle you to jack.

3. Bread winners should not be working on the bottom. But if you fail to do something worth more than working on the bottom, then that is what you get. It's up to you to make yourself more valuable. Not up to others to pay you more.

4. If you are the bread winner, and you find yourself working at walmart with no hope of progression, there is only one person to blame.... that's you.

5. There are millions of jobs. If you can't get one, it's because there is some reason you are unemployable. You would be just as unemployable over seas, as here. The problem is you.

6. The 1970s sucked. I have never met a single person anywhere, that said they wanted to go back to the 1970s. Not one.

7. Tariffs are what led us into the Great Depression. You want to eliminate millions of jobs, and really drive people to unemployment, just tariff the snot out of us, and you'll have no jobs at all. You'll be begging for a Walmart job, if you put in 25% tariffs on imports.

8. Really... "If they don't take advantage of those tax breaks, we tax them into non existance and someone else will stop up to the plate". Tax breaks will inherently spur economic activity.

But if you think that you are going to tax people into bankruptcy.... and then someone else will 'stop' up to the plate.... you are crazy fruit bat. Really?? So you see your buddy get taxed into oblivion, and your first thought is "Well I'll try it next".... really??

This is yet another example that if you would simply place yourself in the position you want to put others in, you would instantly understand how stupid it is.

Your neighbor was offered to enter a program where he no longer had to follow the speed limit, but if he had an accident, he would be put in prison for life, with no possibility of parole. He accepts, slides on some snow, and taps someone fender, ends up in prison for life.

They come to you and offer the same deal.... would you accept?

So a company in the US get's a tax cut if they invest and hire people in the US. They build computers. The computer market goes through a down turn, and they can't afford to hire people. You come in and tax them 100% until they go bankrupt.

Now what other company on the face of the planet is going to invest in the US, knowing they risk being bankrupted by the US government? None. Everyone ends up unemployed. All the companies leave the US. The entire country falls into a permanent great depression.

Brilliant move sparky. Brilliant. The Soviets would be proud. Ugh... people these days. Lot's of talk... zero thought.
every person deserves a living wage.

Yet none of these laws actually guarantee a person a living wage. All they do is ban jobs that aren't worth that much.

What part of "Every Person Deserves" are you having trouble with?

What part of "all that happens is they cause people to be unemployed" are you having trouble with?

You can't force people to pay others, what you define a "living wage". The result is, they are unemployed.
every person deserves a living wage.

Yet none of these laws actually guarantee a person a living wage. All they do is ban jobs that aren't worth that much.

What part of "Every Person Deserves" are you having trouble with?

What part of "all that happens is they cause people to be unemployed" are you having trouble with?

You can't force people to pay others, what you define a "living wage". The result is, they are unemployed.

I can see that you doing nothing but strawman and trolling. The Majority of the Population no longer buys your BS. Get used to it. And at one point, we MUST start penalizing companies that moved the jobs over seas and rewarding those that keep the manufacturing jobs here. If not, ,the Middle class seems to be getting richer only because you have to make even more to be considered middle class as the middle class is dying from the bottom up. At some point, you are going to be below the middle class since it might take a millionaire to be considered middle class at that point. I remember when Middle Class made 2.25 and hour and seemed to have more disposable income than someone making 15 an hour does today.

You have not given one solution other than give more tax breaks to the top .2%. And that has proven to be incorrect due to the greed factor. That is why we are where we are today. This is why my 30k a year retirement income falls way short where it should be in spending power. I see people trying to make it on half that income and really have trouble seeing how they can do it. I did that for a year and a half and it's more than a little challenging. But I knew if I held on long enough that it would come to an end. They can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. If they do, it's going to be an oncoming train about to hit them.

I have given you my ideas of fixes and you have yet to address any of the problems without strawman or trolling.

Have a nice day even if others won't be having them.
every person deserves a living wage.

Yet none of these laws actually guarantee a person a living wage. All they do is ban jobs that aren't worth that much.

What part of "Every Person Deserves" are you having trouble with?

What part of "all that happens is they cause people to be unemployed" are you having trouble with?

You can't force people to pay others, what you define a "living wage". The result is, they are unemployed.

I can see that you doing nothing but strawman and trolling. The Majority of the Population no longer buys your BS. Get used to it. And at one point, we MUST start penalizing companies that moved the jobs over seas and rewarding those that keep the manufacturing jobs here. If not, ,the Middle class seems to be getting richer only because you have to make even more to be considered middle class as the middle class is dying from the bottom up. At some point, you are going to be below the middle class since it might take a millionaire to be considered middle class at that point. I remember when Middle Class made 2.25 and hour and seemed to have more disposable income than someone making 15 an hour does today.

You have not given one solution other than give more tax breaks to the top .2%. And that has proven to be incorrect due to the greed factor. That is why we are where we are today. This is why my 30k a year retirement income falls way short where it should be in spending power. I see people trying to make it on half that income and really have trouble seeing how they can do it. I did that for a year and a half and it's more than a little challenging. But I knew if I held on long enough that it would come to an end. They can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. If they do, it's going to be an oncoming train about to hit them.

I have given you my ideas of fixes and you have yet to address any of the problems without strawman or trolling.

Have a nice day even if others won't be having them.

1. I don't care what people do, or do not buy. I've been proven right hundreds of times by history, and examples around the world. Whether you believe the truth, or reject the truth, is up to you. Truth isn't determined by a public opinion poll.

2. The whole reason companies move jobs over seas, is because they face bankruptcy if they don't. You threatening them with punishment, when keeping jobs here, means they close down and no one has a job.... isn't going to be effective.

If you have to have a car, and the only car you can afford is an imported car, and we threaten you that if you don't buy a domestically produced car, then we'll force you out of the country.... what do you do? You can't afford the domestic car.... and if you buy the import car, you get deported.... hmmmm.... You would likely just leave the country.

Same with companies. Bankruptcy, or outsource and be forced out of business. Ok, we'll just leave. You can have zero jobs.

3. "I remember when Middle Class made 2.25 and hour and seemed to have more disposable income than someone making 15 an hour does today."

Yeah... because we are spending more money, than the middle class of the 1950s. Live like a middle class person of the 1950s, and you'll have so much money, you won't know what to do with it all. You'll be a millionaire by the time you retire.

The problem isn't your wages. The problem today is, people spend all their money. Stop doing that, and... shockingly.... you'll have money. The size of your home in the 1950s, is smaller than the condo I live in right now. You can buy a house like that, and easily afford it on $15/hr. Easily. Get rid of your cell phone. Cut your cable TV. Buy a car, similar to the 1950s car. You'll end up with money coming out your ears.

See you people want to live like the top 1%, and then complain that your McDonald's wage doesn't cover it. That's on you, not the 1%.

Act your wage.
every person deserves a living wage.

Yet none of these laws actually guarantee a person a living wage. All they do is ban jobs that aren't worth that much.

What part of "Every Person Deserves" are you having trouble with?

What? You aren't responding to my point at all. None of the minimum wage and living wages laws I've read guarantee anyone anything. They just make jobs that don't measure up illegal.
every person deserves a living wage.

Yet none of these laws actually guarantee a person a living wage. All they do is ban jobs that aren't worth that much.

What part of "Every Person Deserves" are you having trouble with?

What part of "all that happens is they cause people to be unemployed" are you having trouble with?

You can't force people to pay others, what you define a "living wage". The result is, they are unemployed.

I can see that you doing nothing but strawman and trolling. The Majority of the Population no longer buys your BS. Get used to it. And at one point, we MUST start penalizing companies that moved the jobs over seas and rewarding those that keep the manufacturing jobs here. If not, ,the Middle class seems to be getting richer only because you have to make even more to be considered middle class as the middle class is dying from the bottom up. At some point, you are going to be below the middle class since it might take a millionaire to be considered middle class at that point. I remember when Middle Class made 2.25 and hour and seemed to have more disposable income than someone making 15 an hour does today.

You have not given one solution other than give more tax breaks to the top .2%. And that has proven to be incorrect due to the greed factor. That is why we are where we are today. This is why my 30k a year retirement income falls way short where it should be in spending power. I see people trying to make it on half that income and really have trouble seeing how they can do it. I did that for a year and a half and it's more than a little challenging. But I knew if I held on long enough that it would come to an end. They can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. If they do, it's going to be an oncoming train about to hit them.

I have given you my ideas of fixes and you have yet to address any of the problems without strawman or trolling.

Have a nice day even if others won't be having them.

1. I don't care what people do, or do not buy. I've been proven right hundreds of times by history, and examples around the world. Whether you believe the truth, or reject the truth, is up to you. Truth isn't determined by a public opinion poll.

2. The whole reason companies move jobs over seas, is because they face bankruptcy if they don't. You threatening them with punishment, when keeping jobs here, means they close down and no one has a job.... isn't going to be effective.

If you have to have a car, and the only car you can afford is an imported car, and we threaten you that if you don't buy a domestically produced car, then we'll force you out of the country.... what do you do? You can't afford the domestic car.... and if you buy the import car, you get deported.... hmmmm.... You would likely just leave the country.

Same with companies. Bankruptcy, or outsource and be forced out of business. Ok, we'll just leave. You can have zero jobs.

3. "I remember when Middle Class made 2.25 and hour and seemed to have more disposable income than someone making 15 an hour does today."

Yeah... because we are spending more money, than the middle class of the 1950s. Live like a middle class person of the 1950s, and you'll have so much money, you won't know what to do with it all. You'll be a millionaire by the time you retire.

The problem isn't your wages. The problem today is, people spend all their money. Stop doing that, and... shockingly.... you'll have money. The size of your home in the 1950s, is smaller than the condo I live in right now. You can buy a house like that, and easily afford it on $15/hr. Easily. Get rid of your cell phone. Cut your cable TV. Buy a car, similar to the 1950s car. You'll end up with money coming out your ears.

See you people want to live like the top 1%, and then complain that your McDonald's wage doesn't cover it. That's on you, not the 1%.

Act your wage.

CitiGroup and JP Morgan are facing bankruptcy?
IBM is facing bankruptcy?
I'm retired. I went to college and got a degree. Scraping by working low wage jobs is no way to live and frankly one cannot live comfortably on sh#t wages like Walmart pays.

Nor should one be trying to or expecting to.
Walmart jobs are what Americans are clamoring for...lol. A person can easily survive on $10 per hour. Lmao

The fact that they are the largest US employer outside of government shows that yes, many are clamoring for jobs there.

Well, yeah. It's damned hard to get hired for anything better when you're unemployed. At least if you have a WalMart job, you have some sort of income while you look for something else, AND you get to put "currently employed" on your application.

Like I keep saying, being a cashier or stocker at WalMart isn't supposed to be a career. It's supposed to be a stepping stone.
People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

No, they believe they are BETTER than no job at all.

I have a great idea. Everyone who thinks low wage jobs are beneath them should refuse to take those jobs. And they should mind their own fucking business if someone else wants to.
The story is cute but there are other reasons the kid couldn't find a job besides he didn't work for some rinky dink fast food dump. I had a kid who did no work other than painting on the side and he landed a job right out of college, no work history. Depends on the person.

Painting on the side IS a work history.
People are really believing Walmart jobs are good jobs. Unreal. You can't really believe that. God what a horrible fate.

People need job skills to build a resume, sitting at home collecting welfare won't get them anywhere


Why we on the right, have to explain what should be common sense to the left... is beyond my ability to understand.

I was working at a place over in Reynoldsburg Ohio.... Crap area... at a company called Dynalabs. They hired this engineer that was out of college two years.

He told me.... now get this... the kid was telling me this. Not the company, or CEO, or executive somewhere..... This kid said the worst thing he did was follow his idiotic mother (likely left-wing Obama supporting moron), who told him she didn't want him to get a job. No no .... don't work anywhere.... just go to college... but never do anything.

So he didn't...... never worked... never did anything.... Not a summer job, not a charity camp, nothing.... Zero work experience.

He gets out of college with his "I R Smrt" paper... and what happens? He can't get a job. Anywhere. Interview after interview. They would say "so you never worked a single full day on a job?" Nope.... "Ok we'll be in touch".

He could not get a job anywhere. He's got a degree, and he's almost unemployable. He spent a year looking for a job, after college, and could not land a position with anyone.

Finally, he calls up the college he attended, and they have a placement program, and they placed him in an internship at this dinky company, paying him relative peanuts to clean manufacturing equipment.

Work experience in an of itself.... IS VITAL. You morons on the left, want to saw off the economic ladder, the first few rungs that allow people to move up! You realize that most McDonald franchise owners are all people who started off minimum wage burger flippers?

The left would doom the majority of Americans to impoverishment if we let them have their way.

So you think that it takes a College Degree to work at walmart? Newsflash: It ain't Rocket Science. But every person deserves a living wage. Bread Winners should never be working on the bottom of either Walmart or Mickey Ds. Those jobs should be for kids still in school and HS dropouts. Or HS grads just passing through. But today, the bread winner may find themselves working for walmart at the beginning wage with no hope for progression. The other jobs that they would have gone to are overseas.

It's not a liberal or conservative problem yet both could start curing the problem by reinstating the regulations that were in place in the 70s and back that worked. It's going to take a strong man in washington to create a 25% tariff on China and others like them. We can do the manufacture either as cheaply or up to 20% over. And it gets even more towards 0% every day. Give the Corporations a nice tidy tax break to entice them back to the US. If they don't take advantage of those tax breaks, we tax them into non existance and someone else will stop up to the plate.

Sometimes, Capilazion needs a little help.

Sorry, Chuckles, but "Look, I'm breathing in and out! I deserve to be comfortably well-off!" just doesn't fly.

Bread-winners SHOULDN'T be on the bottom of WalMart or Mickey D's. But whose choice is it for them to be there? Whose fault is it if you have no hope for progression? Unless WalMart threw a slave collar on you, hon, you have no one to blame for your life but YOU.
every person deserves a living wage.

Yet none of these laws actually guarantee a person a living wage. All they do is ban jobs that aren't worth that much.

What part of "Every Person Deserves" are you having trouble with?

What part of "all that happens is they cause people to be unemployed" are you having trouble with?

You can't force people to pay others, what you define a "living wage". The result is, they are unemployed.

I can see that you doing nothing but strawman and trolling. The Majority of the Population no longer buys your BS. Get used to it. And at one point, we MUST start penalizing companies that moved the jobs over seas and rewarding those that keep the manufacturing jobs here. If not, ,the Middle class seems to be getting richer only because you have to make even more to be considered middle class as the middle class is dying from the bottom up. At some point, you are going to be below the middle class since it might take a millionaire to be considered middle class at that point. I remember when Middle Class made 2.25 and hour and seemed to have more disposable income than someone making 15 an hour does today.

You have not given one solution other than give more tax breaks to the top .2%. And that has proven to be incorrect due to the greed factor. That is why we are where we are today. This is why my 30k a year retirement income falls way short where it should be in spending power. I see people trying to make it on half that income and really have trouble seeing how they can do it. I did that for a year and a half and it's more than a little challenging. But I knew if I held on long enough that it would come to an end. They can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. If they do, it's going to be an oncoming train about to hit them.

I have given you my ideas of fixes and you have yet to address any of the problems without strawman or trolling.

Have a nice day even if others won't be having them.

"I don't like what you're saying, and I can't refute it except with feelz! That means you are TROLLING, and I am flouncing away in a self-righteous huff FAST before anyone realizes you kicked my ass!"

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