DDR 2.0 Merkel's darlings steal a pregnant sheep by squeezing her through a fence


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Merkel and her socialists gang CSU-CDU-CPD-FDP-Greens-Lefts have imported since 2015 more as 7m illiterate IQ-50 Muslims form the dirtiest sh-.. holes of Africa and Near East.Now DDR 2.0 is drowned by a huge surge of severely crime like murders, burglaries, drug traffic, gang rape etc. So-called 'police is a joke and is totally overwhelmed. Germany is now one of the most dangerous European countries including Ukraine and Albania.
Of course no one sheep is sure in Merkel's Mad House: Beware of Muslims

GERMANY: Muslim invaders steal a pregnant sheep by squeezing her through a fence, then cutting her throat halal style and leaving her on the side of the road to die

GERMANY: Muslim invaders steal a pregnant sheep by squeezing her through a fence, then cutting her throat halal style and leaving her on the side of the road to die

Rape of sheep has a long culture tradition by Merkel's darlings


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