de Blasio: The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder

Nobody is a slave in this country, nor are any Native Americans being murdered for their land. These are Straw Man arguments that have no relevancy whatsoever to this discussion and you're throwing them out there to distract from you having to justify your support of stealing from other people. Clearly you realize it's immoral but your insatiable appetite for greed is more powerful.

It's the history. Pick up a book.

History, like it or not, impacts the present.

It's the law and it's theft. They are not mutually exclusive.

If you have that much of a problem with the law, perhaps you should run for office or find new digs.
Pre-K Plan Puts Cuomo at Odds With de Blasio on Funding

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled a budget plan containing a glittering prize for Mayor Bill de Blasio: money for the prekindergarten classes that he had made a centerpiece of his insurgent bid for mayor. But Mr. de Blasio rebuffed that approach on Tuesday when he said that Mr. Cuomo’s counteroffer — $1.5 billion over five years for a statewide program, but no tax surcharge — would not meet his needs

The mayor electrified liberals with his campaign promise to provide prekindergarten classes in New York City by raising taxes on wealthy residents,

A tax on the wealthy, Mr. de Blasio said, “was the No. 1 proposal I put forward in an election that I won with 73 percent of the vote.”


the habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends. — gangster, n.

You Thread titles proves you are a Hack...

your post proves you a parasitic dumb ass......

Pre-K Plan Puts Cuomo at Odds With de Blasio on Funding

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled a budget plan containing a glittering prize for Mayor Bill de Blasio: money for the prekindergarten classes that he had made a centerpiece of his insurgent bid for mayor. But Mr. de Blasio rebuffed that approach on Tuesday when he said that Mr. Cuomo’s counteroffer — $1.5 billion over five years for a statewide program, but no tax surcharge — would not meet his needs

The mayor electrified liberals with his campaign promise to provide prekindergarten classes in New York City by raising taxes on wealthy residents,

A tax on the wealthy, Mr. de Blasio said, “was the No. 1 proposal I put forward in an election that I won with 73 percent of the vote.”


the habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends. — gangster, n.

You Thread titles proves you are a Hack...

your post proves you a parasitic dumb ass......


Was further proof needed?

It's laughable you folks don't consider slavery..theft. Or murdering Native Americans for their land..theft. That's all good to you.


It's laughable you folks don't consider theft Or murdering Native Palestinian Arabs for their land..theft. That's all good to you.


An Introduction to the Israel Palestine Conflict”

The goal of "disappearing" the
indigenous Arab population
points to a virtual truism buried
beneath a mountain of
apologetic Zionist literature:
what spurred Palestinians'
opposition to Zionism was not
anti-Semitism in the sense of
an irrational hatred of Jews
but rather the prospect -
very real - of their expulsion."

The Totalitarians of New York

January 23, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield



Mayor Bloomberg flubbed the snow challenge badly. Instead of preparing road salt, he banned salt in restaurants. Instead of having a snow strategy for the winter, he had a Global Warming strategy for the next fifty years. Instead of doing his job, he kept trying to transform the people.

And his successor is no better.

Bill de Blasio’s focus after his mean-spirited inauguration was a ban on carriage horses in Central Park at the behest of a real estate developer who backed his campaign and has his eye on their stables, a tussle over who will get the credit for Pre-K with Governor Cuomo and the beating of Kang Wong, an 84-year-old man, over a jaywalking ticket.

The media had lavished praise on Bill de Blasio after his first photo op shoveling snow and celebrated his call to implement Vision Zero, a Swedish plan to cut traffic fatalities to zero, even though there was no remote possibility of reducing traffic fatalities to zero in a major city filled with cars, pedestrians, cyclists and even pedicabs.

Instead of preparing for the snow, Team De Blasio launched a crackdown on jaywalking in Manhattan where three-quarters of the residents don’t own cars. And so the Upper East Side, which didn’t vote for Bill de Blasio, became a snarled and unplowed mess and the jaywalking enforcers put an 84-year-old man in the hospital after arresting him for the tall order of “jaywalking, resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct.”


Progressives are only popular until the people realize that the men and women offering them everything for free can’t clean up the snow, but can beat them bloody and can’t fix their healthcare, but can destroy it. The left wins at politics, but fails at policies. It’s learned to stop looking like Carter, but it hasn’t figured out how to stop governing like him.

When Americans realize that the political choices they make are also policy choices between large sodas, salty pretzels, open market health care and open streets on the one hand or food fascism, DMV health care and bloody faces on the other; they will choose the unorganized happiness of freedom over the disorganized tyrannies of Bloomberg, De Blasio and Obama.

The Totalitarians of New York | FrontPage Magazine

Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out ...:eusa_angel:

They only thing he will accomplish is to drive entrepreneurs and the wealthy from NYC.


And when the city starts falling apart economically, he, like any retarded Liberal bureaucrat, will wonder "How did this happen?" and decide to raise taxes to solve the problem.

They are hoping that the US president will declare thay they are too big to fail.

Pre-K Plan Puts Cuomo at Odds With de Blasio on Funding

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled a budget plan containing a glittering prize for Mayor Bill de Blasio: money for the prekindergarten classes that he had made a centerpiece of his insurgent bid for mayor. But Mr. de Blasio rebuffed that approach on Tuesday when he said that Mr. Cuomo’s counteroffer — $1.5 billion over five years for a statewide program, but no tax surcharge — would not meet his needs

The mayor electrified liberals with his campaign promise to provide prekindergarten classes in New York City by raising taxes on wealthy residents,

A tax on the wealthy, Mr. de Blasio said, “was the No. 1 proposal I put forward in an election that I won with 73 percent of the vote.”


the habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends. — gangster, n.

So where did he say "The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder"?

Are the rich going to VOLUNTARILY share their wealth?

No you said?

Contumacious rests his case.

Pre-K Plan Puts Cuomo at Odds With de Blasio on Funding

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Tuesday unveiled a budget plan containing a glittering prize for Mayor Bill de Blasio: money for the prekindergarten classes that he had made a centerpiece of his insurgent bid for mayor. But Mr. de Blasio rebuffed that approach on Tuesday when he said that Mr. Cuomo’s counteroffer — $1.5 billion over five years for a statewide program, but no tax surcharge — would not meet his needs

The mayor electrified liberals with his campaign promise to provide prekindergarten classes in New York City by raising taxes on wealthy residents,

A tax on the wealthy, Mr. de Blasio said, “was the No. 1 proposal I put forward in an election that I won with 73 percent of the vote.”


the habit of using organized violence to achieve one’s ends. — gangster, n.

So where did he say "The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder"?

Are the rich going to VOLUNTARILY share their wealth?

No you said?

Contumacious rests his case.

IS contumacious going to voluntarily share HIS wealth?

No you say?

Contumacious is a fucking hypocrite.
The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder

That would be McDonnell
Pure socialism will never work just as pure capitalism is unethical.

Pure socialism isn't the answer.
Socialism calls for all workers to share control of the means of production, not shareholders and their elected board of directors; do you object?

In the former Soviet Union, were the workers and Commissars economically equal?

The former Soviet Union bore little resemblance to socialism, a society where worker soviets (councils) were supposed to control the means of production, not the capitalists or the state.

The Soviet Union Versus Socialism, by Noam Chomsky

"When the world's two great propaganda systems agree on some doctrine, it requires some intellectual effort to escape its shackles.

"One such doctrine is that the society created by Lenin and Trotsky and molded further by Stalin and his successors has some relation to socialism in some meaningful or historically accurate sense of this concept.

"In fact, if there is a relation, it is the relation of contradiction."

One of Lenin's first actions upon seizing power was to disband the worker soviets and consolidate power in the state. It's possible he was forced to make that deal in order to receive western-supplied (Wall Street) food that was needed to feed starving Russians in 1917.

Without that food, the Bolshevik revolution would have been born dead.
New York can always impeach him. He was elected with the lowest voter turnout in NYC history.
Why was the turnout so low?

"In the general election, de Blasio defeated Lhota in a landslide, winning 73.3% to Lhota's 24.3%.[72] Voter turnout for the 2013 election set a new record low of only 24 percent of registered voters, which experts attributed to the expectation of a landslide."

Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am very aware that in NYC the parasites constitute a majority. But in our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC rights are secured from political factions. So merely because the demagogue and scumbag won does not me that the rich's rights can be transgressed upon.

And you folks go batshit crazy at any attempt at parity.

No, we just don't like theft.

Thou shalt not steal.

It's laughable you folks don't consider slavery..theft. Or murdering Native Americans for their land..theft. That's all good to you.

But let's take a gander a the US Constitution:

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

I know it's a shock and it's probably the first time you've seen that.

This is from the New York State Constitution:

22. Tax laws to state tax and object distinctly; definition of income for income tax purposes by reference to federal laws authorized.

It's all outlined pretty clearly.

Both the Federal Government and the State Government have the power to tax.

The city does too.

If you don't like it?

Don't live here.

It's not theft.

It's the law.


A Constitutional Tax is one designed to support the government's Constitutionally authorized powers. It must be levied UNIFORMLY. They can not tax some folks while exempting others.

Here's the funny thing about your rant.

For close to 200 years, this country put Americans into chains and forced them into servitude.

On the opposite end of the pole, this country grabbed land "owned" by native people and gave it away to Europeans. When that wasn't enough..and those Europeans started to fail, this Country subsidized those folks to make sure they succeeded.

That went on for a VERY LONG TIME.

NOW, the ancestors of many of those people who BENEFITTED from all that, have wealth.

And the people who were trampled on, and used to obtain that wealth..never got a piece of the pie.

And you folks go batshit crazy at any attempt at parity.

I guess that's the Christian thing to do.

:lol: my god, parity? :lol: tell me how NYC is a plantation ala his pastor? and his own tale of 2 cities horsehockey?..... and on that note, I will have a good chuckle ( but be sad at heart) when he kills the Hansom Cab industry so he can make accessible their land to the developer buddies of his.....

oh and-

Socialism calls for all workers to share control of the means of production, not shareholders and their elected board of directors; do you object?

In the former Soviet Union, were the workers and Commissars economically equal?

The former Soviet Union bore little resemblance to socialism, a society where worker soviets (councils) were supposed to control the means of production, not the capitalists or the state.

The Soviet Union Versus Socialism, by Noam Chomsky

"When the world's two great propaganda systems agree on some doctrine, it requires some intellectual effort to escape its shackles.

"One such doctrine is that the society created by Lenin and Trotsky and molded further by Stalin and his successors has some relation to socialism in some meaningful or historically accurate sense of this concept.

"In fact, if there is a relation, it is the relation of contradiction."

One of Lenin's first actions upon seizing power was to disband the worker soviets and consolidate power in the state. It's possible he was forced to make that deal in order to receive western-supplied (Wall Street) food that was needed to feed starving Russians in 1917.

Without that food, the Bolshevik revolution would have been born dead.

Commissar Phillip, so in your utopia, no one will be in charged? Folks will strive for equality?

New York can always impeach him. He was elected with the lowest voter turnout in NYC history.
Why was the turnout so low?

"In the general election, de Blasio defeated Lhota in a landslide, winning 73.3% to Lhota's 24.3%.[72] Voter turnout for the 2013 election set a new record low of only 24 percent of registered voters, which experts attributed to the expectation of a landslide."

Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am very aware that in NYC the parasites constitute a majority. But in our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC rights are secured from political factions. So merely because the demagogue and scumbag won does not me that the rich's rights can be transgressed upon.

"The bottom half of the population — about 3.5 billion people — account for about $1.7 trillion, or about 0.7% of the world's wealth, according to the Oxfam report, titled 'Working for the Few.'
That's the same amount of wealth attributed to the world's 85 richest people."

Who are the parasites?

Oxfam report highlights widening income gap between rich, poor -
New York is not behind an Iron curtain. It will not take long to fold by going broke.
Nobody is a slave in this country, nor are any Native Americans being murdered for their land. These are Straw Man arguments that have no relevancy whatsoever to this discussion and you're throwing them out there to distract from you having to justify your support of stealing from other people. Clearly you realize it's immoral but your insatiable appetite for greed is more powerful.

It's the history. Pick up a book.

History, like it or not, impacts the present.

It's the law and it's theft. They are not mutually exclusive.

If you have that much of a problem with the law, perhaps you should run for office or find new digs.

thank you gov. cuomo..:rolleyes:
IS contumacious going to voluntarily share HIS wealth?

No you say?

Contumacious is a fucking hypocrite.

Do I have a responsibility to share my wealth?


It appears you are asking others to do so at the behest of the government bayonet. If you support that, then yes, you do.


I was merely responding to post 53

So where did he say "The Progressives Have Given me a Mandate to steal, loot and plunder"?

Did you lie in your OP?

If the rich are not volunteering then the money is being stolen.


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