De Blasio says NYC will sue if the Trump administration tries to make Muslims register in a database

While i doubt a Muslim registry will occur I'm not entirely sure how the mayor of NYC has standing to challenge the federal government on it unless he is a Muslim being required to register
The reason all dems protect any illegal alien is because of VOTES. This is a KNOWN fact.

If this is about Muslim immigrants registering at the time of entry, I bet Trump will get it passed because his national security powers are highest at the border. If this turns into requiring current American citizens to register with the government based on religion or nation of origin, I'm guessing your movement will bump squarely into the Constitution. However, if Ginsburg and Breyer die or otherwise vacate the Supreme Court, I don't think Trump will have to worry about the Constitution.
So let me ask: is affirmative action equal protection to whites?

You raise a good and fair point, and I'm not sure I have a good answer. There are some interesting cases where a white person has sued a university over a race conscious admissions program. The most recent case was Fisher v University of Texas. Equal Protection played a central role. Fisher lost because the court defended U.Texas' right to use racial admission standards to promote diversity. Why does diversity matter to a university? One reason is that a diverse student body gives students a first hand experience with other world views and life experiences, which - in the right environment - can be a valuable form of learning.

So yes, I think universities should have a right to select for diversity, but I also think the post-50's Left has overplayed race, gender and lifestyle to the point of alienating the traditional working class that FDR tried to help with the New Deal. Ideally, I'd want the Left to be responsive to all the losers of globalization and stagnant wages, regardless of color.
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Not surprised you RWNJ traitors are against the US Constitution.

Suck it up. Thus is still the United States. If you don't like the constitution, move to Russia. Patriotic Americans won't miss you.

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How are we against the constitution? It is the liberals whop are ignoring the laws.
Well in NYC is hit like Paris, Nice and San Bernardino you can bet DeBlasio will be singing a different tune,

Hopefuly it won't happen but you never know. Not when it comes to dirtbag jihadists.
You raise a good and fair point, and I'm not sure I have a good answer. There are some interesting cases where a white person has sued a university over a race conscious admissions program. The most recent case was Fisher v University of Texas. Equal Protection played a central role. Fisher lost because the court defended U.Texas' right to use racial admission standards to promote diversity. Why does diversity matter to a university? One reason is that a diverse student body gives students a first hand experience with other world views and life experiences, which - in the right environment - can be a valuable form of learning.

So yes, I think universities should have a right to select for diversity, but I also think the post-50's Left has overplayed race, gender and lifestyle to the point of alienating the traditional working class that FDR tried to help with the New Deal. Ideally, I'd want the Left to be responsive to all the losers of globalization and stagnant wages, regardless of color.

Okay, if you think universities have a right to use affirmative action, do you also think a baker or a photographer has the right to refuse to participate in a gay wedding?

Our Constitution protects religion and equality, not diversity. After all, if you tell a person they can't attend a college or get a job based on their white race, it's still discrimination even if you give it a fancy term like affirmative action. The only time equal protection comes to play is if you're not white.

That begs the question, will we ever have a country where everybody is considered equal, or will we always have special rules for special people constitution be damned?
You raise a good and fair point, and I'm not sure I have a good answer. There are some interesting cases where a white person has sued a university over a race conscious admissions program. The most recent case was Fisher v University of Texas. Equal Protection played a central role. Fisher lost because the court defended U.Texas' right to use racial admission standards to promote diversity. Why does diversity matter to a university? One reason is that a diverse student body gives students a first hand experience with other world views and life experiences, which - in the right environment - can be a valuable form of learning.

So yes, I think universities should have a right to select for diversity, but I also think the post-50's Left has overplayed race, gender and lifestyle to the point of alienating the traditional working class that FDR tried to help with the New Deal. Ideally, I'd want the Left to be responsive to all the losers of globalization and stagnant wages, regardless of color.

Okay, if you think universities have a right to use affirmative action, do you also think a baker or a photographer has the right to refuse to participate in a gay wedding?

Our Constitution protects religion and equality, not diversity. After all, if you tell a person they can't attend a college or get a job based on their white race, it's still discrimination even if you give it a fancy term like affirmative action. The only time equal protection comes to play is if you're not white.

That begs the question, will we ever have a country where everybody is considered equal, or will we always have special rules for special people constitution be damned?
The white, christian, heterosexual male is the most dicriminated against group in the United States. Fact...
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