DEA likely to OK marijuana rescheduling

My post isn't sarcasm. It gave me a great chuckle because of its truth. I am thankful for it. For the rest of you moral police, the voters have spoken. What they decide is better than any wealthy politician does because those wealthy politicians don't know much of anything in relation to real americans.
Except for the mental illness it can cause.
Again, you do whatever drug you want. Just be aware that it can be very bad for others.
And lining the lungs with carbon is an entirely other hypocritical concern with pot smoking.
You do know there are many ways to deliver THC into the body besides smoking don't you?
Vaping. Much safer, almost no smell
Topical. Lotions and creams containing THC have been proven effective in short term pain relief
Sublingual. Faster than eating and as effective as smoking
Food. Brownies, cookies, gummies
(I use RSO to make a candy commonly and hilariously called "Crack." My favorite flavor is butterscotch)
Drinks in various forms.

Oh, you didn't know that.
You're welcome.
I tend to think that's true, but much more info. needed.

The wreckage I've seen pot cause is substantial, so a distinction without a difference except - as you say - in terms of grouping.

Yes, and that's in specific reaction to the endless downplaying of its dangers.

The more this happens, the more danger it creates for the vulnerable groups its wider availability trickles down to.

Correct, but it's still extremely dangerous and addictive.

It's a different kind of wasting away in many cases, yes.


Pot-induced psychosis is all too real and devastating.


And extreme caution - rather than cheerleading it as harmless - in the meantime.

Strict liability would go a long way to curtail this rampant pimping.

As noted, 21 = 15.

Its use trickles down.

25 should be the MINIMUM age for use, and even that represents substantial danger in terms of trickle down usage.

You're staying rational, and I appreciate that, as well as your Sked1 argument, which is reasonable.

My (very limited) reading indicates that while marijuana use is linked to psychosis, it's not even close to certain it is causal, at least long term. Even if it is causal, alcohol seems to have far more wide-spread negative effects in this country than marijuana. That is almost certainly at least in part because it is more widely used, but while pot-induced psychosis may be real, so is drunk driving, loss of liver function, depression, pancreatitis, and various other things caused by alcohol. Pot is not good for you (outside of medical use), but alcohol has a wide range of negative effects that do, IMO, outweigh those of pot.

Because pot is so often smoked, it should have similar rules as cigarettes when consumed that way. I've long thought that perhaps the most difficult part of legalizing recreational use of pot is the difficulty in doing a spot-check when driving; are there any tests currently available to indicate how high someone might be? THC is supposed to remain in a person's system for far longer than alcohol. So enforcement against driving while high is still an issue. But unless the pot-induced psychosis can be shown to be wide-spread, I think adults should be allowed to use it with reasonable restrictions. Unfortunately minors have and probably always will use substances they are not legally allowed to. And I certainly think that if the medical and research community believes marijuana has positive medical properties, it should be legal as a prescription. We certainly allow far more dangerous substances to be prescribed.

I appreciate your willingness to discuss the topic civilly. It is far from a cut-and-dried subject.
but yet you dont seem to care about the more extremely dangerous alcohol and the way more addicting nicotine.....
Buy yet that's not the topic.

Because other things are dangerous doesn't make this dangerous thing okay.

Serious question:

Are you a pot smoker?

Because your incapacity to write or think coherently suggests pronounced cognitive issues.
My (very limited) reading indicates that while marijuana use is linked to psychosis, it's not even close to certain it is causal

It unquestionably triggers psychosis, but beyond that clarity evades us.

But why subject children to this danger?

Because pimps/addicts want it that way?
, at least long term. Even if it is causal, alcohol seems to have far more wide-spread negative effects in this country than marijuana.
Irrelevant, and you're sliding into pimping.

You're saying "Sure I let my kids play in traffic, but guns are more dangerous, so that's okay."
That is almost certainly at least in part because it is more widely used, but while pot-induced psychosis may be real
No "may" about it - it's very real.
so is drunk driving, loss of liver function, depression, pancreatitis, and various other things caused by alcohol.
Irrelevant, and you're pimping.

I kind of figured you were dong the soft sell initially to pull me in, but it won't work.
Pot is not good for you (outside of medical use), but alcohol has a wide range of negative effects that do, IMO, outweigh those of pot.
Irrelevant; you're pimping.

I find this disgusting, and your slow slide into it dishonest.
Because pot is so often smoked, it should have similar rules as cigarettes when consumed that way. I've long thought that perhaps the most difficult part of legalizing recreational use of pot is the difficulty in doing a spot-check when driving; are there any tests currently available to indicate how high someone might be? THC is supposed to remain in a person's system for far longer than alcohol. So enforcement against driving while high is still an issue. But unless the pot-induced psychosis can be shown to be wide-spread, I think adults should be allowed to use it with reasonable restrictions.
Addressed; you're pimping.
Unfortunately minors have and probably always will use substances they are not legally allowed to.
Unfortunately, you're pimping.

And you're ignoring the point I made.

And I certainly think that if the medical and research community believes marijuana has positive medical properties, it should be legal as a prescription.
Sure; that worked so well with opiods, right?
We certainly allow far more dangerous substances to be prescribed.
Addressed, pimp.
I appreciate your willingness to discuss the topic civilly.
I was until you posted this garbage, pimp.
It is far from a cut-and-dried subject.
Go fuck yourself, pimp.
Pot pimps are among the most disgusting humans on earth.

Addicts and pimps driving policy which adversely affects children?

Why not? :)
I suggest you try a new avi...

Buy yet that's not the topic.

Because other things are dangerous doesn't make this dangerous thing okay.

Serious question:

Are you a pot smoker?

Because your incapacity to write or think coherently suggests pronounced cognitive issues.
i was thinking the same thing about you......your incapacity to write or think coherently suggests pronounced cognitive must be a drinker....

It unquestionably triggers psychosis, but beyond that clarity evades us.

But why subject children to this danger?

Because pimps/addicts want it that way?

Irrelevant, and you're sliding into pimping.

You're saying "Sure I let my kids play in traffic, but guns are more dangerous, so that's okay."

No "may" about it - it's very real.

Irrelevant, and you're pimping.

I kind of figured you were dong the soft sell initially to pull me in, but it won't work.

Irrelevant; you're pimping.

I find this disgusting, and your slow slide into it dishonest.

Addressed; you're pimping.

Unfortunately, you're pimping.

And you're ignoring the point I made.


Sure; that worked so well with opiods, right?

Addressed, pimp.

I was until you posted this garbage, pimp.

Go fuck yourself, pimp.
You quickly devolved into a rude, name-calling troll, didn’t you? I guess you only have interest in a civil conversation if you think the person you’re talking with might agree with you.

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