DEAD MAN VOTING: Shocking Video From New Hampshire...

Your party cheats its ass off in elections.

Its in court documents.

If your party cant win elections they cheat.

That means your party is about as UnAmerican as a party can get.

why do you support that?

TruthMatters said:
If you cared about election integrity you would care about the massive fraud that is completely court documented that the republicans have performed for decades.
massive fraud?
but YOU said there WAS not massive voter fraud, and that since there WAS not massive voter fraud, we do not need voter ID laws.

were you lying when you claimed there was no massive voter fraud?
Your party cheats its ass off in elections.

Its in court documents.

If your party cant win elections they cheat.

That means your party is about as UnAmerican as a party can get.

why do you support that?

Why do you support the Democrat party in Chicago getting the dead, homeless, imaginary, and people without fingers and thumbs out to vote for your candidates??
Note the rest all ran away and the only left is some brain damaged fool who refuses to discuss the subject?

This is why they hate me.

NO ohter reason.

they know if the country knows this real history of the republican party their party is toast, done, finito, over, dead, deceased, no more, past, history, gone.
Your party cheats its ass off in elections.

Its in court documents.

If your party cant win elections they cheat.

That means your party is about as UnAmerican as a party can get.

why do you support that?

TruthMatters said:
If you cared about election integrity you would care about the massive fraud that is completely court documented that the republicans have performed for decades.
massive fraud?
but YOU said there WAS not massive voter fraud, and that since there WAS not massive voter fraud, we do not need voter ID laws.

were you lying when you claimed there was no massive voter fraud?

Do you understand the differance between voter fraud and stealing elections?
Not one of you will face that the florida felons list was proven to disenfranchise thousands of voters in a state where the election was "won" by less than a thousand votes?

BUSH was not supposed to be president people.
Note the rest all ran away and the only left is some brain damaged fool who refuses to discuss the subject?

This is why they hate me.

NO ohter reason.

they know if the country knows this real history of the republican party their party is toast, done, finito, over, dead, deceased, no more, past, history, gone.

You can't use a simple spell checker, yet you say I'm brain damaged?

You're dumber than I thought.
Anyone notice those death dates?

yes the people had died a couple of weeks before the election.

Someone would have to know someone who died and be able to impersonate them ( be the right gender and arround their age).

This is not how elections get stolen.

Elections get stolen by people who run them and can effect the numbers by say KEEPING LEGAL VOTERS FROM VOTING IN THE THOUSANDS!

Sure they did, you goofball. :lol:

Got a link to that??

Got a link to proove they didnt?

Got a link to "proove" the word "didnt" doesn't have an apostrophe between the "n" and the "t"?

Not one of you will face that the florida felons list was proven to disenfranchise thousands of voters in a state where the election was "won" by less than a thousand votes?

BUSH was not supposed to be president people.

And you won't face the fact that the words "Florida" and "President" should have been capitalized in your little diatribe.

And that there should have been a comma between "President" & "people".

But, whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Anyone notice those death dates?

yes the people had died a couple of weeks before the election.

Someone would have to know someone who died and be able to impersonate them ( be the right gender and arround their age).

This is not how elections get stolen.

Elections get stolen by people who run them and can effect the numbers by say KEEPING LEGAL VOTERS FROM VOTING IN THE THOUSANDS!

I just proved the republican party stole the 2000 election from Gore.

TruthMatters said:
If you cared about election integrity you would care about the massive fraud that is completely court documented that the republicans have performed for decades.
massive fraud?
but YOU said there WAS not massive voter fraud, and that since there WAS not massive voter fraud, we do not need voter ID laws.

were you lying when you claimed there was no massive voter fraud?
Bush won by less than 600 votes in florida to clinch the election.

The courts determined that the felons list used in the 2000 election was flawed and disenfranchised thousands of legal American voters in the florida election.

That clearly means the American people wanted GORE to win (most of the disenfranchised people were democrats).

Your party stole at least one election and Bush was not elected.
Bush won by less than 600 votes in florida to clinch the election.

The courts determined that the felons list used in the 2000 election was flawed and disenfranchised thousands of legal American voters in the florida election.

That clearly means the American people wanted GORE to win (most of the disenfranchised people were democrats).

Your party stole at least one election and Bush was not elected.

TruthMatters said:
If you cared about election integrity you would care about the massive fraud that is completely court documented that the republicans have performed for decades.
massive fraud?
but YOU said there WAS not massive voter fraud, and that since there WAS not massive voter fraud, we do not need voter ID laws.

were you lying when you claimed there was no massive voter fraud?
Bush won by less than 600 votes in florida to clinch the election.

The courts determined that the felons list used in the 2000 election was flawed and disenfranchised thousands of legal American voters in the florida election.

That clearly means the American people wanted GORE to win (most of the disenfranchised people were democrats).

Your party stole at least one election and Bush was not elected.

Why do you hate Florida so much that you refuse to capitalize it's name??

Oh, by the way, prove this claim...

most of the disenfranchised people were democrats - Fla. scraps flawed felon voting list

The purge of felons from voter rolls has been a thorny issue since the 2000 presidential election. A private company hired to identify ineligible voters before the election produced a list with scores of errors, and elections supervisors used it to remove voters without verifying its accuracy. A federal lawsuit led to an agreement to restore rights to thousands of voters.

the list was scrapped

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