DEAD MAN VOTING: Shocking Video From New Hampshire...

Out of curiousity how much is an ID in NH?
No idea. I've got a drivers license, so I am set.

Although, like many small towns in NH, when I go in, the poll worker recognizes me instantly. Sarah hands me a ballot, cause she has known me for over 20 years. So do most people there. The registrar was my son's 3rd grade teacher. My son is now well on his way to getting his PhD. The other poll worker is the librarian who I do business with regularly. She knows practically everyone ion town. So does the final voter check-off person, who is the town clerk, and registers everyone's cars and dogs.

People seem to have no concept of how tight some communities are.
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Shoot the Messenger. That's all the Democrats got on this. Obviously Voter ID requirements scare the Hell out of thim. Requiring valid ID makes it much tougher for them to rig Elections. And no one knows that more than they do. They should be ashamed of themselves for embracing voter fraud.
Here you can hear the Founder of the modern conservative movement. Paul Weyrich, Founder of the Heritage Foundation tell his audience:

"I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of the people. They never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

[ame=]Republican Operative Paul Weyrich - I do not want everybody to vote.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

They laid out the strategy long ago.
Here you can hear the Founder of the modern conservative movement. Paul Weyrich, Founder of the Heritage Foundation tell his audience:

"I don't want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of the people. They never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

Republican Operative Paul Weyrich - I do not want everybody to vote.mp4 - YouTube

They laid out the strategy long ago.

:lol: Nice deflection attempt. You Democrats are clearly doing everything in your power to prevent Voter ID requirements. So you do fully embrace voter fraud. Deflection aint gonna cut it. Why do you hate America and Democracy so much?

Thanks for providing evidence that the voter registration process needs to be fixed.

Voter ID will not fix the problem of dead people being on the list of registered voters in the first place.

Did a lack of Voter ID cause those dead people to be on the registered voter rolls so prominently featured in that video?


So don't you want to actually fix the problem?
Without showing ID at the polls, how do you know the person voting is the person who registered?

Not one single lefty has answered this question.
Doncha just love it when petty two bit criminals actually video their lame attempts to break the law?

Also, gotta love that phony British (not English) accent he tries so valiantly to pull off.
Well I certainly hope O'Keefe will be punished as harshly as the Black Panthers. :lol:
I thought this was going to be a video with voting Zombies.

"Your address sir?"


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