DEAD MAN VOTING: Shocking Video From New Hampshire...

In Ohio, ID is now required. Up until this past November, however, voters had to sign a rollbook to get their ballot. The signature had to match the signature in the pollworker's book. On-the-spot forgery isn't easy.

But let's take a look at dead men voting where ID isn't required.

About half of those dead men would have voted the same was as the fraud vote. So only half of those fraud votes make a difference. Now what if someone from the other side is doing the same thing? And if one side's playing that game, someone from the other side is too.

Oh, and the ACORN thing? They did NOT commit VOTER fraud. It was VOTER REGISTRATION fraud. They signed up Mickey Mouse for crying out loud. The local elections board invalidated the registration. Again, this sort of thing happens on both sides of the fence, "volunteers" are sometimes paid for each person they register.
NH Poll Workers shown handing out ballots in dead peoples' names.

Video footage provided exclusively to The Daily Caller shows election workers in New Hampshire giving out ballots in the names of dead voters at multiple voting precincts during the state’s primary election on Tuesday.

The bombshell video is the work of conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe and his organization, Project Veritas.

Voters in the Granite State are not required to present identification to vote. O’Keefe’s investigators were able to obtain ballots under the names of dead voters at polling locations Tuesday by simply asking for them, he said.

“Live free or die,” an election worker told one of the investigators in the video. “This is New Hampshire. No ID needed.”

Dead People Receive Ballots in NH Primary - YouTube

In an interview with TheDC on Wednesday, O’Keefe said the exposé shows how voter fraud can be easier to perpetrate when identification isn’t required.

“There is fraud going on and our goal is to visualize it for people,” he said

O’Keefe said he eventually plans to post full, unedited videos of the encounters. “It shows the integrity of the elections process is severely comprised,” the filmmaker said.

He said no laws were broken during the investigation and that his team members never claimed to be the dead people whose ballots they were trying to obtain. Instead, they carefully worded the way they asked for ballots, phrasing it like: “Do you have Earnest Chavanelle?” and “Do you have Paul Soucy?”

“We decided to go in there without using any false pretenses,” he said. “There’s no misrepresentation in these videos if you watch them — we didn’t lie about who we were.”

The investigators never actually voted when they were given ballots. Sting artists who received ballots would leave the voting precincts after saying they left their identification in the car.

“We were very careful about that,” he said.

The investigation worked this way: O’Keefe and his team obtained names of recently deceased New Hampshirites through published obituaries, and used publicly available voter roll information to find dead people still on the voting rolls.

With that information, O’Keefe’s investigators went to the polls on Tuesday and requested ballots in the names of the deceased.

Read more: Voter Fraud | Dead | New Hampshire | The Daily Caller
This practice needs to be stopped. I do not care which side does it they need charged with voter fraud.
The florida election of 2000 was stolen from the people.

The presidency was stolen by the republican party.

The courts decisions clearly show that.

Yet the right here will deny these cold hard court documented facts and CLING to the tape of a known liar and law breaker to pretend its the left who cheats.

You make terrible Americans
Still the idiot I see. Bush won in 2000 with more electoral votes than the econut gore, that is what elects the potus. The supreme court just upheld the law, but I know, libtards don't like upholding the law if it doesn't benefit them. Stop crying.
In Ohio, ID is now required. Up until this past November, however, voters had to sign a rollbook to get their ballot. The signature had to match the signature in the pollworker's book. On-the-spot forgery isn't easy.

But let's take a look at dead men voting where ID isn't required.

About half of those dead men would have voted the same was as the fraud vote. So only half of those fraud votes make a difference. Now what if someone from the other side is doing the same thing? And if one side's playing that game, someone from the other side is too.

Oh, and the ACORN thing? They did NOT commit VOTER fraud. It was VOTER REGISTRATION fraud. They signed up Mickey Mouse for crying out loud. The local elections board invalidated the registration. Again, this sort of thing happens on both sides of the fence, "volunteers" are sometimes paid for each person they register.

link to your proof please?
Well from all the replies i've seen so far,i've come to the conclusion Democrats do fully support Voter Fraud. Clearly,Voter ID requirements scare the Hell out of them. Why do they hate America and Democracy so much?
A follow up on one of the widows.

A grieving New Hampshire widow said she was stunned to learn her beloved husband’s identity was used for a political gotcha — just 10 days after his death.

“That’s awful,” Rachel Groux said. “Why should they use his name? They shouldn’t use anybody’s name — alive or deceased.”

Activist filmmaker James O’Keefe secretly recorded video showing his operative using Roger Groux’s name and address to obtain a Republican ballot at Manchester polls Tuesday. The U.S. Navy veteran died Dec. 31 at an assisted living home. His family held funeral services Monday, his widow said. “Oh my God, I know what he would say, ‘Call the cops, call the police,’ ” Rachel Groux said."
Another grieving family hurt by the bastard O'Keefe. I know personally of another grieving family, and I hope to hell the full wrath comes down on his sorry ass.
A follow up on one of the widows.

A grieving New Hampshire widow said she was stunned to learn her beloved husband’s identity was used for a political gotcha — just 10 days after his death.

“That’s awful,” Rachel Groux said. “Why should they use his name? They shouldn’t use anybody’s name — alive or deceased.”

Activist filmmaker James O’Keefe secretly recorded video showing his operative using Roger Groux’s name and address to obtain a Republican ballot at Manchester polls Tuesday. The U.S. Navy veteran died Dec. 31 at an assisted living home. His family held funeral services Monday, his widow said. “Oh my God, I know what he would say, ‘Call the cops, call the police,’ ” Rachel Groux said."
Another grieving family hurt by the bastard O'Keefe. I know personally of another grieving family, and I hope to hell the full wrath comes down on his sorry ass.

Talk about using & hurting people? Nice try at changing the subject. Stop it. Just stop.
A follow up on one of the widows.

A grieving New Hampshire widow said she was stunned to learn her beloved husband’s identity was used for a political gotcha — just 10 days after his death.

“That’s awful,” Rachel Groux said. “Why should they use his name? They shouldn’t use anybody’s name — alive or deceased.”

Activist filmmaker James O’Keefe secretly recorded video showing his operative using Roger Groux’s name and address to obtain a Republican ballot at Manchester polls Tuesday. The U.S. Navy veteran died Dec. 31 at an assisted living home. His family held funeral services Monday, his widow said. “Oh my God, I know what he would say, ‘Call the cops, call the police,’ ” Rachel Groux said."
Another grieving family hurt by the bastard O'Keefe. I know personally of another grieving family, and I hope to hell the full wrath comes down on his sorry ass.

sucks that he showed how easy it is to fraudulently vote, huh. Just blows the 'voter fraud never happens' libtard argument right out of the water.
A follow up on one of the widows.

A grieving New Hampshire widow said she was stunned to learn her beloved husband’s identity was used for a political gotcha — just 10 days after his death.

“That’s awful,” Rachel Groux said. “Why should they use his name? They shouldn’t use anybody’s name — alive or deceased.”

Activist filmmaker James O’Keefe secretly recorded video showing his operative using Roger Groux’s name and address to obtain a Republican ballot at Manchester polls Tuesday. The U.S. Navy veteran died Dec. 31 at an assisted living home. His family held funeral services Monday, his widow said. “Oh my God, I know what he would say, ‘Call the cops, call the police,’ ” Rachel Groux said."
Another grieving family hurt by the bastard O'Keefe. I know personally of another grieving family, and I hope to hell the full wrath comes down on his sorry ass.

sucks that he showed how easy it is to fraudulently vote, huh. Just blows the 'voter fraud never happens' libtard argument right out of the water.

Now they have to change the narratiive. So now they'll begin using these family members as props to deflect attention from the real issue. Democrats do fully embrace Voter Fraud. They're scared to death of Voter ID requirements. They really do hate America and Democracy.
You guys are totally fucked up -- you actually think this is a problem here in NH. It isn't

Yes, election officials should do a better job in purging the lists of those who are so recently dead they probably haven't even had a fucking funeral yet. To be sure.

How often do you think someone is willing to risk a felony conviction and imprisonment for one vote? You really think some are that dedicated to commit a felony to scour the obits for the opportunity to black out a single name on a single ballot, hoping all the while the poll worker doesn't recognize you as being the guy who died last week? Gimme a break.

This is NH, with many small towns, and lots of us know each other. I feel comfortable saying this is an extremely small problem, if at all.

The only one we know who committed a fraud here was O'Keefe and his gang.
A follow up on one of the widows.

A grieving New Hampshire widow said she was stunned to learn her beloved husband’s identity was used for a political gotcha — just 10 days after his death.

“That’s awful,” Rachel Groux said. “Why should they use his name? They shouldn’t use anybody’s name — alive or deceased.”

Activist filmmaker James O’Keefe secretly recorded video showing his operative using Roger Groux’s name and address to obtain a Republican ballot at Manchester polls Tuesday. The U.S. Navy veteran died Dec. 31 at an assisted living home. His family held funeral services Monday, his widow said. “Oh my God, I know what he would say, ‘Call the cops, call the police,’ ” Rachel Groux said."
Another grieving family hurt by the bastard O'Keefe. I know personally of another grieving family, and I hope to hell the full wrath comes down on his sorry ass.

sucks that he showed how easy it is to fraudulently vote, huh. Just blows the 'voter fraud never happens' libtard argument right out of the water.
You're right. Voter fraud happened. It was perpetrated by the bastard O'Keefe and his gang.

Put in a good word with his probation officer. Maybe it will help.
A follow up on one of the widows.

A grieving New Hampshire widow said she was stunned to learn her beloved husband’s identity was used for a political gotcha — just 10 days after his death.

“That’s awful,” Rachel Groux said. “Why should they use his name? They shouldn’t use anybody’s name — alive or deceased.”

Activist filmmaker James O’Keefe secretly recorded video showing his operative using Roger Groux’s name and address to obtain a Republican ballot at Manchester polls Tuesday. The U.S. Navy veteran died Dec. 31 at an assisted living home. His family held funeral services Monday, his widow said. “Oh my God, I know what he would say, ‘Call the cops, call the police,’ ” Rachel Groux said."
Another grieving family hurt by the bastard O'Keefe. I know personally of another grieving family, and I hope to hell the full wrath comes down on his sorry ass.

sucks that he showed how easy it is to fraudulently vote, huh. Just blows the 'voter fraud never happens' libtard argument right out of the water.
You're right. Voter fraud happened. It was perpetrated by the bastard O'Keefe and his gang.

Put in a good word with his probation officer. Maybe it will help.

did he actually VOTE?


sucks that he showed how easy it is to fraudulently vote, huh. Just blows the 'voter fraud never happens' libtard argument right out of the water.
You're right. Voter fraud happened. It was perpetrated by the bastard O'Keefe and his gang.

Put in a good word with his probation officer. Maybe it will help.

did he actually VOTE?

Wow. You really are brain damaged.

O'Keefe committed fraud. I showed you the law earlier.

Really pisses you off your right wing heroes have to commit fraud to show there was a fraud committed, doesn't it?

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