DEAD MAN VOTING: Shocking Video From New Hampshire...

You're right. Voter fraud happened. It was perpetrated by the bastard O'Keefe and his gang.

Put in a good word with his probation officer. Maybe it will help.

did he actually VOTE?

Wow. You really are brain damaged.

O'Keefe committed fraud. I showed you the law earlier.

Really pisses you off your right wing heroes have to commit fraud to show there was a fraud committed, doesn't it?

Electoral Fraud Law & Legal Definition
Electoral fraud refers to is illegal interference with the process of an election. The definition of the term varies from country to country. Generally it includes illegal voter registration, intimidation at polls and improper vote counting. Even though technically the term 'electoral fraud' covers only illegal acts, the term is also used to describe acts morally unacceptable, outside the spirit of electoral laws or in violation of the principles of democracy.

Electoral fraud is also termed voter fraud.
none of those were done in this video. You're a moron and a partisan hack.
Bush won the 2000 elelction by 500 some votes.

Thousands of mostly democratic voters had their rights to vote restored by the courts after the 2000 election.

They had been wrongly stripped of their right to vote in 2000.

If they had been allowed to vote like they should have been under the federal laws then Gore would have gone to Washington.

Do you have a link?

All I found was this: 2,430 were judged not to be convicted felons. If this is a legitimate problem then why was Al Gore not awarded the presidency? Because he gave up the fight to soon?

I feel if an election involving an incumbent is that close that we need a change.
did he actually VOTE?

Wow. You really are brain damaged.

O'Keefe committed fraud. I showed you the law earlier.

Really pisses you off your right wing heroes have to commit fraud to show there was a fraud committed, doesn't it?

Electoral Fraud Law & Legal Definition
Electoral fraud refers to is illegal interference with the process of an election. The definition of the term varies from country to country. Generally it includes illegal voter registration, intimidation at polls and improper vote counting. Even though technically the term 'electoral fraud' covers only illegal acts, the term is also used to describe acts morally unacceptable, outside the spirit of electoral laws or in violation of the principles of democracy.

Electoral fraud is also termed voter fraud.
none of those were done in this video. You're a moron and a partisan hack.
The simple act of procuring a ballot under false pretenses is clearly illegal.
42 USC § 1973GG–10. CRIMINAL PENALTIES relevant parts being section (2)(b)):
A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office- knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by—
(A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or
(B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,
shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
United States Code: Title 42,1973gg–10. Criminal penalties | LII / Legal Information Institute

That's Federal Law. Nevermind NH law, which it appears he violated as well.
Wow. You really are brain damaged.

O'Keefe committed fraud. I showed you the law earlier.

Really pisses you off your right wing heroes have to commit fraud to show there was a fraud committed, doesn't it?

Electoral Fraud Law & Legal Definition
Electoral fraud refers to is illegal interference with the process of an election. The definition of the term varies from country to country. Generally it includes illegal voter registration, intimidation at polls and improper vote counting. Even though technically the term 'electoral fraud' covers only illegal acts, the term is also used to describe acts morally unacceptable, outside the spirit of electoral laws or in violation of the principles of democracy.

Electoral fraud is also termed voter fraud.
none of those were done in this video. You're a moron and a partisan hack.
The simple act of procuring a ballot under false pretenses is clearly illegal.
42 USC § 1973GG–10. CRIMINAL PENALTIES relevant parts being section (2)(b)):
A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office- knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by—
(A) the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or
(B) the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,
shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
United States Code: Title 42,1973gg–10. Criminal penalties | LII / Legal Information Institute

That's Federal Law. Nevermind NH law, which it appears he violated as well.

it is not 'voter fraud', which was your contention. Was it illegal? Possibly. Was it 'voter fraud', no... not by the accepted definition of 'voter fraud'.

Show me the text of the law you cite that calls it 'voter fraud'.
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Liberal weenies on this board cry to high heaven when anyone accuses ACORN of having committed VOTER FRAUD, saying "it was voter registration fraud... they did not cast any false ballots, so no voter fraud!"

There were no actual attempts to vote in this case either, yet somehow... it's just different and it's voter fraud.

So trying something and failing doesn't make it a crime?

there were no attempts to vote in this case. so, no voter fraud.

I walk in a Bank..flash a gun to a teller...Give me all your money.
Hand it back....thank you.

Just wanted to see if I could do it.

Crime or no crime?

in your example, handing you the money would be the equivalent of actually voting.

If she handed you the money, you're committing a crime, regardless of whether or not you immediately give it back to her.

When you vote, you can't go up and say 'can I take my vote back please?' Doesn't work that way.

You analogy is flawed. Try again.
Thing is I am in favor of ID's.
I've lived in 3 states. Works the same place everywhere I have lived as it appears in this video as far as the "check in."
I just think the video is disingenous and I don't favor hacks on either side of the political spectrum.
For the record, I have no problem with voter ID laws, if those who cannot afford them are supplied such by the state.

all the voter ID laws being discussed on this board include the provision of a free voting ID when requested, the ability to vote provisionally if you do not have the id, and the ability to vote provisionally even if you're not on the rolls. In the latter two cases, the same process to verify the votes as legitimate must be followed now, as has been in force for some time.
I think you're splitting hairs now.

hardly. There was no intention to ever actually VOTE in this case. There were no actual votes made in this case.

I have already stated that there could be a problem with the simple procurement of ballots, but that does not constitute 'voter fraud'. The definition of 'voter fraud' is very clear, and I posted it earlier. The law cited by paper does NOT call what happened here 'voter fraud'.

If ACORN was not guilty of 'voter fraud' because no votes were actually cast by ACORN, then how is this 'voter fraud' when no votes were actually cast?

It isn't. Unless of course one is a partisan hack and wants to apply different rules to the opposition.

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