Deal With People Who Ignore Science Facts

Here's the thing about science, the speed of light has been the same in a vacuum through countless tests and has never failed.

You have 2 experiment on "Ocean acidfication" and had 2 totally different results, that means your theory FAILS
This Is Probably The Funniest, Most Effective Way To Deal With People Who Ignore Science Facts Ever

There are members of Congress in both parties who don't understand or accept basic science concepts. This hilarious video is dedicated to them.
More than just funny, its an excellent idea.

One question, when are you going to start accepting the facts that there is no evidence that supports most of your absurd positions? Until you do that, you have no business criticizing other people for ignoring them.
Now that I watched the first few seconds of the video, and found something that science categorically says is not true, I want to ask my previous question of the makers of the absurd video.
Can we rename this the little wackadoodle forum since most of the people who post in it ignore all the evidence?
these jokers who wrote this article probably can't deal with anyone...they have their uppity know it all heads so far up their ass...

now you aren't ALLOWED your own opinion ON SCIENCE...dear gawd some people are insufferable...kinda like the
This Is Probably The Funniest, Most Effective Way To Deal With People Who Ignore Science Facts Ever

There are members of Congress in both parties who don't understand or accept basic science concepts. This hilarious video is dedicated to them.

More than just funny, its an excellent idea.

But this is even funnier.........nobody cares about the science!!!:2up::eusa_dance::2up:

Global surveys show environmental concerns rank low among public concerns

Which means climate legislation isn't happening. Which means going green remains a progressive k00k fantasy!!!

Which means the denier contingent is...........

I feel the same goddamn way about people that ignore crime stats.

these people from the global warming cult is becoming like Hitler and are fascist...they need to squash any other opinions on it wonder some people here love them so
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This Is Probably The Funniest, Most Effective Way To Deal With People Who Ignore Science Facts Ever

There are members of Congress in both parties who don't understand or accept basic science concepts. This hilarious video is dedicated to them.

More than just funny, its an excellent idea.

Many ignorant folks attribute accuracy to anything associated with science.

Scientists are simply people....with all the accompanying foibles.

1. Almost synonymous with 'the Progressive Era' is the idea that science was the basis for the ideas behind it. The impetus for the scientific views was the huge European immigration, especially the shift from Northern and Western Europeans, to Southern and Eastern Europeans. Unhappiness with the way these new waves looked, or behaved, scientists leapt to explain how inferior they were! For same, came the efficient manner of dealing with these problems. The start was the accumulation of data on crime rates, disease rates, mental test scores, school performance.

a. What to do with these 'facts'?
For progressives and liberals, "theirs was the vision of the anointed as surrogate decision- makers....[including] an expanded role for government and an expanded role for judges to re-interpret the Constitution so as to loosen the restrictions on the powers of government."
Sowell, "Intellectuals and Race," p. 26.

2. So....where did our Progressives take us? Eugenics, the attempts to prevent the breeding by the wrong kind of people, "the multiplication of the unfit, the production of a horde of unwanted souls."
From "The Control of Births," The New Republic, March 6, 1915.
Why I love this forum?

Its like hanging with the real social oddballs who say shit like, "Hey.....I scored with her last night!!!".....and you come to find out the chick said "hello" to them!!........and you get to laugh your balls off!!! EVERY DAY!!!:D:D:D:D:badgrin:
No, no, I kinda agree with the OP. We could expand it to government programs, too.

Oh, wait, we already did.

Or you could just do like Wry Catcher and Old Rocks did in this thread: Blame victims of weather phenomena for not voting Democrat -- because that would have prevented the bad weather.
Or you could just do like Wry Catcher and Old Rocks did in this thread: Blame victims of weather phenomena for not voting Democrat -- because that would have prevented the bad weather.

OK, asshole, here is what I said in that thread;

Even on a worldwide scale, the climatic events of the last twelve months are within scope of a cluster of stronger than normal events caused by the strong La Nina. Barely.

By 2025, if we continue to see more of these types of events, we may be able to look back and say this was the beginning of the change. For sure, we know that the Arctic is already undergoing major changes. As are the alpine areas of the world. We are creating a very interesting future for our descendents. I doubt they will appreciate it.

You are a baldfaced liar, Dave.

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