Dear Conservatives for Mr. Trump:

When you get this many Americans pissed off, anything can happen.

The Northern Working Man has finally realized that the Democrats have been screwing him for decades.

The Evangelicals spit when they hear Obama's name...and insist they ain't looking for a preacher this time around.

And the Scots-Irish boys haven't been this pissed at the oppressive Central Power since The Bannock Burn.

All voting for Trump....because if Sanity is what we've been getting out of Washington, D. C. for 7 to 8 years ...then its time to try Crazy.

Well, it’s an answer I suppose. I’m more interested in why Conservatives (with one of their own 100 delegates behind) are supporting this “crazy” who believes in nothing they believe in.

But hey, thanks for the answer. I bet that didn’t hurt a bit. :2up:

O.k. You are a Cruz supporter who can't understand why with this revolution against the Crooks and Pussies in Washington isn't going to your man's way.

Cruz is the purest conservative; he has done exactly what he said he would do; he is very intelligent; he is, on principal, the candidate I most admire.

Some people stop at principal....and I have often been one....but the chief project in these grave & critical times is to keep that pathological liar, influence-peddling, avaricious, incompetent, unhealthy cow---Hillary Clinton--out of the white House, and get her to the Big House, instead.

To me, right looks like that's Trump over Cruz....Cruz can't expand beyond the conservatives...Trump can get Working Class Democrats in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania.

Sometimes you go with your heart...sometimes you go with your head.

Would love to see the Circus it will be with a Trump v. Clinton match. If Trump is as shrewd as I suspect he is---he will eat her alive.

And then he can make Cruz Attorney General to clean up the cesspool of a Justice Department Holder/Obama are leaving behind...and maybe get Hillery in an Orange Jump Suit.....or at least wearing an Police Issued Ankle Bracelet.
Is pro life: What is wrong with that? I'm confused...

Is pro Planned Parenthood: It does provide health services to women, services other than abortion. Mr. Trump made it clear that he opposes irresponsible abortion while supporting investment on women's health.

Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy: You mean lower taxes for business and higher for the hedge fund guys?

Mocks Christianity: How?

Financial backer to the Clintons: So what? As a successful businessman, he had every reason to get along with both parties. Besides, it gives him a starting point for bipartisan efforts in the future.
Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March 2016 supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?

He cuts out all the wedge issues dumbasses like you build your General election attacks on.

Hillary is a buffoon, and without these wedge issues, her goose is cooked.

No stupid assed War-on-Women. No "Theocracy" bullshit.

And your question encapsulates your fears so succinctly, it's like a little Christmas present.

What is Hillary going to run on? Her record? :lol::lol::lol:

That's rich.
Any time a conservative gets a reminder about a candidate from a leftie it ain't about friendly advice, it's because lefties are desperate. Trump isn't the chosen candidate yet but he as articulated his position so well and illustrated his determination to engage in a strong campaign unlike the timid (non)campaigns of Dole and McCain. I wonder what "normal" democrats would have thought a couple of years ago before the democrat party was hijacked by crazies like an old commie or the abused angry (and psychotic?) wife of a former president.
not going to argue point by point with you . You see what I types and that's enough of a response from me . Reread my post to see my reasoning if you like Luddley !!

Because you know what I wrote is true, you refuse to respond.

Just like Trumpery.

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Serious question... If someone had told you back then that you'd be spending your Sunday (and every day) in March to denounce someone like that... would you have believed them?
So, in other words, you won't answer the question, right?
Bossy never does.
He will instead spend the rest of the thread typing gargantuan heaps of rationalization.
Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March 2016 supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?

You have an excellent point.

Trumpery has also said he's in favor of women's right to choose, universal health care and marriage equality. His tax plan would actually raise taxes on the working and poor classes and slash taxes on his 1% cronies.

I suspect RWs are so enamored with his racism, name calling and hate speech, they don't hear anything else. They also know that every word he says is untrue.

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When you get this many Americans pissed off, anything can happen.

The Northern Working Man has finally realized that the Democrats have been screwing him for decades.

The Evangelicals spit when they hear Obama's name...and insist they ain't looking for a preacher this time around.

And the Scots-Irish boys haven't been this pissed at the oppressive and corrupt Central Power since Bannock Burn.

All voting for Trump....because if Sanity is what we've been getting out of Washington, D. C. for 7 to 8 years ...then its time to try Crazy.
The northern working man WTF?
Trick question. Conservatives aren't backing trump
------------------------ might be true , I have heard Trump described as a nationalist which seems very conservative to me . As example I also hear jebito , roobio , Kasich describe themselves as Conservative but to me none that I mention is Conservative Avatar .
Trick question. Conservatives aren't backing trump

Thanks to RWNJs (like you) conservatives don't have the power to stop him. They just loved the beginning of this massive hate group - the tee potty. But their evil spawn got away from them and now it will try to kill the country.

I said last night and I'll say it again. As horrific as Trumpery and his vile followers are, the republic has survived worse and will survive this.

Like it or not, he and his supporters will not succeed in ending the US Constitution.

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The people supporting Trump are painfully desperate and paranoid.
There is no other logical reason why they are blind to the obvious fraud that is their candidate.
It's good to see not all conservatives are ignorant enough to be taken in .
Serious question though, 12 months ago when people started announcing their candidacy for President ….if someone had told you that you’d be spending your Sunday in March 2016 supporting the GOP nominee who

*Is Pro Life

*Is Pro Planned Parenthood
*Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy
*Mocks Christianity
*And was a major financial backer to the Clintons both privately and in their campaigns….

Would you have believed them?

Trump has almost as many different positions as your queen bitch Hillary. :lol:
There aren't all that many Conservatives around anymore.
Most people are Blue Dog Democrats and Independents.

You can say that again….funny how they all disappeared in 9 months.

I guess the “conservative movement” is dead

Your question is misleading.
He said he would cut off funding to PP as long as they perform abortions and he doesn't mock Christianity.
You call it a serious question, then load it up with deceptive rhetoric. You're simply trolling.

You honestly believe the Bible is his favorite book?
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When you get this many Americans pissed off, anything can happen.

The Northern Working Man has finally realized that the Democrats have been screwing him for decades.

The Evangelicals spit when they hear Obama's name...and insist they ain't looking for a preacher this time around.

And the Scots-Irish boys haven't been this pissed at the oppressive Central Power since The Bannock Burn.

All voting for Trump....because if Sanity is what we've been getting out of Washington, D. C. for 7 to 8 years ...then its time to try Crazy.

Well, it’s an answer I suppose. I’m more interested in why Conservatives (with one of their own 100 delegates behind) are supporting this “crazy” who believes in nothing they believe in.

But hey, thanks for the answer. I bet that didn’t hurt a bit. :2up:
I am unsure what your definition of a "conservative" is.

That makes 2 of us buddy
Is pro life: What is wrong with that? I'm confused...

Is pro Planned Parenthood: It does provide health services to women, services other than abortion. Mr. Trump made it clear that he opposes irresponsible abortion while supporting investment on women's health.

Wants to raise taxes on the wealthy: You mean lower taxes for business and higher for the hedge fund guys?

Mocks Christianity: How?

Financial backer to the Clintons: So what? As a successful businessman, he had every reason to get along with both parties. Besides, it gives him a starting point for bipartisan efforts in the future.

Given there were 17 candidates....the one still standing is on the opposite side of where most Repubs found themselves in 2015.
When you get this many Americans pissed off, anything can happen.

The Northern Working Man has finally realized that the Democrats have been screwing him for decades.

The Evangelicals spit when they hear Obama's name...and insist they ain't looking for a preacher this time around.

And the Scots-Irish boys haven't been this pissed at the oppressive Central Power since The Bannock Burn.

All voting for Trump....because if Sanity is what we've been getting out of Washington, D. C. for 7 to 8 years ...then its time to try Crazy.

Well, it’s an answer I suppose. I’m more interested in why Conservatives (with one of their own 100 delegates behind) are supporting this “crazy” who believes in nothing they believe in.

But hey, thanks for the answer. I bet that didn’t hurt a bit. :2up:

:desk: I have an answer! ~~ I believe this election might not be about what you "believe in" and more about how they're tired of the "believers" in general. Government has become a Plutocracy and the only remedy is to elect and outside reformer to fix the things that need to be fixed. Now, you may not like my answer and that is understandable. The days of believing in bullshit politicians who talk out of both sides of their mouths as they vote themselves another pay raise and laugh about how stupid we are... they are 'bout to get a rude awakening. This is a political movement. .

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