dear leader-and the quiet impact of OBama's Christians faith.

“The essence of what is right about Christianity is embedded here,” he said of the families, according to notes taken during the meeting.

As Obama saw it, the parishioners and their families met the most demanding teachings of Christ. “They welcomed the stranger,” he said in the Oval Office meeting. “They forgave the worst violence.”

You RWNJ traitors could learn a lot from those people. They, like President Obama and his family, are REAL Christians - something you haters know nothing about.
You know, most of the people who are on here attacking Obama's faith would be livid if someone claimed that they weren't "real Christians" .

Me? If someone says that they hold a certain belief set, I believe them, because I don't live in their head. You have the right to hold any belief system that you want to, just don't try to force those beliefs on me, and I won't force my beliefs on you and we can get along just fine.

Me? I'm more of a spiritualist with Taoist roots, and the funny thing was, that on my last ship, they paired me up in a stateroom with the ship's chaplain, who also happened to be an Evangelical preacher. They took bets on how long we would be able to stand each other, with most thinking that we'd be at each others throats in 6 months. I told Arthur to bet on the day that he was to transfer. Guess what? He walked off of the ship with almost 500 bucks 18 months later.

I don't question a person's belief system. I take them at their word until they prove me wrong, and I have yet to see where Obama is a Muslim or hates Christians. That's just a bunch of b.s. designed to scare the small minded.

You know, most of the people who are on here attacking Obama's faith would be livid if someone claimed that they weren't "real Christians" .

We see it here every day - people who do not follow the teachings of Jesus and hate those who do.

The quote about the shooting at the church says it exactly:

“The essence of what is right about Christianity is embedded here,” he said of the families, according to notes taken during the meeting.

As Obama saw it, the parishioners and their families met the most demanding teachings of Christ. “They welcomed the stranger,” he said in the Oval Office meeting. “They forgave the worst violence.”

Those are true Christians.

There is no doubt that if Jesus were to come to us today, ^^ those ^^ people would, at the very least, demand he take a bath, cut his hair and get a job. More likely, they would stone him to death.

But ... The reason I care is that they want their sickness forced on the rest of us. A bunch of them came to my door this past weekend. If they kept it to themselves, who would care. But they don't.
Snarling BRAINWASHED racist bigot ugly American GOPers are hardly christians at all...change the channel.
LOL Obungles is no Christian

And neither is skankyirishass. LOL!

You sound like someone else, do you have multiple accounts? You and your little friends are getting annoying, why don't you grow up and then comment? You're not impressing anyone and you look like a middle school child

Everyone is a sock to Skanky. I wonder why you're so paranoid?

You heard me, now you may pound sand also. You are unable to lose your syntax and your best bet is to shush

Pound sand? Boy, that sounds like someone else.

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