Dear Leader Pretending To Stand Up To China?

America should dredge an island next to the others, and set up a gay dance club and resort, with nude beaches, and big neon signs showing gay sex scenes. Also the planes that arrive should be covered in erotic nude art.
America should dredge an island next to the others, and set up a gay dance club and resort, with nude beaches, and big neon signs showing gay sex scenes. Also the planes that arrive should be covered in erotic nude art.

China's sneaky way of extending their maritime nautical limit...

Lighthouses pose sovereignty issue
Mon, Oct 19, 2015 - PLOY FOR LEGITIMACY: Beijing built a pair of giant lighthouses on the artificial islands in the South China Sea in a move to legitimize its claims of sovereignty
The next time the US sends warships by China’s artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea, officers aboard would have to decide how, if at all, they would engage with a pair of giant lighthouses that Beijing lit up there this month.Chinese officials say the lighthouses on Cuarteron Reef (Huayang) and Johnson South Reef (Chigua Reef) in the disputed Spratly Islands (Nansha Islands) would help maritime search and rescue, navigational security and disaster relief. However, experts, diplomats and foreign naval officers say the lighthouses represent a shrewd move to help buttress China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. While the US and other navies mostly rely on electronic instruments to confirm their ships’ positions, visual fixes from lighthouses are still used in certain conditions.

Any such moves would play into a strategy “geared to bolstering China’s claims by forcing other countries to effectively recognize Chinese sovereignty by their actions,” said Ian Storey, a South China Sea expert at Singapore’s Institute of South East Asian Studies. “If naval and other ships from other countries, including the US would be obliged to use and log them, it could be taken as de facto recognition of China’s sovereignty,” Storey said. US officials have not confirmed or denied reports that the US Navy is to conduct freedom-of-navigation operations within 12 nautical miles (22.2km) of the artificial islands. Asked about those reports on Tuesday, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said the US would sail or fly wherever international law allows. Reports last week quoted unnamed US officials who said that the operations could take place “within days” and that they were waiting for authorization from US President Barack Obama.

China claims most of the South China Sea, which links the Indian and Pacific Oceans. About US$5 trillion in shipborne trade passes through its strategic sea lanes every year. References to the lighthouses are likely to find their way into international shipping charts and registers, and the logbooks of foreign navies. That would help China to potentially build a long-term legal picture of effective occupation, despite any formal diplomatic objections of rival claimants. The lighthouses reinforce Beijing’s continued strategy of gradually “changing the facts on the water,” Storey said. China has extensively reclaimed seven islets and atolls in the Spratlys over the past two years. The runways and other facilities China is building on them have alarmed the US and its partners in the region, who say they could be used for military purposes.

China's sneaky way of extending their maritime nautical limit...

Lighthouses pose sovereignty issue
Mon, Oct 19, 2015 - PLOY FOR LEGITIMACY: Beijing built a pair of giant lighthouses on the artificial islands in the South China Sea in a move to legitimize its claims of sovereignty
The next time the US sends warships by China’s artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea, officers aboard would have to decide how, if at all, they would engage with a pair of giant lighthouses that Beijing lit up there this month.Chinese officials say the lighthouses on Cuarteron Reef (Huayang) and Johnson South Reef (Chigua Reef) in the disputed Spratly Islands (Nansha Islands) would help maritime search and rescue, navigational security and disaster relief. However, experts, diplomats and foreign naval officers say the lighthouses represent a shrewd move to help buttress China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea. While the US and other navies mostly rely on electronic instruments to confirm their ships’ positions, visual fixes from lighthouses are still used in certain conditions.

Any such moves would play into a strategy “geared to bolstering China’s claims by forcing other countries to effectively recognize Chinese sovereignty by their actions,” said Ian Storey, a South China Sea expert at Singapore’s Institute of South East Asian Studies. “If naval and other ships from other countries, including the US would be obliged to use and log them, it could be taken as de facto recognition of China’s sovereignty,” Storey said. US officials have not confirmed or denied reports that the US Navy is to conduct freedom-of-navigation operations within 12 nautical miles (22.2km) of the artificial islands. Asked about those reports on Tuesday, US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter said the US would sail or fly wherever international law allows. Reports last week quoted unnamed US officials who said that the operations could take place “within days” and that they were waiting for authorization from US President Barack Obama.

China claims most of the South China Sea, which links the Indian and Pacific Oceans. About US$5 trillion in shipborne trade passes through its strategic sea lanes every year. References to the lighthouses are likely to find their way into international shipping charts and registers, and the logbooks of foreign navies. That would help China to potentially build a long-term legal picture of effective occupation, despite any formal diplomatic objections of rival claimants. The lighthouses reinforce Beijing’s continued strategy of gradually “changing the facts on the water,” Storey said. China has extensively reclaimed seven islets and atolls in the Spratlys over the past two years. The runways and other facilities China is building on them have alarmed the US and its partners in the region, who say they could be used for military purposes.

I expect obama will offer to donate the Statue of Liberty to the Chinese to use as one of their new lighthouses. Why not? He's surrendering to everyone else.

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