Dear Mods....

Evidently, I need to slightly curb my late-night surfing habits...


And she's a Brit!
So, kids - what did we learn?

Be careful that a parasite does not eat your tounge and eventually take its place.

It could be worse, cabbie. I'm getting ads for alzheimer's and old age spots.

Damn. Why can't I get some nice porn, instead?
Sweet mother of God! Why would this ad be targeting me???


I'm interested in spending money on PARASITES???

I believe in divine providence which means nothing happens by chance. Perhaps it is meant to get your attention, Cabbie. If a photo bothers you this much..........
Sweet mother of God! Why would this ad be targeting me???


I'm interested in spending money on PARASITES???

I believe in divine providence which means nothing happens by chance. Perhaps it is meant to get your attention, Cabbie. If a photo bothers you this much..........

I believe in the inescapable disorder of uncertanty. As much as we wish for stability and a master plain, the very fabric of our existence is founded upon complete, empirical randomness
I was apart of a message board with ads and then there was one ad that was about teen sex, and I asked in the public site error thread why does this thread have ads for teen sex, and they told me the ads are based on what you look at on your internet computer. I was like Oh, SHIT!
I don't think I like these new adds inserted into messages like this....not at all :(
I'm jealous. I never get any ads. No oral parasites, no porn, no nuthin'.

I may have to disable my adblock.

I was apart of a message board with ads and then there was one ad that was about teen sex, and I asked in the public site error thread why does this thread have ads for teen sex, and they told me the ads are based on what you look at on your internet computer. I was like Oh, SHIT!

It's okay Judicial review - Just make sure your mommy never checks your history ...

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